I Persuade People With Reason

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

The storm lasted for several days. Even though Fu Han and other senior executives of Star Entertainment were taken away for investigation, it still hasnt stopped.

The public opinion on the Internet is overwhelming, and the voices of criticism are rising day by day. However, Star Entertainment is continuously losing ground in this war because they lack an important backbone.

Before long, more artists announced to terminate their contracts. The new films that had just been shot had problems during the review. Other projects of Star Entertainment also experienced divestment, partners reneging, or the project itself was flawed. Behind these events, other major entertainment companies are contributing.

Not long ago, these companies were allies of Star Entertainment and secretly reached an agreement to deal with Shengshi.

It is precisely because of the existence of this alliance that Fu Han was sure of his win.

He wanted to release Shengshis scandal first. When Shengshi was dealing with the scandal, several big companies would launch an attack like a flash of lightning to make Shengshi collapse immediately.

All the plans were perfect. The only thing Fu Han didnt think of was that the same scheme was used against Star Entertainment.

At this time, Star Entertainment was teetering, and the entertainment industry was about to change. The melon eaters were full by the sequence of large melons. The once beautiful existence was stripped of its skin and stepped on the ground. The legal sanctions were still waiting down the road, the rejection of countless people had fallen on their heads, and a continuous storm was raging over the network.

People with justice in their hearts; passersby who are joining in the fun; people who have no place to vent their malice in their hearts, and they like the plot of the high-ranking person falling into the dust; there are also trolls who have always been keen to create chaos. Now, they have all found a righteous fire target.

However, what they did not know was that the people behind the scenes who planned and guided this chaotic carnival and personally sent people to the execution platform had already quietly left the stage and handed it over.

He who reaped the ultimate fruit of victory.

In the presidents office at the top floor of

Shengshi, the spacious French windows are transparent and clean. The sunlight seeps in like splashing ink, and the light golden brilliance hits the young man in front of the window.

From his smooth forehead, high nose, to his neat chin, his entire face was bathed in the dazzling sunlight, and the slightly curled ends of his hair seemed to be traced with gold edging.

The young mans long eyelashes drooped, and his dark grey eyes with glass bead texture, were carelessly looking down on the city at his feet.

Then, happy cooperation.

Ending the call with a light laugh, he spun the phone in his palm and put it back in his pocket.

Then he turned around and looked at Secretary Jiang who knocked at the door and said, How is everything going?

According to your arrangement, president Yan, all the plans went smoothly, and the other party hasnt noticed yet.

Secretary Jiangs expression was somewhat subtle, and it was unclear whether it was admiration or more complicated feelings.

He had already guessed who was on the other end of Yuan Buweis call, the presidents of several other big entertainment companies.

Fu Han thought that he had cooperated with reliable allies, but he didnt know that they had long been on the side of Yuan Buwei.

The little dispute about Xie Ze is nothing in the face of more major interests. Compared with the joint efforts to carve up Shengshi, of course, Star Entertainment is more coveted.

And all of this was personally experienced by Secretary Jiang.

As early as a month ago, he accompanied his president to participate in a secret meeting with the presidents of several other companies. He witnessed with his own eyes how Yuan Buwei let others know that Shengshi was not easy to provoke, and how a divided Star Entertainment can reap more benefits. He stirred the minds of others in a few words. Finally, a group of crafty and cunning foxes reached an agreement to dig a hole for Star Entertainment together. They even pretended to ally with Star Entertainment, with the intention to backstab.

Secretary Jiang felt deeply that he was not insidious enough.

He still remembers the original words of Yuan Buwei: Compared with a giant like Star Entertainment, a rising star like Shengshi is indeed not enough to enter their eyes. Fu Han thought this was the disadvantage of Shengshi, but this is actually our advantage.

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In the final analysis, a small hard biscuit, which has the possibility of chipping your teeth when biting, and you have to share it with others; or a large soft cake, with enough for one piece each and is enough to fill your stomach. Which option to choose is really simple.

Compared with Shengshi who are fearless and can go crazy at any time,1 the abundant Star

Entertainment is a pushover.

However, since these entertainment companies have been able to develop and grow to this point, these presidents are definitely not idiots. If they rush to fight with Star Entertainment, they are likely to lose on both sides. Without seeing the real benefits, they will not easily move. Most of them will wait and see.

It wasnt until Shengshi, who had a greater conflict with Star Entertainment, stood up and fired the first shot, giving them a chance to carve up Star Entertainment, that they rushed forward.

Maybe they are still laughing at Shengshi for being stupid and being used as knives by them. We took the initiative to rush in front and were targeted by Star Entertainment. Apart from grabbing a few people, most of the other benefits were shared by them. Secretary Jiang thought quietly, and couldnt help looking at the young man leaning against the window. He felt a little gloating. Tut, these people still lack a beating from President Yan.

Soon they will find that, in terms of profound calculations, they are not as good as president Yan.

After all, Star Entertainment is not clean, and other companies are the same. This time, they worked together to destroy Star Entertainment, and more or less exposed some hidden cards. Secretary Jiangs task is to seize the opportunity to catch the weaknesses of other companies.

When the time is ripe, it will be his turn to use the move how to stab my teammates.

Secretary Jiang is full of expectations.

After this turmoil, Star Entertainment was completely devastated, and will soon face a clean end of being divided by many competitors. And Shengshu, or more precisely Yuan Buwei, once again created momentous waves both in the circle and outside the circle.

Shengshis upcoming new movie King of Embers took this opportunity to gain a lot of popularity, and people both inside and outside the circle paid attention to this movie that became popular before it was even broadcast.

Supposing that this is to create publicity, then Yuan Buweis publicity methods are simply unprecedented. With the collapse of a long standing entertainment company and the collapse of several well-known public figures as the content of the promotional film, the popularity of the new film has been directly pushed to the peak.

When the film was actually released, Star Entertainment was already a thing of the past. During this carnival, Shengshi made a move and stunningly captured the whole cinema franchise of Star Entertainment, with more than 700 cinemas in total. Finally, it had its own cinema line and no need to be shackled by others.

As before, there was no premiere ceremony, no film reviewers and reporters invited, and the film was released directly.

In the evening, the large cinemas were packed with people, and many audiences were already hooked. Mo Qing mingled with the crowd and couldnt wait to enter the cinema.

She has become Yuan Buweis loyal fan and joined the corresponding fan group. When Xie Ze and other cast members were hacked last time, she and other fans moved in an orchestrated attack and won a beautiful victory.

It still makes Mo Qing proud to think of it. Since then, she has a deeper sense of belonging in the fan group.

With the announcement that the new Shengshi movie was being released, Mo Qing bought the earliest ticket to be among the first to watch it.

The beginning of the film began with explaining the background of the whole film together by a narrator. The whole scene is extremely magnificent, just like a roll of painting, which attracts the attention of all the audience at once.

Luofu Realm is divided into three, with the realms of heaven, earth and human.

The heavens are supreme and are the immortals residence. The earth is endless, composed of countless pieces, just like floating islands on a vast sea.

The boundary between heaven and earth was originally integrated, but they were split into two amidst the many battles between immortals in ancient times.

Some immortals who refused to obey the rule of the heavenly emperor fell down with the broken half of the earth boundary. Which not only smashed the originally round world into countless pieces, but also directly sank the whole earth boundary to the bottom of Luofu,. Precipitating the resentment of hundreds of millions of people who died when the world was broken.

Therefore, the earth boundary is also called the Demon World, and the immortals who fall into it are infected by innumerable grievances and evil spirits, becoming the first group of demons in the world.

The movies introduction passed quickly, with amazing special effects, giving people a real sense of immersiveness.

When the battle broke out, the blood of immortals was sprinkled all around, and the whole heavens were divided into two parts in the chaos, the falling earth boundary was like a meteorite penetrating the earth, and the world was smashed into pieces. These shocking and impactful scene appeared, making almost everyone have the illusion that the sky above them had collapsed, and subconsciously gave a cry of surprise.

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After this period of background explanation, the picture gradually faded, and the timeline directly jumped to thousands of years later.

The human boundary, which is nearly destroyed, finally showed the reappearance of human traces, from tribes to city-states to kingdoms. The human boudary has long been scattered into countless fragments, and different cultures, races, and kingdoms appear on each fragment.

This story takes place in a kingdom called Ze.

Huh finally, Mo Qing slowly released the breath in her chest. It was because the visual effect of the scene just now was too shocking. Thess special effects, these camera angles are so powerful.

[Twenty years ago, the devils of the earth tore open the cracks in the world and polluted the world with their demon qi. The high priest of the Cang Kingdom offered the incarnation of the divine son the heavenly king as a sacrifice to make the demons retreat. But the demonic qi in the world did not retreat]

With the disappearing subtitles, the scene shows the demonic qi wreaking havoc on the world. The originally docile and harmless small animals turned into ferocious monsters immediately when the evil qi entered their body. Their bodies swelled, their eyes turned red, they ate any people they encountered, and countless villages were washed in rivers of blood.

The same is true of the devils who are infected with the demonic qi.

In the burning village, the wasteland full of corpses flashed through the camera, and finally settled on a mass grave full of corpses.

With the sound of footsteps, a womans body was thrown to the ground.

How pitiful, this woman was pregnant.

She has been infected with demonic qi, and quick death is a form of liberation.

The sound of footsteps was accompanied by these voices.

The body of the woman on the ground suddenly moved.

To be exact, it was her stomach that was moving.

Conveying a gloomy and dark mood, the sky hangs low, burning bright red like blood. Black smoke is burning in the distance, bones and blood are spread all over the ground. Several crows fly low in the sky, and black feathers fall down, covering the whole screen.

A babys cry broke out.


1 = lit. The barefooted people are not afraid of those who wear shoes (idiom); fig. the poor, who have nothing to lose, or do not fear those in power.


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