I Persuade People With Reason

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

TN: This is the final of this arc, next arc is modern world! And one I really like.

Topic: #Counting the distinguished and accomplished figures ##818 from your heart among the prosperous dynasties#

0: The landlord is a student of the history department. Recently, I am doing my graduation thesis. The topic selection direction is probably to study the prosperity of ancient dynasties. As a result, I got itchy while collecting data and cant help but open a post, rational discussion, rational discussion.1

1: The Beili Dynasty must be mentioned. Its a prosperous time. The stars are shining like never before [Vibrate!!!]

2: Upstairs + 1. Rational discussion? Obviously, there is only one choice. The other so-called prosperous times of the imperial dynasty are not comparable to the rule of Jinghe. There is almost a gap between two dimensions! Emmm landlord has absolutely no desire to survive. Remember to put a lid on the pot quickly, I have a premonition that a large wave of Jing fans are on their way

3: Agree with upstairs

4: Seeing this title, my first reaction is the prosperity of Jing! The first to open up the dragon vein of national luck and fortune and lay the foundation for all future generations. And it is really full of talent. The first great doctor who established a systematic medical system, the first genius scientist who invented steam powered machines, the first navigator who discovered the new world, the first female prime minister, and the first willful tyrant who openly killed his emperor father, but still hailed for a hundred generations At that time, the country was booming, and the talents were so innumerable, I cant count them! Just ask which generation can match?

5: Also, my little prime minister Su is the first legend in history to ascend to such a high position as a woman! With her strength, she rose through the imperial academy, the imperial examinations, she went all the way to the top!

6: No, no, surely Im not the only one who has seen the historical documents that stated that Emperor Xuan and the prime minister are childhood friends? Im not the only one who knows that she has an old father who was once prime minister, right? You say she got there just by strength!

7: Yes, you are the smartest. Once you open your mouth you become an old yin-yang teacher. Everyone knows that before my little Prime Minister Su stepped on her official career, the old Prime Minister Su died long ago. Doesnt everyone know that he has long been out of power? Whats more, the imperial examination at that time was the most fair means of selecting scholars. Are you questioning his majestys impartiality? As for the emperors brother, are you still guessing? He was like the bear when he was young, it would be nice to not create stumbling blocks for her[funny].

8: ha ha, ha ha, amazing ge precious! Upstairs is a talent, this description is too appropriate!

9: Im drinking water. Im laughing so much that I spat it on the computer screen.

39: In the past, when I was in history class, I thought that section of history was very interesting. Historians wrote down history as if they were writing jokes one after another. If I hadnt recited a serious history book, I really thought I had entered which romance novel by mistake!

40: In particular, emperor Xuans story has been recorded, even when he was a child, for a string of candied haws he had to quarrel with prime minister of xiao Su. It is said that this black history was personally disclosed to the historian when Emperor Gaozong was in office, which was also truthfully recorded by the historian. At that time, it was said that his face was full of black question marks. My mind was full of this coquettish operation. He really knows how to pit his little brother. Ha ha ha ha ha!

41: I also remember this paragraph! At that time, I was sleepy when I was studying history in junior high school. As a result, I was so sleepy before this topic. Later, my history score was the best of all subjects.

42: then emperor Xuan stabbed him in the back with a backhand and sold the sweets of his majesty ha ha ha ha

43: Ha ha ha was he okay after his act of back stabbing?

44 Is there a time when Ge Bao2 was so bold?I just remember the various deeds of Ge Bao that Prime Minister Su complained about in her writing orz.

79: this pair of emperors and empresses is really unique. A double prime minister and queen combo, making complaints about her husband and boss. Another daily routine of eating his wife and big brothers vinegar. Confused between whether he is more jealous of his wife worshipping big brother, or jealous of his big brother favouring his wife more? In addition, he is not secretly jealous, but blatantly competing for favour. The historian recorded it all! He is worthy of being Qi Lulu!

80 What the hell is Qi Lulu? 3

81: Of course, its the favourite nickname among emperor Xuan fans. Qi Lulu has almost max level skills in competing for favour. The white lotus green tea routine is full marks. There are several paragraphs in the history books that record his words of deliberately complaining in front of Gaozong, the first to bear the brunt is Fan Ziyuan and Prime Minister xiao Su. Forget about Fan Ziyuan, this person is unimaginably unlucky.. According to the current theory of luck, he must not be a good man and he died miserably later. As for prime minister xiao Su It can only be said that Qi lulu continues to seek death. No wonder it was so difficult to chase his wife later!

82: Qi Lulu xswl4 is so foolishly lovely.

83: This CP Im willing to knock! I remember seeing it in some unofficial history book. Emperor Xuan was especially proficient at battling white lotus and green tea. Later, he recognized a lot of peach blossoms at a glance, he was so straightforward that he left others in tears. As a result, it is said that all the young ladies in the capital avoided him. If it werent for the little prime minister Su, he would have died alone!

84: I know this! It is said that these two people could be called top class in the capital at that time. They had achievements respectively as a tea connoisseur and steel straight female. They were the objects of countless same-sex worship, but the opposite sex avoided them. A tea expert and a steel straight girl. How many peach blossoms have they strangled to death? This can be regarded as the two top-level traffic getting together_ (: )_

85: Speaking of this, Im not sleepy! Hehe, he can attract two of the worlds top leaders to fight for him, even if they get together, they do not stop fighting for his favour. Alas, my Majesty Gaozong is really a man who brings disaster to the country and the people!

86: Thats true. Hahaha, I lost my head laughing! Gaozong is really a disaster to the country and the people. Not only the empress and emperor, but also the people who came out of the Baigong Academy and other academies All over the world, including the top heroes listed on the previous floor, are almost all his fans!

The funniest thing is that these people have been ripped off by Gaozongs tricks several times and they are determined to never again become fans of this ruthless man who only uses them as tools. If there is a personal interface for Gaozong, the fans will fluctuate every day, just as exciting as the stock interface!

104666 5 I always think that the people of that era are each more interestingthan the other and the historical records are so intereting. I can read their short stories all afternoon.

105: The building has become crooked. 6 The theme of this post is to discuss the distinguished and accomplished figures in your mind. Be serious and get some dry goods. Do you want the landlord to write a paper by relying on small paragraphs?

106: Me! Ill nominate Emperor Xuan and his wife. One is the first female prime minister and the other is the most omnipotent emperor in history. As for Gaozong He is not human, not included [screaming]!!!

107: give a dog head 7 sticker to the little cutie upstairs.

108: [laughing and crying] it depends on how you understand this sentence. Gaozong really All kinds of improper operations are really confusing. Moreover, without any precedent, the dragon vein, which was only a fantasy at that time, was opened. It was almost equivalent to the invention of a spacecraft in the primitive era, except shouting inhuman! What else can we say?!!

109: As for 25l, if it has another meaning, remember to bring your dog head HaHaHa.

110: One more word. When it comes to the most omnipotent emperor in history, there should be no dispute. It is said that before he ascended the throne, Emperor Xuan had worked 13 posts, from military generals to civil servants, from horse keepers to managers, almost turning the whole Beili around and knowing how to do almost everything. Had it not been for such training, he would not have been so handy in government affairs after he took the throne. In Emperor Xuans autobiography, he expressed his deepest wishes (bald) and blessings (head) to Gaozong (biting), agitating (teeth), tears (cutting), zero (teeth)

111: However, he will still bite the bait next time.

112: HaHaHa very true.

113: [sigh]. I dont know whether emperor Xuan was too foolish or Gaozongs acting skills were too good. If theres nothing to do, he will pit his younger brother. When he has a use for the younger brother again his acting skills break out, then he will pit him again. Pitted gnash your teeth and take off fan status it didnt take long to be baited again pitted again take off fan status and then be baited again My poor Baoge was used repeatedly [neither crying nor laughing]. Baoge has no human rights, arent tool men still human?! Here, I want to issue a serious protest to Gaozong on behalf of gebao and all tool people.

: Hahaha front of Gaozong, a high-ranking player and Grand Slam film emperor, Emperor Xuandi is worth a handful of sympathy tears.

115:I just went to watch Mary Sus drama Scenery and Prosperity filmed by a certain mangostein TV and it really blew my mind! ! ! There was an absolutely exquisite historical drama promotion before and I rushed to watch it. The beginning already shocked me! The opening is a stereotypical dog blood love triangle. The heroine transmigrated into the prime ministers residences Su Xuer, the domineering crown prince fell in love with her at first sight and the little puppy prince is her childhood sweetheart ermm, what the hell, what the hell, what the hell? !

The director and screenwriter are also powerful. They hacked prime minister xiao Su, emperor Xuan and gaozong at the same time! The female leader teme 8 is only seven years old at the beginning. This is a historical remake. Do you want to make this into #seven-year-old genius Princess#?! Ah, my eyes!!!


117: sister 115L, calm down, take a deep breath and calm down. There are too many exclamation points, which makes me a little dizzy. Isnt it just a brain damaged drama No, I found that I couldnt calm down after taking a deep breath for a while! What a stupid plot for the braindead!!! Is the screenwriter a black fan who deliberately distorts and attacks Jing to mislead the younger generation?!

118 Slowly type a question mark.

119 Slowly put out a row of question marks.

120: little question mark, do you still have many more friends?

121: Yes, they are all here. Question marks swipe the screen.

207: I came back to report the progress. Now there are 20 episodes of that drama on the Internet. In the latest episode, the two brothers fell out completely because they liked the same woman. They fought tit for tat and didnt communicate with each other for ten years??? This sand sculpture drama is more than adding magic modification. Its cosmetic surgery! I just want to know, in addition to the names in the history books, where is the relationship between the three actors and reality from head to toe? Just turn it into a sand sculpture magic drama!

208: this description is accurate. It is both sand sculpture and magic, which clearly crush the audiences IQ and logic. Ermmmm reported it!

209: take me too upstairs.

210+1 Lets report it together. This kind of sand sculpture drama, which has no logic and no IQ, should explode its official website! To tell the truth, if the last emperor had not chosen to abdicate a hundred years ago, these guys who vilified the royal image would have been caught by the imperial investigation department and sent to Zhao prison! Although it sounds a bit overbearing now, its still cool to think about it. Its a pity!

211: Yes, if we can re enact a law in this regard and throw these kinds of nonsense people into the Bureau, I will vote with both hands and feet. Even the follow-up impact of the most sensational Yuan dynasty coup detat in history involved the fate of the three emperors lives and even affected future generations for thousands of years. Can it be written as a decade of jealousy over women? Did the screenwriters bottom line and brain get eaten by zombies?

212: Zombie: bah, its all water. Its not delicious!

213: The coup detat of the Yuan Dynasty was really a historical event that can not be ignored. Emperor Ling was killed, Emperor Gao Zong ascended the throne and Emperor Xuan chose to avoid him. These three emperors, have an irreplaceable spot in thousands of years of history

One is the faint-hearted monarch who has been infamous for thousands of years,, and the rumour that later generations doubt that he is a transmigrator is rampant; The other is a tyrant that is seen once in thousands of years. Only Emperor Gaozong dared to openly kill his father and usurp the throne, but it also brought the whole Beili to an unprecedented prosperous era, in which no one could compare with since ancient times;

Compared with these two people, where one is stupid and the other is capricious, Emperor Xuan seems much more normal.

But he also has atypical aspects. There is an emperor father who tried to kill the crown prince but was counter killed and a self-willed, open and honest father-killing usurper. Who straightforwardly and honestly oppressed the ministers, and honestly fooled his younger brother Finally, he dared to let the historian record everything in an honest and unedited manner. With such an imperial brother above, how amazing is it that he did not grow crooked? ? ?


215: Hahaha. So after a serious analysis for a long time, the advantage of Emperor Xuan is that he has not been damaged and crooked? Thats amazing.

216: It really wasnt easy. Our Lulu is really gratifying to not be crooked [dog head] ~

217: Speaking of emperor Ling, in fact, he is the culprit of everything. Even if Emperor Xuan let it go later, he believed that the hatred between father and brother belonged to hatred breeding hatred and killing to prevent being killed. However, Emperor Gaozong was the one who could lead the whole Beili towards prosperity all of which were recorded in Emperor Xuans autobiography. Denying his own talented son, it can be seen that emperor Ling really failed as a human and an emperor!

218: Whats more emperor Ling shamelessly boasted about his immortal dreams. Even if there is immortal enlightening through dreams, their focus is obviously Gaozong! When the Baigong Academy was completed, Gaozong was assassinated, a vision appeared and he remained unharmed. This is a miracle that so many people witnessed and recorded in official history! Even though many people later speculated that it should be the protection of national fortune, have other emperors since inspired this protection?

219: Yes! Gaozong is the best, okay? He is the best in the past, present and forever! Can there be a person like him among the emperors of later generations, including Emperor Xuan?

I remember that there seems to be a Han Emperor, who was probably read the story of Gaozong,and wanted to imitate Gaozong. He didnt hide when he was assassinated in his night clothes. He looked calm and thought that there would be the national fortune to give him a defence buff.

almost got stabbed in the heart 23333. 9

220: So sure enough, Gaozong is the son of fate. Is it not enough to prove when even the National fortune gives him a shield? Its 999, 6 turned over! 10

376: Lets go to the history forum of channel XX. It seems to be the latest discovery from the Gaozong period.

377: Those who went to watch the online drama, the theme of this issue is the discovery of the private handwritten Roasting Notes by the historian who recorded Gaozongs daily life.

To sum up, its basically #818 11My willful and wonderful boss#, #Demonic Majesty is showing me again today#, #Even if you are bald, you must fight on the front line for His Majesty# and other small diaries complaining about Gaozong. If you can cooperate and seriously read the records written by this historian beside the official version and create a comparison, the effect will be even better~

Friendly tip: never drink water!

378: Those of you who havent read it can take a look. The combination of the historians notes and the official history is absolutely amazing!

For example, in the daily notes, Emperor Xuan asked Gaozong curiously why the vision appeared on the day of his assassination? Gaozong immediately told a story vividly. He met an immortal in his dream, enlightened him to open up the dragon vein of national fortune, and told him in advance that he had to go through a disaster first

He also seriously told Emperor Xuan that the vision that happened on the day of the assassination meant that the emperor had virtue, made great achievements in the world, was blessed by heaven, and the national fortune favored him. Therefore, knives, guns, swords and halberds could not hurt him.

This story was recorded in the official history, which made countless emperors eager to try to prove their great achievements and virtues. However, they didnt see the shadow of anything miraculous in their whole life. On the contrary, they worked hard all their life and became bald one by one.

No, its killing me with laughter. Wait until I have a drink before continuing..

477: To help you add, Emperor Xuan is the only one who escaped.

478: Yes, at least towards his younger brother Gaozong also had an attack of conscience. At that time, Emperor Xuan was stunned and eager to try in the future. Gaozong added in private and finished the second half: I made up all those things to lie to you.

The latter half was not known to the historian at first, but was added to the Roasting Notebook after hearing about it.

At the thought of so many emperors being bald and still struggling with how they have worked so hard and cant be recognized by the national fortune, I just want to ha ha ha! Gaozong is really a devil! Ive never seen such a fraudulent emperor. Doesnt it hurt your conscience to cheat people?

479: Emperor Xuan: I dont know what to say MMP. 11

480: This sudden show almost broke Lao Tzus waist. Elegant, really elegant!

481: a more beautiful operation is still ahead. Gaozongs ability to make up stories is really unique. There is a rather unorthodox historical fact, which is estimated to be unknown to everyone. It was only verified not long ago and has not been updated omtp the history textbooks.

At first, when he killed his father emperor, the aristocratic family pushed rumours and arranged all kinds of stories behind his back. Gao Zong even went to the teahouse to hear the stories himself. After that, he thought what the storyteller said was too boring and not exciting enough, so he wrote a better version himself.

Because of his good writing, his pseudonym was also highly praised by countless aristocratic families and welcomed him as a comrade in arms. When they held meetings, they would invite him to conspire. Speaking to here, you should be able to guess the rest?


483: Im surprised! Youre not talking about the emperors story which has been scolded by countless Jing fans, yet cant deny its artistic value? Later, the drama arranged according to this is a millennium classic! I thought it was created by a black fan who had a deep hatred for Gaozong. Although many artists of the older generation boasted that the emperors story was brilliant and of a high level and the level of art and literature could be called the peak in ancient times It shocked my family!

No484: Gaozong: You black fans arent high level enough. Look at how I black myself, it can be passed down for a thousand years!

485: Gao Zong: Im not aiming at anyone in particular. Everyone here is spicy chicken!13 Look, I can black myself for a thousand years!

751: it was just an ordinary discussion post. Unexpectedly, I ate a lot of melons today. Emperor Gaozong is really hard to evaluate. Many of his words and deeds are not enough to describe simply capricious.

How to put it? Its like people standing on the ground trying to stand on tiptoe. All they can see is a layer of brilliance projected by the sun on a distant place. Its never possible to completely see or even touch that light This is probably the feeling he brings to me.

Who can evaluate the number one distinguished and accomplished in thousands of years?

The author has something to say:

The world is over. The next world is:

Villain director: sea king tried to attack me

Also known as # the daily life of mental patients#

Open your eyes and appear in the mental hospital

TN: Wow ive never had to go [ast a dozen tn notes before, this chapter killed so many of my brain cells, forums are hard ( )

1 = Li Tao = rational discussion. Usually used in chat rooms where its getting heated up and emotional, someone will say Li Tao

2 = ge bao = what they nickname Qi Yu, which means treasure brother

3 = lulu = green green

4 xswl = I am laughing to death

5 666 = powerful and convincing!

6 Forums are called building and each comment are called floors

7 dog head shiba inu

8 = teme= euphemism of you motherf*cker

9 2333 = thumphing and laughing emoji meaning

10 666 = powerful and 999 is 6 turned over and enhanced

11 818 = using a magnifying glass to pick up details of ossip

12 MMP = is short for m ma p , a really bad word that literally means your mother is selling her vagina(is a prostitute), or more English way of saying son of bitch

13 spicy chicken sounds like trash


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