I Quit Being The Villain

Chapter 39 Hesitating?

Turning a deaf ear, Chang Wen went to grab a kitchen knife.

Ignoring more pathetic screams coming from Lin Fan, she walked back hesitantly with the knife in her right hand.

Her jaded white hand slightly trembled as she offered the knife to her master.

With both eyebrows raised, Gu Xia sighed.

He wanted his little lamb to do it...

So, he told her that.

"Listen, I want you to be the one who makes him blind."

Chang Wen gulped and looked down at the object in her hand.

"...C-Can I do it...?"

She suddenly felt a warm hand placed on her delicate shoulder.

She looked up only to be met with Gu Xia's dark gaze.

"You are my property, meaning you must do what I say... Do I make myself clear?"

His cruel voice resounded inside Chang Wen's head as she unconsciously took a step back.

Before she could take another step back the hand that was placed on her shoulder tightened its grip causing her entire body to lock in place.

Gu Xia took one step forward and leaned into Chang Wen's ear and whispered.

"Let me tell you a little secret... You know... Lin Fan over there."

He pointed at Lin Fan who at this point gave up begging and was now cursing.

Chang Wen slightly nodded her head and looked over.

Gu Xia smiled as his voice became colder.

"Well, that man right there drugged your little sister and r*ped her then threw her to his fucking mercenary dogs who then got a turn with her."


Chang Wen's body paled as her body shook causing her to drop the knife in her hands.

Her eyes trembled as her eyes snapped onto Gu Xia.

"Chang Li!? My 12 year old sister!?"

She grabbed Gu Xia's shoulders and without knowing dug her nails into his clean white skin.

"That's correct, you know... When the drugs wore off, Lin Fan and his dogs tossed her out, she cried and became afraid of men then when she saw you dating him she killed herself."

Trembling all over, Chang Wen with tears forming in her eyes began screaming and stuttering.

"W-When did this happen!? P-P-Please tell me... P-Please... I-I beg you! Does this happen in the plot!?"

She fell to her knees and grabbed onto Gu Xia's leg.


Gu Xia spoke under his breath, after 10 seconds he answered her question.

"Well, at this time in the plot, about 4 months from now."

Chang Wen who was still in a full panic mode asked another question.

"W-Why didn't she tell me!?"

At this point her voice became hoarse and a line of tears streamed down her cheeks.

Gu Xia ignored the messy state Chang Wen was in and calmly answered her question.

"Why? Because when Lin Fan found out she was your little sister he threatened her with your parents' lives. Also, she is fucking 12!"

He glared into her eyes.

With those words entering her ears.

Chang Wen felt her chest ache in pain and discomfort that spread to her shoulders, arm, back, neck, jaw, and teeth.

Cold sweat slightly became visible on her forehead and the back of her neck.

She became lightheaded and began breathing awkwardly.

Not being able to even speak, she collapsed to the ground holding her chest.

Gu Xia clicked his tongue in annoyance.

He knew she would freak out... But not to the point of having a heart attack.

Without wasting any more time he got down to Chang Wen's level and began to use CPR.

He then Pushed hard and fast on the center of her chest in a fairly rapid rhythm — about 100 to 120 compressions a minute.

He also used some of his Qi to enter her heart and stabilize it.

Lin Fan stopped cursing and instead looked over at the scene in front of him and laughed crazily.

"AHAHAHA!!! SEE! This is what happens when you go against me! THE EMPEROR OF LUCK!"

"The Heavens have chosen me as the Son of Heaven! NO ONE CAN KILL ME!"

"I hope that bitch dies! I'll fuck her dead body!"

His eyes were bloodshot and his handsome face was distorted.

His Qi became a little unstable like his mental state.

Ignoring the barrage of words being shot toward him, Gu Xia did a final push then stood up.

A second later, Chang Wen's eyes snapped open and she began violently coughing.

A pair of hands forcefully grabbed both her arms and pulled her back up to her feet.

Holding her chest, her body slightly tripped on air, but before she could fall completely, Gu Xia held her up firmly with his grip.

"W-Why... M-My... Lit-Little... Sister..."

Chang Wen muttered to herself with endless pain hinged in her voice.

Wiping the dried tears and new tears from her face, Gu Xia spoke with no sympathy present in his voice.

"Listen, Chang Wen... This hasn't happened yet. Meaning your little sister is fine. I'm giving you a chance to not let that future event play out."

He stopped wiping the liquid off her face and instead squatted down where he picked up the knife that Chang Wen dropped earlier.

With a small simple smile he placed the knife in her hand.

"Go, save your little sister from her fate."

His words echoed inside Chang Wen's head...

'S-Save Chang Li from her fate... I must save her! No matter what!'

She thought to herself with determination.

Gripping the knife, she looked over at the crazed and panicked Lin Fan.

Although her emotions were in complete turmoil... She knew she needed to kill the man who was tied to the chair if she wanted to save her little sister's future.

Biting her lip, she slowly walked toward Lin Fan.

Lin Fan who of course heard everything he 'supposedly' done felt pure confusion.

He genuinely had no idea what the fuck they were talking about...

Especially when the word plot is said.

"C-Chang Wen! Do you really believe his nonsense!? Why do you think I would r*pe your little sister!?"

He took a deep breath and spoke again.

"Snap out of his lies you stupid girl! Do you really think I would do any of that!?"

Chang Wen who was now standing in front of him looked him in the eyes and answered his question without showing any emotion.

"I do… You must suffer for what you did to my little sister…"

Lin Fan who not even 10 minutes was sprouting all this bullshit saying how he'll fuck her dead body and such instantly shivered as he knew...

Chang Wen was dead serious about making him suffer...

Gu Xia simply stood back and observed with a giant smile plastered on his face.

At the moment, he wished he had popcorn and lemonade in his hands.

He was really interested to see what would happen if a heroine tried to hurt the protagonist.

Not in the sense of flirting or play fighting, but actual damage that could cause permanent wounds.

'Ah, I can't wait! After this I'll make this fucker suffer in front of all the heroines.'

Feeling a slight breeze, he looked down and saw his dick chillin like a villain.

'...I should put back on my clothes after this...'


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