I Obtained a Mythic Item

Chapter 58: The First Junction (1)

Chapter 58: The First Junction (1)

I Obtained a Mythic Item

I wanted to make our lips match up in advance.

Huh?! Huh!

At JaeHyuns sudden words, Ina leaned back while stuttering in surprise.

She covered her mouth with both hands and looked up at JaeHyun dejectedly.

Then JaeHyun waved his hand in Inas direction, chuckling.

Hey. Not what youre thinking. I mean we should make our stories match up.


She wore a distrusting expression on her face.

JaeHyun smirked.

As expected of someone with zero interpersonal skills.

Havent you checked your condition yet? I healed you up really well.

Huh? You mean, youre the one who healed me?


Shed expected it, but still couldnt understand how it was possible. Wasnt JaeHyun a Magician that fought on the frontlines, not a healer?

Additionally, Mana Rebound was an illness that couldnt be healed unless one had a healing spell that was above A-rank.

He managed to heal something like that by himself?

I know what youre thinking, but Its a bit difficult to explain everything. But one thing thats certain is that I healed you, and I want to keep hiding this skill.

Hide it?

Yeah. I dont want to let others know that I have a healing spell. Especially the rude bastard at the top of Millaes Academy.


Ina exclaimed softly.

She immediately realized who the rude bastard JaeHyun was talking about was.

Gu Ja-In.

The chairman of Millaes Academy, and someone JaeHyun obviously disliked.

Its because of that bastard that a Kobold Lord appeared in the dungeon, and cadets lives were put in danger.


Ina blinked in surprise as she stared at JaeHyun.

JaeHyun continued calmly.

Chairman Gu Ja-In is a trashy bastard who thinks of cadets as mere tools. Hes totally different from the image he presents to the media. He only wants to use us to earn more money.

But even so, theres no reason to release a boss monster in a dungeon

He thinks its alright for cadets he considers useless to die. Hes someone who thinks the talented 1% are the ones who keep his pockets full.

How can he?

It seemed like Ina was very shocked by JaeHyuns words.

But JaeHyun couldnt keep pushing for more time.

That he had manipulated the event to give JaeHyun an impossible task meant that the chances of Gu Ja-In continuing to hold such events for JaeHyun in the future was high.

That Ina and YooJung would get sucked into those plans was an unfortunate fact.

He thought it would be safer to warn them ahead of time.

JaeHyun explained more clearly since Ina seemed confused.

Gu Ja-Ins past activities, his feelings towards cadets, and his actions during the Freshmen Hunt. He shared all the information he could with her.

Ina nodded to show she understood after a while, but only stared at JaeHyun and didnt say much.

A chill suddenly filled the dungeon.

What? Is there something on my face?

JaeHyun tried to joke to clear the air, but Ina still gave him a glare.

After a while, she spoke.

That day, after the Freshman Hunt, when you led us to the dormitory. You said that Chairman Gu Ja-In is a dangerous person, and that we shouldnt trust anyone in the academy.


JaeHyun, how much do you actually know about Chairman Gu Ja-In?


At that moment, JaeHyun became flustered.

He didnt expect Ina to ask something like that.

I didnt expect that. I cant believe Ina asked about that first.

Ina already had trouble interacting with others. Considering her personality, asking such a sensitive question couldnt have been easy for her.

Was she just curious about the information he knew?

If that were all it was, thatd be great, but


When JaeHyun didnt reply immediately, Ina tried to urge him on.

You knew from the start that Chairman Gu ja-In was a bad person. Also, this dungeon. You responded quickly, as if you knew something like this would happen. How could you know such things?

Answer me.

Inas hazel eyes persistently demanded answers.

But JaeHyun couldnt answer Ina immediately. He wasnt sure if it was alright for him to tell her everything.

JaeHyun agonized over telling her for a moment, then shook his head and looked at Ina.

Still, it wont be good for Ina if she learns about my secret here. It might be alright for the moment, but I don't want Ina to get caught up in the other events.

With that incident, JaeHyun realized for certain.

Ina was an immense help, but not one to be handled carelessly.

An irregularity that changed the future he knew.

If she was around him, she might not grow as strong as she had.

Of course, if I dont take care of HoYeon and YooJung, they will die or break down without reaching their full potential. That cant be helped But Ina is different.

Ina would become the best Magician in Korea in a few years, even without his help.

If he intervened in her life now, her path might get twisted.

And in the worst-case scenario

Ina might die.

That was something that must never happen.

Should I use Mind Control?

Mind Control, the skill he had copied from Gu Ja-In, was a spell that controlled other peoples thoughts.

If necessary, the person under the spell could be bound through the second form, Subordination. It was a dangerous skill that could be used to make someone follow him like a slave.

If he used it effectively here, he could make Ina keep his secrets.

But JaeHyun shook his head.

Thats not an actual solution. Thats not how you should treat your friends.

To begin with, it was questionable whether Inawho had an aptitude of 92%would be affected by Mind Control.

And this is totally different from what happened to HoYeon.

Spells that manipulated the mind required the user to have greater mana than the designated target, and it was easier to use on someone who had a weak mind.

In other words, it was easy to control HoYeon because his mind was weak, but it wouldnt work on Ina, who had a strong mentality.

JaeHyun shook his head as he slowly started to answer.

Im sorry, but I cant tell you any more than this.


Ina responded in an angry tone, but JaeHyun shook his head.

If you get in too deep, it wont be good for you, either. Please let it go for now.

I still want to know.

Ina unexpectedly repeated herself, but JaeHyun still just shook his head.


It was quiet for a moment.

The darkness in the dungeon made the silence feel much longer.

The two leaned against the wall without speaking for a while.

Ina still looked disappointed. But the anger in her face had already disappeared. That was because she currently trusted JaeHyun as much as she trusted herself.

The experience of fighting with ones life on the line might be surprisingly common for raiders, but such an experience had strengthened their relationship.

There was now a camaraderie between JaeHyun and Ina that came from facing death and making it out alive together. In such a relationship, there was no place for doubts.

Ina was well aware of that.

Then, should we start finding our way out?


JaeHyun acted first. When he led the way, Ina followed behind him.

In the darkness of the dungeon, only two spheres created with Flash emitted light, illuminating their way inside the dungeon.




When JaeHyun and Ina came out of the dungeon, the hall was already in chaos.

S-stop it! Kim YooJung!

Tell me! Why are you the only ones alive?!

Cadet Kim YooJung, stop! I understand that you are upset over losing your friends, but

Instructor Kim JiYeon tried to stop her, but YooJung was already out of her mind in anger.

HoYeon was bewildered and thinking pessimistically about what was happening around him.

Damn What should I do? The only solution would be if JaeHyun and Ina came back Huh?!

HoYeons pupils contracted and his eyes widened.

He stared as he grabbed YooJungs shoulder and spoke with a trembling voice.

W-wait! YooJung, stop for a sec!

Dont stop me!

YeonJu and Instructor Kim JiYeon tried to stop her, but YooJung pretended not to hear them and gathered her mana.

In front of her, SungWoo and Jina had their heads bowed in guilt.

But HoYeon quickly grabbed her shoulders and shouted.

Not that! The two of them came back alive!


YooJung immediately turned around.

Soon after, JaeHyun and Inas faces came into her sight.

Are you guys fighting because of us?

It was JaeHyuns sly voice.

The two appeared in the middle of a really chaotic situation.

Instructor Kim JiYeons face hardened as she observed them.

With a shocked expression, she tried to figure out what was going on.

What the hell is happening? The investigation unit was certain the two had died. Based on the mana flowing out of the dungeon, the boss monster was a B-rank. Are you telling me they killed a boss of that level?

She simply couldnt believe it.

Even she couldnt take care of a B-rank boss by herself. But such a monster was defeated by two cadets?

If so

If that really were the truth

Min JaeHyun. That cadet probably took the lead and killed the boss.

Instructor Kim JiYeon bit her lip as she stared at JaeHyun, almost certain of her guess.

Hes a frightening cadet.

Meanwhile, YooJung ran to the entrance of the dungeon and hugged the two with tears streaming down her face.

Uwaaa Thank god you came back alive the instructor and the people from the investigation unit said you were dead, so

Okay, I got it. Let go.

JaeHyun spoke sourly. He didnt want his clothes to be covered in snot if he responded emotionally.

Ina only stroked YooJungs head without saying a word.

JaeHyun waited until YooJungs tears stopped before learning about what happened.

SungWoo and Jina came out first and, hearing that they had abandoned their teammates, YooJung had angrily tried to attack them.

JaeHyun grabbed YooJungs shoulders and made her raise her head.

He really couldnt leave things as it was.

Hey. Kim YooJung. Im thankful you were worried, but dont do something like that again.


Even as she was sobbing, YooJung didnt look away. She merely looked up at JaeHyun with a face full of anger.

Those two. I told them to leave, to ask the instructor for help. So, if something like this happens again, dont start a fight.

Hey. Do you think thats easy to do?

I know its not easy, but I would also have done the same.


I would have run. So, dont do something like this anymore. Dont get angry because of me.

He wasnt being pretentious.

In the past, he actually had abandoned his teammates and ran away by himself. There was a time he had tried to hide at the back like a coward so that he could live a little longer.

But he didnt want to keep pretending anymore.

When JaeHyun smiled slightly, YooJung quickly let go of him and frowned.

What? I was angry because of Ina, okay? It has nothing to do with you!

YooJung spoke and stuck closer to Ina.

Millaes first event, The Dungeon Practicum, was over.


Instructor Kim JiYeon. Shes staring straight at me Theres something strange about her.

JaeHyun debated over asking her a question, but decided not to. He merely met her unwavering gaze without flinching.

It was a clear warning.

A strong warning that she shouldnt touch the people around him.

Just then

Main Quest First Junction has been completed.

Your reward will be calculated based on the route you have chosen.

The user has chosen Route B, a different path from the past.

You have received Idunns Golden Apple.

* * *

Is what you just said Really the truth?

Yes, absolutely. A moment ago, I was contacted by Instructor Kim JiYeon. Min JaeHyun and Seo Ina Both cadets came back alive.


< Academys chairmans office. >

After hearing Kim Seok-Gis report, Gu Ja-In was deep thought.

If things got really dangerous, I was going to step in and save them But this changes things. Interesting.

Gu Ja-In looked back at the situation and smiled.

Min JaeHyun had far exceeded his expectations once more.

In fact, Gu Ja-In had pushed them quite far, but he hadnt planned to kill them. It was true that he wanted to tame them, but with their potential to become S-rank raiders, he had no intention of letting them die.

Originally, he was going to save them after scaring them a bit.

But this changed things.

The Kobold Lord that JaeHyun and Ina had killed a moment ago was a special entity his power had created.

Min JaeHyun and Seo Ina had defeated it as mere cadets.

He couldnt help but grow interested.

If they just kept growing like this They might become the most powerful raiders in Korea. More powerful than Lee JaeShin.

Gu Ja-In smiled crookedly. Instructor Kim Seok-Gi flinched and trembled slightly, but Gu Ja-In didnt pay him any mind.

There was only one thing on his mind.

Min JaeHyun.

I should make him stronger as soon as possible and dedicate the brat to him. This will be interesting.

Gu Ja-In licked his lower lip covetously. He turned to Kim Seok-Gi and spoke in a cold voice.

Instructor Kim, youve disappointed me this time.

Th-that is I apologize, sir.

I will let things slide this one time.

Gu Ja-Ins words were truly frightening.

He was now reprimanding Kim Seok-Gi because he couldnt properly control Min JaeHyun with the Dungeon Practicum.

Of course, it was unfair to blame Kim Seok-Gi.

But talking back was not permitted.

It was impossible for an instructor to dare disagree with Gu Ja-Ins words.

I wont let you down next time.

Alright. In the next event, make sure to tame Min JaeHyun. As you already know Im not a patient person.


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