I Persuade People With Reason

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

There was silence in the hall.

How could the ministers not quicken their breathing.

Why dont you laugh? Come on.

Sounds like a good idea.

In the ecstatic eyes of the emperor, he took a sudden step forward.

Qiang -

A dazzling sword light flashed in an instant, and the whole bedroom seemed to be illuminated. Blood splashed out.

Ah! The emperor stared at him incredulously, You Haa Haa

Before, Yuan Buwei hadnt responded to the half-day drunken poison incident, which gave the emperor the illusion that he cherished his reputation and had some scruples, but it turned out that this was not the case.

Sounds of struggle came from the emperors throat and the emperors chest heaved violently a few times before returning to calm. Those round eyes gradually lost all lustre.

He died.

The people in the hall looked at the scene stupidly.

Yuan Buwei nonchalantly returned the sword back to the scabbard and turned around.

His dark robe was stained with a few drops of sprayed blood and his black hair was tied with a jade crown. The drooping silk strands of hair revealed a clean and neat face. His eyes were sparse, like clouds and snow. The eyebrows and eyes are detached and light, like drifting clouds and snow.

Who would have thought that such a person like the breeze and the high moon would make such a crazy move?

Just before, they were laughing together. Last moment? Then without even blinking his hand swung, actions sharp and ruthless, but the next moment it seemed as if nothing had happened, and his expression was so calm. It was terrifying.


Empress Zhous scream broke the silence in the hall.

Just now, she was sitting on the side of the bed that was closest to the emperor and watched everything happen. Warm blood smeared on her face, causing her mentality to collapse instantly.

How could you kill him? How could you kill him?! Her entire person looked insane, and she suddenly rushed towards Yuan Buwei, A son Killing his father. And in front of everyone, you are not afraid of forever having a bad reputation in the historical records?

Yuan Buwei kicked it out almost subconsciously.

Empress Zhou hit the bed.

After reacting Yuan Buwei calmly opened his mouth and called out, Someone come.

When imperial father died, imperial mother was overwhelmed by grief and fainted. First, send the imperial mother back to her palace.

He uttered nonsense without regard. Immediately, a palace maid who saw an opportunity came forward, covered the empress mouth and escorted the unconscious empress out.

The ministers were chilled in their hearts.

What are all the high ranking officials doing? Yuan Buwei looked at them in surprise, The emperor has died yet everyone is acting so discourteously, he said bitterly. Do you all desire that the emperor be unable to rest underground?

The ministers couldnt help looking at him, as if ready to speak , but nothing came out.

If his majesty really cant rest, who is it because of, crown prince? Does your highness really have no concept in your heart?

But they really dont dare say it in the face of a prince who dared to kill his father emperor in front of the courtiers and silence the empress.

In the history books in the past, the most brutal king only imprisoned his biological father, forced him to commit suicide, and finally pulled rightous cover over himself.

For emperors who cherish reputation, ministers have 10,000 ways to persuade them. In this case? Ruthless people who dont care about reputation at all, its the first time theyve experienced it.

After a moment of silence, Prime Minister Su softened his knees and knelt down, others also fell to the ground one after another.

The country cannot live without a monarch. Begging the crown prince to choose a date to ascend to the throne.

Yuan Buwei swept his eyes around, when he suddenly looked at the only person who was still standing. That person is the historian responsible for recording history. While writing dutifully, his right hand was continuously trembling.

As Yuan Buwei quietly watched, his hand trembled even more, but he didnt stop writing.

What are you afraid of? I wont kill you. After watching him for a while he suddenly smiled, Just write slowly.

The historian paused his pen, suddenly raised his head, and boldly looked at Yuan Buweil: With his royal highness deeds today, is there no fear that infamy will follow his highness name in history, for thousands of years?

So what? Yuan Buwei replied indifferently.

Whether my actions lead to fame or infamy. What do I care about the opinions of future generations?

Everything that happened today has been recorded. As for who wants to kill this official the most, it should be the emperor, right?

If he hadnt cared about his reputation, he wouldnt have to secretly plot against the crown prince. In the end, all his calculations were exposed in the historical records.

Tut tut, what a tragedy :).

Yuan Buwei silently gave him a second of sympathy in his heart.

Not long after, there was a sound of metal colliding outside the hall, and a figure wearing black armor and a long sword on the waist walked in, with a murderous aura still around him.

He bowed his head and knelt on one knee in front of Yuan Buwei.

Looking at the man who suddenly appeared, the ministers were horrified.

Everyone knows his royal highness can achieve todays illustrious military exploits with the two most elite armies under his command. One is the Indomitable Mountain army, and the other is the Scarlet Owl army.

The former has several tens of thousands of absolutely obedient soldiers, conquering cities and land, they are invincible. The latter are only 3000 people in number, but they are all experts wihtin thousands of miles. They can accomplish scouting, assassinations and ambushes. They are a specialised army.

This man is the commander of the Scarlet Owl army, Zhao Baitu.*

*Means slaughter and suppress hundreds

It is said that he was born in a peasant household. At first he was nameless and only got a name later. You can tell from the name alone how cruel this person was

His highness the crown prince actually secretly transferred the scarlet owl army to the capital. What is he planning ? !

All the ministers dared not breathe. They just listened to Zhao Baitu kneeling there and reciting a list of familiar names in his flat, unwavering tone.

Your Highness, this last general is fortunate to not bring back disgrace. All the traitors have been taken down and are waiting for his highness to give punishment.

Yuan Buwei nodded and called Qin Mo the scapegoat king out again: According to the investigation of the Imperial Investigation Department, these rebels were involved in the emperors poisoning case. Since the emperor is dead, what are they still alive for?

Each word was dropped lightly.

Kill them all.

The traitors he mentioned was clearly the majority of the southern aristocratic families, and they were also the ministers who opposed the various decrees that he had pushed out some time ago. With the evidence dug up previously, its not an exaggeration for them to die ten times over.

The ministers were shocked on the spot.

The culprit of poisoning the emperor, even if the crown prince did not admit it, who doesnt know? Whats more, now the crown prince blatantly killed the emperor, and turned his head to use the emperor as a tool to frame the ministers. Using the emperor as a tool man to frame the ministers, isnt this too ruthless???

Some in the palace want to get up immediately to retort, but the prime minister Sus quick eye and hands hold them down quickly and push them back to the ground.

Even if there are friends of Prime Minister Su among those people, he still said unswervingly: Your Majesty is holy and righteous! Its comforting and the emperor under the nine springs will definitely be overjoyed!

The eyes of the old Prime Minister turned slightly red. Filled with emotion in each word and tone. As if he were truly deeply moved by the show of filial piety.

Yuan Buwei glanced at the ministers who were kneeling on the ground, and gave a slight sigh filled with disappointment.

His slight sigh was like a heavy hammer. Smashing awake the ministers who were still angry and tried to stand up in outrage. One by one, they trembled, adjusted their posture and knelt more standardly.

Unexpectedly, there is no minister with iron bones who would rather die than surrender. Seeing how none of them were willing to give their lives to fight against the tyrant, Yuan Buwei felt deep disappointment.

He waved his hand and strode outside the palace hall.

Outside, the hall was surrounded by the secret guards. The black crowd divided into two sides and watched him leave respectfully.

Since the sudden explosion of events, System 999 has been in a muddle. Before it could open its mouth, it was ruthlessly shut into a small black house by the host.

When it is released by the host again, it is greeted by the curious question of the host: What is the technology you said before? It is a kind of magic that is different from magic and can be cast without relying on spiritual power?

When useful it will be summoned, when its useless its immediately kicked into the small black house, this host is really not human!

System 999 is still sulking: [A living transmigrator is in front of his eyes, but the host violently killed them. What else can this system say?]

Even if the emperor died of poisoning, he could hide the past afterwards. After all, the host had never admitted poisoning.

However, the host raised his hand in front of so many people. Is it possible to silence everyone?

The protagonists hatred value will explode and its villains white washing task is forfeit.

Thinking to this point, system 999 falls into silence.

The transmigrator? Its another new term he hasnt heard of, Yuan Buwei immediately understands its meaning.

The emperor could not deceive him by making up the immortals story. Yua Buwei guessed the other party might be like him, an outsider who does not belong here.

[According to the analysis of this system, the emperor should be a transmirator from thousands of years later. The so-called scientific and technological civilization is the most mainstream civilization within ordinary plains. If the host chooses to cooperate with him, it may speed up the progress of the world and make the whole Beili develop unprecedentedly.]

Most importantly, there is the possibility of white washing.

Intending to make Yuan Buwei regret and deeply remember this lesson. It projected a faint light screen in front of Yuan Buweis eyes again.

[According to regulations, except for supervising the host to complete the task, the system cannot provide any help to the host, including giving technical data of other plane civilizations.]

Therefore, on the light screen, there is only popular science about the scientific and technological civilization, but there is no in-depth explanation. For example pictures of planes and trains are shown, and the powerful functions machines have. However the core components and how these technologies are produced are left blank.

Yuan Buwei read through the popular science, slowly discovering a new world hed never seen before.

Interesting. It turns out that the human world can still develop like this?

With a murmur, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

System 999 splashed cold water: [But the host has personally cut off such an interesting development.]

In the eyes system, since the host could not complete the task. It was blinded by despair and even dared to despise the host.

Yuan Buwei had yet to respond. He had already gotten the information he wanted

Without saying anything he smiled and blocked system 999 again.

Taking out a small packet of preserves from his sleeve, Yuan Buwei ate them one at a time. The curve of the corners of his lips seemed sweet.

Although its really interesting, whats the meaning of copying the road that has been walked by other people?

Whats more, isnt it more interesting to look at people who think they have a winning ticket and are ready to succeed have all their hopes dashed, losing everything and have their mentality collapse. Leaving them with an expression of doubting life?

The emperor died and a new emperor ascended the throne.

The whole capitol was filled with white mourning silk.

According to the ancestral traditions, after the emperor dies and the crown prince is to ascend the throne, he must first observe filial piety for twenty seven days before he will officially ascend the throne.

After the new emperor formally ascended the throne, he changed his name to Jinghe.

At the first court session after his accession to the throne, the new emperor successively issued several decrees, stating the goals for the next ten years.

Later generations called it Jinghes Five Policies.

One is to revise the law, especially the tax law.

Stating that taxes should be based on the actual situation in various parts of the country, and the decision will be made after careful analysis. Starting with the land tax, which involves thorny issues such as searching though farmland and checking hidden households.

Second, attach importance to advancing all kinds of fields, especially medicine.

This is inspired by Yuan Buwei reading about the scientific and technological civilizations. Xiao Zhi, who was obsessed with his official career, finally got the opportunity to show his talents and got a place in advance in the soon-to-be-built numerous craft institute.

Third, modify the military system.

The previous military system was too harsh and inhumane, and it has not changed with the times. Now meritorious people who fought in the southern and northern wars in those years will receive the awards they deserved, and Yuan Buwei granted unclaimed lands in the north to them according to their military merits.

It is believed that within a few years, the devastated central plains will be restored to its original appearance.

Fourth, reform the imperial examinations, that is to say teaching and education.

The imperial examination system has only emerged for a few hundred years with the powerful noble families. While the poor sons and daughters of the impoverished familie have difficulty studying. Even if there are occasional people who can make their mark and want to participate in the imperial examinations, they must obtain the recommendations from noble families, otherwise they will be forever unable to proceed.

The new emperor set up academies in various places, allowing the children of poor families to study in them, and abolished the recommendation system.

Fifth, remove the sea ban.

As soon as the Five New Polities were released, they caused an uproar.

Looking at the land, the central plains has been trampled by the Jiehu people and is currently like a piece of white paper, which can be painted at will. However the south still remains with noble families in power.

All five edicts violated their interests, and the first and the fourth were digging their foundations and swallowing their flesh and blood.


In the study room of the prime ministers mansion.

Looking at the uninvited guest in front of him, prime minister Su sighed inwardly.

The events that happened on the day the former emperor died were already deeply imprinted in his mind, making him extremely fearful of this moody new emperor.

When he was still a crown prince supervising the country, he had tentatively thrown out some policies and there were a large number of people from noble families in the court who fiercely opposed it.

If it was out of public interest, it would be fine, but what they did was all for personal gain.

At that time, the new emperor, who was only the crown prince, responded with a smile, without any intention of arguing, and seemed very easy to talk to.

But on the day of the emperors death, he mercilessly waved his butchers knife. Directly beating the ministers who opposed the most fiercely into traitors and rebels who murdered his imperial father and executed them on the spot at the entrance of palace hall.

The white jade steps were stained red with blood, and the smell of blood lingered for a long time.

The officials who were fortunate to witness this scene on the spot outside the palace hall, who were not able to follow him to the emperors palace, were all pale.

Even when going to court and passing by that spot, he couldnt help but turn pale, recalling the blood that spewed out that day.

Nevertheless, compared to several important officials such as Su Cheng, these people were lucky. After all, they never witnessed the dignified emperor being killed on the couch like a chicken.

Even if they were not silenced by the new emperor, these ministers were still frightened and uneasy every day. Waking up everyday feels like the last day of their life.

Among them, prime minister Su especially feels so.

Part of a high ranking family, his relationship with the southern nobles was deeper than that of the ministers who were killed. As long as he is still on the court, he will always be a banner. In terms of personal interests, he has followed the emperors lead for many years, and has also secretly suppressed the prince according to the emperors wishes

Its just that he is a more tactful person. Even if he opposes the crown princes policy or suppresses the crown princes faction, he always leaves some leeway.

Now the crown prince is keeping him, the touted leader of the noble families, does not kill him, and the intertwined power network has also not been moved. Instead, he has directly wiped out the main voices of the most prestigious families, and is also dubbed rebels and traitors. This is clearly no different from pulling the carpet from underneath someone!

Prime minister Su has been standing in court for many years and he has long since cultivated an extremely keen sense of smell. He immediately sensed the incomparable determination of this new ruler.

Since ancient times, there have been few noble families who are innocent, hiding farmers, evading taxes, colluding with each other and oppressing the people all kinds of corrupt things are not uncommon. As long as the emperor is willing to check, almost every box can be ticked.

Although the reason given was such nonsense as murdering imperial father, prime minister Su had no doubt that His Majesty must have had real evidence of those peoples crimes in his hands. The reason why he didnt release it was because he didnt want to completely tear his face with the southern nobility and the other nobles.

Killing those people were undoubtedly his warnings!

If the others still dont understand and continue to oppose the emperor, His Majesty will release the real criminal evidence at hand and concoct a major case, and the people involved will not be limited to such a small scale.

Although he thought so, he couldnt change other peoples actions. Dont look at his position as prime minister, he was a mere concubine born son. For noble families who are proud of their blood, they respect him on the surface, but deep down they dont necessarily pay heed to him.

However, these people were far away and had never been in the court, and they had never seen the true face of the new emperor.

What the new emperor had done deeply angered them.

Thats why these uninvited guests have come.

In the study, after the other party finished talking about their plan, prime minister Su said nothing, and a cold sweat broke out on his back.

Brother Xie, think twice, his majesty is not an easy going person. Since his majesty has left room for this matter, it is better to take a step back and avoid the current danger

He tried to persuade, but the other party interrupted rudely: A step back? The family business has been accumulated over hundreds of years, how can you just let it go? Do you know how much the little emperors policies will make us suffer once they are implemented? The loss is at least millions of taels of silver every year!

When speaking, he was confident and bold.

After operating for hundreds of years, these large families have long regarded the south as their own territory. Now the emperor is trying to take away their things and distribute them to the common people. Its just hateful!

If it wasnt for the money they offered to support the army, how could the emperor go north to the central plains and reshape the country? Now he has crossed the river and demolished the bridge!

Not to mention building academies and reforming the imperial examinations is even more absurd! What qualifications does he have to sully the book of sages with ploughing commoners to sit in the same court with them? !

This person never considered that their money had come from the toil of the people. Those who support the imperial army, civil and military officials, and even the son of heaven are actually the common people.

That it is normal to use what is taken from the people to use it for the people.

Prime Minister Su wanted to persuade again, but this man insisted: Ive already made up my mind, so you dont have to persuade more. If you dont have anything to contribute then so be it!

After he finished speaking, he cupped his hands and flung his sleeves away.

After leaving the study, this person glanced behind him and sneered inwardly.

Birthed from a lowly maid, sure enough cant stand on the stage! Back then, he was a little servant in front of the late emperor, and now he is wagging his tail and begging for pity in front of the current emperor. So shameful.

In the study, prime minister Su was silent for a long time. Then spread out white paper on the table, and began to slowly prepare the ink.

Its really self-defeating He shook his head and sighed, I have to think of a way to get out.

So, he picked up the pen and wrote down exactly what the Xie ge said just now.

Maybe one day, this will become the trump card for him to be spared.

However, Prime Minister Su never imagined that this day would come earlier than he imagined.

That night, he saw Xie ge again, in the Zhao prison of the imperial investigation division.

Invited by the emperor to Zhaos prison at night, prime minister Su, who was completely confused, saw this Xie ge at first glance, and immediately understood.

At this time, this descendant of the Xie family of the south, who was born in a noble family and grew up in a golden jade nest, was unharmed, but his head was downcast, and his expression was grey and defeated. .

The two looked at each other, and there was an awkward silence in the air.

Unexpectedly he didnt have time to report and expose Xie ge, instead he was reported by this person first. Prime minister Su felt a little regretful, when he came out why didnt he bring the piece of evidence that he had written down before!

The atmosphere in Zhao Prison was extremely gloomy, and the walls were stained with blood.

Yuan Buwei was sitting on the side and there was a plate of sweet snacks beside him.

He ate slowly, the corners of his lips slightly curved.

After a long time, as if just noticing the existence of prime minister Su, Yuan Buwei looked at him in confusion and asked curiously:

Why doesnt the prime minister greet his old friend when meeting?

Prime Minister Sus expression was extremely estranged.

He only glanced at Xie Hongzhi, whose hair was dishevelled in front of him, and guessed the reason from the embarrassed expression of the other side.

Before this man was adamant about showing the emperor his place, but now look at him. Im afraid that his front foot stepped out of the prime ministers mansion and the rear foot will be caught in the Zhao prison.

Of course, this isnt the essential point. More importantly, why did this bastard want to drag him in too? !

Prime minister Su felt that he was really innocent and wronged.

In the eyes of the new emperor, who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Su Chengxiang seemed to have seen the looming murderous intention, Suddenly, with a squeak in his heart, he quickly kneeled down.

This old minister is guilty. He was soft-hearted because of previous friendship and failed to expose Xie, Wang, Sun, Ji etc. for the rebellious and insolent act of merging the thirteen aristocratic families.

Since this Xie Hongzhi has been caught by His Majesty, then, the small actions of those people may have been noticed by his majesty long ago, and they will end up bleak in the future. Why does he have to cover up for them and instead implicate himself?

Its better to sell them completely.

Yuan Buwei listened lazily, stretched out a hand to support his chin, his expression was sloppy, and there was no emotional change to be seen on his face.

The surroundings were very quiet, only Prime Minister Sus old and slow voice echoed in the prison.

Although many crimes spoken by Xie Hongzhi were already known, there are also many new things. This is the path that prime minister Su secretly left for himself.

A faint scream came from the depths of Zhao Prison, and a strong smell of blood wafted out.

Yuan Buwei frowned slightly, looking at the dessert in his hand, and unwillingly put it back on the plate.

Prime Minister Sus voice continued.

In the end, Yuan Buwei finally nodded.

Seeing beads of sweat oozing from prime minister Sus forehead, he suddenly poured a cup of tea and handed it over.

Why should prime minister be so nervous? Tea, snacks and refreshments are available here, and the reunion of old friends is such a joy that you should speak freely! At most, I am just a host who provides a house for the two of you.

How could Prime Minister Su dare not to accept the tea that the emperor personally poured? His hands have started trembling slightly.

Isnt this meant to send him on his way?

Returning to the prime ministers mansion, it was almost dawn.

Prime minister Su was exhausted, and his whole body exuded an air of exhaustion.

He was intimidated by the new emperor in Zhao prison today. His emotions were always fluctuating, and his heartstrings were tense all the time.

Who would have thought he would receive bad news just after returning home.

What did you say? Say it again!

Looking at the stupid son in front of him, prime minister Su was almost driven mad by him!

Su Mingyou shrank his neck.

In the past, he was not at all afraid of prime minister Su getting angry, but since the last time he was hit, he finally grew a sense of fear: Dad, dont be angry. Its just that woman ran away

Before he could finish speaking, prime minister Su had already kicked him on the knee, causing him to stagger to the ground.

You, you son of a bitch?! Is this a matter of a woman running away? This is about the marriage that His Majesty personally ordered for you! Not at a normal time, but at this critical moment Tell me, what good thing did you do? ?!

If he hadnt done something shameful, how could the married in main wife actually want to run away at night?

Su Mingyou was scolded for a while and had a guilty conscience.

That day in the eldest princess mansion, he was unwilling and forced to be married by the crown prince.

At first, due to prime minister Sus orders and a little fear of the crown prince, he was kind to that Ah Xiu for a while. Later, when he saw that the crown prince ignored him, and prime minister Su ignored the matters of the backyard, he returned to his old ways and hooked up with a lot of good women.

Ah Xius identity is not high, but she is jealous. Relying on her being selected by the crown prince, she actually dared to bully other women in the backyard behind his back. His favourite concubine complained tenderly in front of him, Su Mingyou who was drunk was overcome by anger and almost beat Ah Xiu to death.

Then came the trouble.

During the national mourning, all people in the world should observe filial piety. Some acts had to be refrained from within all official households.

A few days ago, Su Mingyou couldnt hold it any longer, and he secretly went to find his beloved concubine to relieve the fire. How could he know that Ah Xiu came to this concubine, swaggering in and smashing his happy deeds.

Today, the two argued about him favouring a concubine over the wife again. Ah Xiu unexpectedly said that she was going to report his inappropriate actions during the mourning period. Su Mingyous temperament was not gentle and he locked her in the woodshed.

Unexpectedly, before tea time, this person disappeared.

After he finished explaining the cause and effect, he raised his head and looked at prime minister Su: Dad, this woman is too arrogant! When I get her back, I have to discipline her well Ah! Dad, why are you hitting me?!

I think its you who needs good discipline!

Prime minister Su panting heavily, he picked up the cane and whacked him in the face.

It is only his fault, he had a son in middle age and was reluctant to discipline him. Why did he give birth to this stupid son!

Moreover, prime minister Su is well versed in the art of figuring out peoples hearts. In the past, when he aimed to gain the trust of the former emperor, when his son made some minor mistakes he deliberately indulged him, opening one eye or closing one eye. Deliberately leaving weak spots so that the emperor could use him with confidence.

Unexpectedly, now he has pitted himself!

Idiot, use your brain to think about it, how can she escape by herself?

Although the Prime Ministers Mansion is not heavily guarded like the palace. Its still not possible for someone like Ah Xiu, a weak woman with no foundation to come and go freely.

Immediately, a figure appeared in his mind.

Could it be that when His Majesty forcibly arranged this marriage, he had already calculated todays scene?

What Su Mingyou committed was probably committed by many people in private, and Beilis law did not have strict laws in this regard.

But the question is what His Majesty thinks.

Everything is fine if His Majesty doesnt care, if he wants to use this point to strike

While prime minister Su waited anxiously, Ah Xiu seemed to have evaporated from the world and never appeared again.

It seemed that someone deliberately hid her. Even the forces of the prime ministers mansion couldnt find her whereabouts.

This undoubtedly confirmed the speculation in prime minister Sus heart.

It was as if there was a guillotine on the verge of falling hanging over his head, the state of being about to fall was the most terrifying.

As the days passed, the anxiety and torment in his heart also fermented to the extreme, and prime minister Su finally made up his mind.

Glancing at the ignorant and ignorant stupid son, he let out a long sigh.

What else can be done? There is only this one son, He is so stupid from his own spoiling, so he can only drag these old bones to clean up the mess for him!

In the imperial study, Yuan Buwei was not surprised to learn that prime minister Su was asking to see him.

He had killed so many people back then, but prime minister Su was left alone. One reason is that the position of the prime minister is of great importance. After killing prime minister Su, there is no way to find a prime minister to take office immediately, which may affect the operation of the court; second is because Su Cheng is relatively easy to use.

This person is cautious, cherishes his life, and has the fatal flaw of Su Mingyou, which is almost the most convenient tool to use.

However, he is not as amazing as prime minister Su imagined. It is impossible to calculate everything in advance, even more so to have Su Mingyous own behaviour under his control.

Ah Xiu was just a free move. After he arranged the marriage of the two that day, he ordered a dark guard to pay attention in secret. He didnt expect that now would actually come in handy.

Taking a glance qt prime minister Su, who walked in staggeringly, Yuan Buwei was satisfied, and said with a smile:

The prime minister is here, I happen to have something to discuss with you.

It was the start of another court session and the civil and military officials were still arguing about the five policies previously thrown out by the emperor.

Unexpectedly, prime minister Su, who has always been cautious and steady, actually took the initiative to stand up and support the emperor.

As a result, the civil and military officials were fortunate enough to witness a wonderful rare scene that was to be recorded in history.

Prime minister Su, in his sixtieth year, fought with the ministers in the palace hall, citing scriptures and classics eloquently, Finally winning a great victory by himself.

His defection was like ripping something open.

As a veteran who survived two dynasties, he has been an official for 20 years, and his disciples and former officials connections are also a considerable force.

Him personally lobbying for something, soon attracted many courtiers who were willing to support the new policies. The court was no longer one-sided against the new policies.

If the supporters and opponents in the court are barely evenly divided, then the land in the south is very different. Yuan Buwei was already on the hatred list of countless noble families. All kinds of rumours and slander about the new emperor spread all over.

However Yuan Buwei didnt care at all.

The public opinion offensive was ineffective, so they had to prepare a new move.

These people no longer created opposition in the imperial court, but they disgusted the emperor using the solid foundation of many years of operation.

For example, several large chambers of commerce unanimously refused to sell rice grains to the north, or raised the price astronomically. For a time, the price of rice on the market was so high that ordinary people almost ran out of food, and famine broke out in several places

As for the more tricky means, these people have no time to implement it, and they will never have a chance in the future.

The news learned from Xie Hongzhi and Prime Minister Su had already prepared Yuan Buwei.

He has always liked to treat others with the way others treated him. If the enemy uses a clear knife and a clear gun, he will also crush it with great momentum; if the other party plays tricks, Yuan Buwei will make them doubt their own life.

As a result, a group of chambers of commerce hoarded a large amount of rice grain in the warehouse, and was promptly looted by an unknown thief. In those places with famine suddenly there was a thief who robbed the rich and helped the poor, and gave gifts to each family at night. Rice and grain were distributed to each household; while the academy was burnt by the bandits, the estates of many aristocratic families also suffered

Just when they were secretly suffering from a loss and wanted to cry without tears, hundreds of thousands of Indomitable Mountain troops had arrived in the south of the Yangtze River.

The entire South suddenly fell silent.

System 999, who finally came out of the small dark room to breath fresh air, was stunned and once again doubted the system scanning.

This hosts means of coercion and inducement, both soft and hard, seems to have been mastered and practised. Was it really the silly white sweet saviour he thought he had?

Had it actually bound to the wrong person? !

Looking at it carefully again, yes, the familiar golden light of merit and the familiar beliefs of sentient beings. Vaguely it seemed to be able to hear the voices of countless blessings coming from the void The meaning of gratitude and worship in it was unadulterated.

System 999 fell into deep confusion.

However, after having experienced many worlds, system 999 is not a pure noob. At this time, it reminded him: [Host, are you doing this to treat the symptoms but not the root cause? Even if the voice of opposition is temporarily suppressed, those people will never compromise like this. When it erupts in the future, it will only be more intense.

Unless the entire south can be uprooted.

But in that case, the world that has only been peaceful for a few years is expected to fall into complete turmoil again.

Really? Yuan Buwei showed some anticipation in his eyes, Ill been waiting for that day.

In the silence, everything went smoothly.

The turbulent tide in the dark has stirred up silently, but who knows who will be drowned in the end.

On this day, the first academy in the capital was completed.

According to the original plan, Yuan Buwei, as the emperor, planned to go in person in order to express the significance.

Prime minister Su stood up and persuaded: Recently, there have been a lot of rumours about Your Majesty in the capitol, and this minister suspects that some people will secretly make trouble. And todays academys opening is the most likely opportunity for creating trouble. Begging Your Majesty to reconsider, the dragons body is the most important thing. Please dont take risks lightly.

What he said was euphemistic, the gossip was actually the fact that the emperor killed his father and usurped the throne. At that time, who told him to do it in front of everyones eyes? Without concern for the people watching, of course there will be rumours.

Whats more, he has been looking forward to todays event for a long time

He opened his mouth indifferently to speak and stepped on the former emperor ten thousand times with words: : No need. Like the former emperor can have immortal dreams, zhen has his own destiny, and will be fine.

The ministers were speechless.

Who took the lead last time in the face of the former emperor to criticise immortal dreams as nonsense and made it absolutely clear that there was no such things as immortals in this world Your Majesty you didnt forget, right?

The former emperor is not worthy of the protection of immortals. Could it be that the current emperor who does not believe in the existence of immortals deserves it?

Except for Su Cheng and Yuan Buwei, who were already tied on the same boat and could not part, some courtiers were worried, others were silent, but the majority were already prepared to watch jokes.

Then, they were stunned.

At the entrance of the academy, when the new emperor stepped down from the imperial carriage, there was a sudden piercing sound through the air.

A pitch-black feathered arrow passed through the crowd, penetrated past the siege of the dark guards, and slipped through an imperceptible gap at an incredible speed to reach the emperors face.

The arrow came too fast, too suddenly!

So much so that everyone stood still on the spot.

Even the high-spirited new emperor who had not long on the throne stood stunned on the spot, looking like he was about to be pierced by an arrow and die instantly.

Your Majestyhuh?

Prime minister Su exclaimed in surprise, but the ending tone turned strange.

At the moment the arrow touched Yuan Buweis face, everyones vision became blurred for a while.

In a trance, the earth in front of them seemed to be shaking, and there seemed to be an illusory dragon roar resounding between heaven and earth.

Bright golden light rose in front of everyones eyes.

After the momentary illusion disappeared, they looked again and saw that the arrow was firmly sandwiched between two slender fingers, motionless.

The faint dragon roar gradually dissipated.

The ministers were stunned on the spot.

Is it possible that what His Majesty said is true? ! !

Yuan Buwei stood steadily, there was no panic on his face.

He looked at the arrow in his hand with interest, and suddenly threw it in a certain direction.

Everyones heart tightened in an instant.

In that split second his eyes were extremely sharp.


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