I Quit Being The Villain

Chapter 64 The New Protagonist Appears!?

Right around the time Gu Xia was about to freely speak about the heroines ending to the heroines themselves...

Somewhere in an unknown location where a large mountain stood high and strong.

On the grass surface that held a small garden with crops and a small wooden home just 10 feet away.

An old man who had long white hair and beard which matched his sharp eyes, and also was wearing a snow colored robe around his aging body was currently meditating on the edge of the mountain.

With the sun shining down on his wrinkly skin and his breathing completely steady he channeled his Qi around his body.

A small blue light began to shine through his skin causing a light glow to wrap outside his body.

With a single breath, multiple needles which were resting on a simple rag began to float upward.

The sharp ancient medical tools started to rotate around his head in a nice rhythm.


With one word escaping his mouth, the needles stopped in place and aimed toward the top of his head.

A second later... All the needles shot forward and pierced into his skin.

The old man didn't scream out in pain or show any discomfort on his aging face.

Quite the opposite, a small satisfied smile made an appearance.

The blue light stopped glowing and instantly disappeared.

Opening his eyes, he sighed in relief that he didn't cough up blood.

Like the other times...

"Finally... After 150 years, I'm able to cure ataxia without causing mental damage."

Standing up and wiping the small dirt particles that rested on his snow colored robe, he turned his direction of focus.

His eyes wandered over to the small wooden house he proudly called home for the past 60 years.

"Wu Kuang! It's time for me to check your current progress!"

His raspy voice resounded through out the air.

Within a single breath, the door that led into the wooden home was pushed open and out came a young handsome male who walked calmly with confidence radiating around him.

He wore a pitch black robe that had golden lines going down the arms which matched the color of his eyes.

He had long silver hair that fell down his well toned back.

His body was in peak condition.

"I greet the master."

Wu Kuang bowed his head and crossed his arms to show respect.

The old man with an indifferent expression nodded his head once.

"Raise your head."

Listening, Wu Kuang raised his head and waited patiently for his master to open his mouth.

Seeing that his disciple wasn't going to say anything and continue to be mute, waiting for him to speak.

The old man's expression changed to that of a satisfied smile.

"Good! You passed my first test!"

He congratulated his disciple while stroking his white beard.

What was this test?

The test was.... Respect.

The old man had taught Wu Kuang to show respect to those who have done something to earn it or if they were in a respectable position of power.

You want allies not enemies!

So... Show respect to everybody and they will likely show respect back!

At first when the old man adopted Wu Kuang and discovered his talent for ancient medical arts he spoiled the boy everyday.

Because of this... Wu Kuang became arrogant and spoiled.

So, the old man needed to train his disciple about respect and how to act.

And it seemed to have paid off, as Wu Kuang was very polite without showing any weakness.

"Good, now show me how many needles you can hold."

The old man ordered.

"At once master."

Wu Kuang sat on the grass and crossed his legs.

He closed his eyes and took a deep exhale and breathed to calm his body in order for his Qi to flow inside his body better.

A couple seconds later, a golden light shined through his smooth white skin.

The needles which the old man was using earlier began rising from off the rag and upward.

The ancient sharp medical objects made their way over to Wu Kuang where they then floated around his head.

The old man's eyes widened, disbelief was present in his pupils.

"I-Impossible... You can hold all 10 of them... It took me 40 years."

Hearing his master's muttered words, Wu Kuang showed a calm expression as he opened his eyes.

"Master, thanks to your guidance I'm able to now hold all 10 needles! Before my Qi became exhausted fairly quickly, but now! I can hold all of them for an hour!"

"I see... You really are a medical genius..."

The old man laughed, pride surrounded his presence as he gazed at his disciple.

"Shall we move onto the test?"

He ushered, hardly suppressing the excitement showing on his face.

"Of course, master."

Wu Kuang stood up in grace then followed his master who had already begun walking toward an unknown location.

After reaching a path which led down the mountain, he couldn't help but feel curious on where he was being taken.

"Master, please excuse my words... But where are you taking me?"

The old man kept walking as he answered.

"You'll see when we arrive."

Receiving a not so helpful response, Wu Kuang shrugged his shoulders and kept following his master.

With each passing minute that swiftly passed which then led to 30 minutes, they finally arrived at their destination.

The old man halted his walking and looked forward to the giant cave.

"We have arrived."

He softly said.

Wu Kuang also halted his movement and looked over at his master.

"Master, what is my second test?"

The old man turned around, facing his prized disciple and pointed toward the cave.

"Inside that cave holds a lake that is infested with golden spirits who are the essence of healing. Win their approval... That is your second test."

Wu Kuang cupped his hands together and slightly bowed his head.

"At once, master!"

With these final words leaving his mouth, he made his way inside the cave leaving his master behind.

Once he fully entered in, he could only make out pitch black darkness.

No light was present.

"Damn, it's dark in here..."

He muttered to himself.

The sound of water dropping onto the solid rock floor echoed throughout the darkness.

Occasionally, different animal-like voices were heard.

But they didn't warrant a threat.

The deeper he went into the cave the colder it got.

At some point, Wu Kuang had no choice but to hug himself... To give himself warmth from his flesh.

"W-Why is it so cold...?"

He asked himself while his body slightly shivered.

Eventually he saw a dim golden light shining ahead of his view.

Seeing light, he didn't want to wait and instead took off toward the direction.

Thanks to his cultivation, he arrived at the source of light in a matter of seconds.

"A flower?"

Wu Kuang tilted his head, confusion took over his mind like the plague.

"Well, it shouldn't be a problem if I use it for a light source? Right?"

He questioned himself, but eventually decided to take it and use it like a lantern.

When he grabbed the golden flower he was very careful and treated it with caution.

Now, having a light source was helpful as he now began walking forward, this time with the lightness assisting his eyes.

If you're wondering why he wasn't using his Qi to see through the dark... Well...

Wu Kuang has never trained in anything else besides medical arts...

Yep, he was the protagonist of [Medical Genius].

Simple summary of his novel:

Wu Kuang was an orphan who was adopted by an old man who was a master at medical arts.

And by chance, Wu Kuang had a special talent for medical arts.

He was trained on top of a mountain for his entire 23-years of life where he eventually heads down the mountain and spreads his influence and shocks everyone with his medical achievements.

On his small journey he makes allies with important figures and of course…

Gain's a harem...

But, now that he isn't in his OWN novel world but a new novel world.

The heroines from his novel world don't exist here.

Meaning his Protagonist Halo will lead him to the current heroines, Shu Ling, Xu Ruo, Lin Yen, Yen Ying, Ai Yao, Ling Shui. Chang Wen, Sun Chang, Chu Qing, Li Min, Gu Xiang, and Ning Meng.

This meant that encounters were bound to happen at some point.

Wu Kuang who had been walking for over an hour suddenly reached a giant clear clean lake.

His eyes widened as he saw all the small golden spirits floating around.

"So beautiful..."

He commented under his breath, he started to become excited in an innocent way as he looked around like a young boy running around an arcade.

Shaking his head he lightly slapped himself in the face.

"I need to focus..."

Taking a deep breath and calming his emotions, he stripped off his robe.

Being completely nude, exposing his fit figure.

He made his way into the lake where he was instantly met with a golden spirit.

"H-Hello... Sorry for intruding..."

Wu Kuang awkwardly said.

Suddenly he heard a small quiet peaceful voice enter his right ear.

"We will give you approval to hold our supreme healing power... But you must promise to avoid that demon Gu Xia... At all costs..."


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