I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates

Chapter 388: 386: Large Supply of Food 1

Chapter 388: Chapter 386: Large Supply of Food 1

In the Sky Sword Sect’s camp, thanks to Lu Xuan’s tactical advice, suggesting sonic attacks as a countermeasure, they were able to maintain their current status quo, even under the constant onslaught of the demon beast puppets.

The situation for the Ten Thousand Beast Gate and Lingxiao Sect, however, was far from ideal.

As time went on, casualties began to appear.

The Lmgxiao Sect had the most cultivators left in the camp, and they were relatively stronger, while the Ten Thousand Beast Gate, due to their ability to control demon beasts, unexpectedly seized control of the demon beasts and managed to establish a precarious balance.

Lu Xuan and the other Sky Sword Sect cultivators, however, did not share their sonic attack strategy with the cultivators of the other two sects, displaying a tacit understanding.

Although opening this new blessed land was a joint effort by the three sects, the cooperation was merely on the surface; in the blessed land, there was more rivalry than alliance.

Lu Xuan sliced a demon beast puppet into two, scanned its body with his spiritual sense, and found no trace of the Mutated Camp Tassel inside its hollow shell.

“Could it truly merge completely with the host?”

Lu Xuan sighed as he was about to rush over to another fellow disciple. Suddenly, the Demonic Vine hidden within his robe in a miniature form continuously tapped his waist.

He grew vigilant. The Divine Essence Scroll in his mind began to ripple, and his spiritual consciousness increased significantly, stretching deep underground. The second wave of demon beasts was on its way!

They were even more numerous and of a higher rank, and many were puppets of demon beasts that were of the fourth-grade level in life.

Lu Xuan was alarmed and condensed his spiritual power into a thread, sending a mental message to Feng Yu and the others.

“Be careful, everyone! The demon beasts are attacking again!” Shortly after his words, hundreds of demon beasts shot out from the rift like lightning. A monstrous wind swept them forward, and the ground shook as they violently charged at the cultivators of the three sects.

Everyone, hang on a little longer! Reinforcements from the sect are on their way!”

The highest-ranked cultivator left in the camp of the three sects spoke at the same time to encourage the others.

From his hand, Lu Xuan’s Wind-Thunder Sword emitted a screaming black wind. Each slash produced a tornado of black wind, filled with countless sharp sword qi, and intermittent flashes of lightning. It cut the nearby demon beast puppets to pieces.

Suddenly, a demon beast full of black thorns came into Lu Xuan’s view. The shape of the demon beast was a giant black ball, constantly inflating and deflating while the hundreds or even thousands of black thorns on its body quivered, like arrows ready to be launched.

With a loud bang!

The demon beast exploded in mid-air. The sharp black thorns, propelled by the immense force of the explosion, flew through the sky like a storm of arrows, attacking indiscriminately at the demon beasts and cultivators within the camp.

“An all-encompassing, suicidal onslaught!”

Lu Xuan cursed inwardly at the Camp Tassel controlling this black ball demon beast. His strong spiritual consciousness caught the trajectory of the black thorns. Using the Floating Light Body Method, he expertly evaded the torrent of black thorns.

The rest of the cultivators were not so fortunate.

Among the Sky Sword Sect members, some were significantly injured in the blast caused by the demon beast.

After the black ball demon beast exploded, everyone had just breathed a sigh of relief when four or five similar demon beasts burrowed out from the ground and took to the skies, spinning rapidly as their bodies continued to expand and contract.

“Everyone, be prepared to meet your fate!”

Lu Xuan’s message was followed by him igniting his essence blood inside, operating the body refinement method of “Transforming Dragon in the Void”.

His body covered with layers of dark red scales and his eyes became vertical, his gaze extraordinarily indifferent.

Right after raising his defensive measures to the highest level, Lu Xuan showed no hesitation. The ground beneath his feet turned into flowing water and swallowed him whole.

After his promotion to become an Inner Sect disciple, in order to better cultivate spiritual plants, he chose the fair and balanced cultivation technique, “The Great Five Elements”, which included the Five Elements Escape Technique.

The ground was swarming with demon beasts. With all the commotion, Lu Xuan decided to burrow straight into the ground.

A thin, yellowish spiritual light flowed over Lu Xuan’s body, allowing him to move through the soil as easily as a fish swims through water.


Lu Xuan resurfaced and drew in a breath of fresh spiritual energy. He expanded his spiritual sense outwards in every direction.

There are demon beasts, but fortunately, their numbers aren’t too great.

Judging by their behavior, they seem to all have been parasitized by the mutated Camp Tassel, causing them to lose their sense of self.” “I wonder how many people were able to escape from the camp, including Feng

Yu and the other cultivators from the two sects.”

Lu Xuan toyed with a jade sword rune in his hand as thoughts swirled in his mind.

The number of demon beasts within the camp was rapidly increasing. More worryingly, certain breeds, acting as demon beast bombs, cropped up along the way. The camp was barely defensible; anyone who was able to escape with their life was considered lucky.

The small sword rune was given to him by Gu Jiankong, a Nascent Soul real person. Lu Xuan decided against using it immediately, preferring to explore this unknown blessed land on his own first.

Given his abilities, he could easily handle several foundation establishment mid and late-term cultivators at once. If a formidable enemy appeared, he could use the rune to summon a Golden Core hitman.

While these thoughts raced through his mind, a thin fissure appeared in the sky overhead. Under his control, the Void Nightmare Eye started patrolling around him.

“There’s a demon beast approaching!”

A grey-white eyeball appeared in his palm, clearly projecting the field of view of the Void Nightmare Eye.

Dispalyed in his palm, five or six demon beast puppets were moving closer to Lu Xuan. Among them, he recognized a black ball-like demon beast that he had seen in the camp before.

“Shoot and kill it! Longspear!”

Since there were no other cultivators present, Lu Xuan had no reservations about using the fourth rank white bone demon puppet artifact. Thinking quickly, he transformed it into a grey-white bone spear, which effortlessly advanced and in a flash, was in front of the fastest demon bird puppet.

The demon bird puppet tried to dodge instinctively, but the bone spear followed its movement and twisted around, piercing directly into the demon bird’s brain, skewering its entire body.

Even so, the demon bird puppet was still charging towards Lu Xuan at high speed.

With a cold snort, the bone spear embedded in the demon bird puppet’s body broke into countless bone spikes, shattering the entire demon beast puppet to pieces that scattered across the ground.

After easily dealing with one of the demon bird puppets, a few more demon beast puppets started to surround him from all directions.

Lu Xuan was unfazed. The white bone devil puppet was shifting into various forms in the air, sometimes attacking, sometimes defending, handling the attacks from the demon beast puppets with ease.

The spherical demon beast peppered with black spikes had unknowingly flown near Lu Xuan. Its body expanded and contracted, as if it could explode at any moment.

“What a slowpoke, let me light your fuse.”

As he thought to himself, five red gem beads flew out from his storage bag.

They were filled with molten fire, and at once, they erupted into a red sea of fire that spread over dozens of feet.

Under the horrifying flame attack, the spherical demon beast was instantly reduced to black ash.

“I call this fighting fire with fire.”

The corner of Lu Xuan’s mouth quirked upwards. When the Flaming Fruit had matured earlier, he had gained plenty of third-rank explosion beads from the light cluster. They were treasures to others, but to him, they were just toys.

Now that he had obtained the Method of Seed Condensation for the Flaming

Fruit, and the light clusters often yielded explosion beads, Lu Xuan didn’t feel the slightest regret in using them up.

Come out, Little Vine. Today let’s have you try a mix of demon beast and spirit plant buffet. Eat as much as you want!”

A gray vine wormed its way out from Lu Xuan’s sleeve.


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