I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 1054: You Two Can Come Together

Chapter 1054: You Two Can Come Together

"Why are you following me?" Aster walked in the dense forest, looking at Manjoume who was gradually catching up with him.

"Who followed you?" Manjoume explained, "I was going here anyway, and I just happened to be on the way!"

This was really the truth. He was led here by the three Ojama brothers in front of him.

But since Aster was heading in the same direction as him, at least it proved that these three unreliable guys did not lead him the wrong way this time.

"It's up to you." Aster was anxious and had no time to talk nonsense with him, "Don't hold me back."

"That's what I want to say," Manjoume muttered.

While talking, the two had passed through the jungle and came to the dilapidated and abandoned old dormitory.

"Hey, isn't this an abandoned dormitory? I remember it's the restricted area of ​​the academy," Manjoume muttered.

The three Ojama brothers huddled together, huddled behind Manjoume and trembled: "That's it, Manjoume! We have a strong feeling that Judai must be in that room!"

"In this?" Manjoume frowned.

Aster didn't even think about it, and pushed the door open to go in.

He didn't care whether he dropped out or not, and he thought that with his status, the academy would not really expel him for such a reason.

Seeing him take the lead, Manjoume followed without hesitation. He wanted to compete with Aster in every aspect, and naturally he couldn't fall behind at this time.

When the door was opened, a choking musty smell suddenly hit him, and it felt like opening a lid that had been sealed for many years. The light in the forest was dim, and this broken dormitory was sealed tightly. All the windows were nailed shut with wooden boards for some reason, and the darkness was rampant.

But soon they didn't need to go deeper.

Because the person they were looking for was already in front of them.


Although the light was dim, Aster was still sure that he couldn't mistake Yuki Judai, who was standing deep in the hall, with most of his body covered by shadows.

Aster frowned and stepped forward: "What are you doing in a place like this?"

But after a few steps, he instinctively stopped.

It was hard for him to describe what it felt like, but it felt like an invisible aura erupted behind Judai, forming a huge image as tall as a mountain.

The pressure was like a tidal wave, making people breathless. Aster felt like he had stepped into a realm that must not be violated. The king who dominated everything was looking down at him from a high place, and he only needed a thought to sentence him to death.

Aster, who has been fighting in the professional circle for many years, has seen many strong people, but no one has ever had such a terrifying sense of oppression!

Even Yuei Vu, the Duel King he admired the most and recognized as one of the best in the world, could not be compared with the man in front of him in terms of suppressive spiritual force.

No, it was not just the spirit of a duelist, there was also murderous intent in it!

If he had not been through many battles and stepped out of the pile of dead bodies countless times, he would never have been able to cultivate such a terrifying murderous intent.

"Judai, what are you doing?"

Manjoume tried to step forward but was blocked by Aster who was raising an arm.

"No." Aster said in a deep voice, "This guy is not Judai."

Manjoume: "?"

"Although they look exactly the same, I am sure that this is not Judai." Aster frowned, "This is someone else."

Manjoume was skeptical.

The figure in the dark raised his eyelids.

The moment they saw those eyes, both of them were frozen in place as if possessed.

What a terrifying pair of eyes!

They were as pure as gold, as if they belonged to the king who ruled the world.

"Who are you?" Aster asked, "Are you a Duel Monster Spirit? Or something else?"

"My name is ‘Supreme King'." The other party spoke indifferently.

"Supreme King?" Aster asked, "Where did you take Judai? Why did you become like him? Or did you occupy his body?"

Supreme King had no expression on his face.

"From your perspective, you can say that. But in fact, he is the one who has occupied my body so far, and I just took back what belongs to me."

"What did you say!?"

"That's it."

Supreme King seemed to think that such details were insignificant and had no intention of explaining.

He raised his right hand, and an astonishing invisible energy suddenly erupted with him as the center. Suddenly, the old dormitory was filled with howling winds. All the doors and windows screamed sharply. The horrifying tremor swept through the two young men, making it almost impossible for them to stand.

"What's going on?" Manjoume gritted his teeth, "Isn't this guy Judai? What happened now?"

The three Ojama brothers had already huddled together.

"It's over, big brother! This guy is super hard to mess with!" Ojama Black yelled.

"This is the ‘Shadow Game', big brother. It's over. We're all going to die here!" Ojama Green burst into tears.

"Shut up, all of you!"

Manjoume was already upset, and their quarrels made him even more upset.

"Shadow Game?" Aster caught the word.

Unlike President Kaiba, who always talked about "science" and never mentioned the Shadow Game to his apprentice, Yuei Vu still took the time to popularize the knowledge of the Shadow Game to Judai and Aster.

Although he only had a partial understanding, at least Aster knew that this was the most dangerous form of duel.

Its main feature was that duel damage would be converted into actual damage to the duelists, and the outcome would be linked to certain bets.

If it was a Shadow Game of a high enough level, the bet could even be the soul and life of the duelists in some cases.

So now this person called "Supreme King" has opened the Shadow Game to them?

"What do you want to do?" Aster asked.

"You all seem to be warriors, so you should naturally understand the rules of warriors."

Supreme King swept his arm and showed the black Duel Disk on his arm.

"One victory, one bet." He said coldly, "You want that guy back? That's easy, just beat me."

Both of them quickly realized that the other party was referring to Judai.

"That means if I beat you, Judai will return, right?"

"That's right."

The Supreme King nodded, and his sharp eyes slowly swept over the two of them.

The moment they were stared at by the pair of golden eyes, both of them could not help but avoid the gaze, as if they would be pierced by the gaze if they were not careful.

"It's too troublesome to come one by one." The Supreme King said calmly, "You two can come together."

Aster x Manjoume: "!"

The two looked at each other, and saw the same astonishment in their eyes.


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