I Quit Being The Villain

Chapter 49 Collecting Maid's Like Pokémon!

In a flash, Ling Shui dashed toward Gu Xia and wrapped her hands around his back.

She stuffed her tearful face into his chest and began silently crying.

"Th-Thank you, th-thank you, thank you, thank you-."

She kept giving her gratitude over and over.

Ignoring the snot that was sticking to his suit, Gu Xia patted her head.

"Don't worry about it, at the end of the day you're my private property and I make sure my private property is perfect."

He showed a small smile.

If the heroines knew his true feelings and thoughts they would have surely ran for the hills...

Gu Xia didn't cure Ling Shui for herself or out of kindness.

He did it for himself so she could be a better maid that could serve him properly.

Also, he needed to make sure these heroines would become absolutely loyal to him.

He couldn't just act like a tyrant all the time, he needed to show a little love as well.

Though, the "private property" caught the attention of all the heroines present.

"What do you mean by private property? Do you know who I am!?"

Sun Chang spoke in a hottie voice.

Being dumbfounded, Gu Xia walked over to Sun Chang and slapped her across the face.

"Stupid dumb spoiled rich bitch!"

His words seemed to have caused more damage than the slap...

Because Sun Chang ignored the red handprint on her left cheek and instead began fuming.

"H-How dare you call me a bitch! I am from the Sun fa-"

Gu Xia interrupted her by slapping her across the face once again.

"God damn... I knew you were stupid, but this is just sad."

He muttered under his breath.

It seemed that Sun Chang heard his quiet words because a second later veins appeared on her forehead.

"Y-You bastard, do you know who my fath-"

Gu Xia for the third time slapped her across the face.

"Oh my fucking god, one more word out of you and I'll r*pe you in front of your father!"

His eyes sharpened, he stared into Sun Chang's eyes with a serious expression plastered on his face.

This seemed to have shut her up as Sun Chang stopped talking.

'R*pe me? A dirty filthy man r*ping me... In front of my f-father!?'

For some reason as she thought this, her lower lips clenched together.

Shu Ling who was watching all this play out for some reason felt... Jealous...

Biting her lip to hold herself back from doing anything to ruin her cold iceberg reputation she just stood there in silence.

For some reason deep down inside her, she badly wanted Gu Xia to spit those words at her...


Yen Ying roared in her head.

She really wanted to yell it out loud but when she thought back to what happened earlier she wisely didn't speak.

"Small tits! Don't you agree Gu Xia is naughty?"

Chu Qing tapped Lin Yen on the shoulder as she spoke rapidly into her ear.

She was really energetic...

Lin Yen puffed out her cheeks.

"Don't call me small tits!"

Chu Qing tilted her head.

"Why not? I have small tits as well, Look!"

She began puffing out her chest trying to show off her small chest.

Not wanting to entertain the athletic heroine, Lin Yen stomped away leaving behind these words.

"You still have bigger tits than me!"

Ling Shui who stopped crying backed away with a slightly red face, she had dried up tears stuck to her cheeks.

"I'm sorry for showing such a ugly sight..."

Gu Xia waved his hand lazily.

"Eh, don't worry abou-."

Before he could finish his words two females dived into his stomach.


"Little brother!"

Both Gu Xiang and Li Min spoke happily at the same time.

Seeing Gu Xia put a giant smile on their faces.

Gu Xia who of course could have avoided them decided not to.

This was his first time to experience what a harem feels like!

Can you blame him!?

So, like a harem protagonist he stumbled backwards and eventually fell onto his back.

"What's up with the two of you acting like torpedoes?"

Gu Xia looked at them with a handsome smile which seemed to captivate the two women.

"D-Darling! I missed you."

Li Min planted a kiss onto her darling's right cheek.

"L-Little brother I wanted to see you so bad."

Not wanting to be outdone, Gu Xiang placed a kiss onto her little brother's left cheek.

The heroines who were silently spectating this entire scene felt their mouths drop to the ground when they saw Gu Xiang kiss her BLOOD RELATED little brother...

(A/T: Webnovel, they aren't actually blood related, Gu Xia's mother is also not blood related either... To the readers, wink wink...)

When they saw Li Min kiss Gu Xia's right cheek wasn't that shocking because she was literally repeating the word, "Darling" multiple times earlier.


When they saw Gu Xiang kiss her little brother, Gu Xia... They felt weird...

After all, they have never seen a sister kissing a brother or any of the sort!

A sadistic smile appeared on Gu Xia's face as he groped Li Min's and his older sister's ass cheek which was covered by cloth.

"Oh? You missed me?"

Li Min and Gu Xiang nodded their heads thrice.

Gu Xia's sadistic smile grew even more as he began playing with both women's butt's in front of all the heroines.


Yen Ying covered her eyes with her hands.

Shu Ling crossed her legs together for a private reason.

She gulped a huge load of saliva down her throat as her eyes gazed directly at Gu Xia's hands which were playing with two women's butt's.

Chang Wen, who has already been devoured by Gu Xia, felt a tiny amount of liquid escaping from her lower lips...

'Ah~ I turned into such a dirty woman... I'm sorry dad, mom, and Chang Li...'

Ning Meng covered her mouth with her right hand as she giggled.

"Ara, young men these days..."

Gu Xia who was still groping Li Min's and his little sister's butt looked over at the rest of the heroines.

"Ah, I forgot to mention that starting today all of you belong to me, meaning you're all going to be my exclusive maids. Congrats! It's truly an honor to work for me."


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