I Made A Deal With The Devil

Chapter 19 - 19

Chapter 19: CHAPTER 19

"I'm going off somewhere and I won't be back in three days." Gage informed Eva as soon as he parked his car in front of his mansion.

"Three days…" Eva whipped her head around and looked at him with slightly creased brows. "Where are you going?" She wondered why he would suddenly go off somewhere for three whole days.

He lifted a brow. His eyes gleamed with mischief again.

"I'm a healthy bachelor, Eva. And I only have three days left before I get stuck with this new job that I've thrown myself into. So, I might as well go fool around while I can. Right?"

"You can't." She suddenly blurted out, serious.

But her response seemed to amuse him rather than irritate him. He flashed Eva a slow smile before leaning his elbow against the wheel and rested his temple against his knuckles. Then he trained his smouldering gaze on her without saying anything for a short moment, causing Eva to wonder if her blurting out things might have started things off on the wrong footing.

"You're acting like my wife already." He said sexily, as if he liked the very idea he just spouted.

That made Eva blushed a little. 'Aah… okay then. I guess he liked it instead?' Eva thought to herself. But before she could retort, Gage continued. "Too bad you didn't accept my proposal yet. I would've listened to you right now. Don't you know that I am the kind of guy who listens to his wife's orders?" He continued with a slight smile on his somewhat serious looking face. Eva did not know if he was just teasing her or was he actually serious in his statement.

"N…No. I mean… You mentioned in the contract that I needed to give you a kiss every night and warm your bed. If you leave, how would I be able to carry these requirements out then?" Eva acted as though she did not hear his latest statement as she did not know how to respond to it. Just listening to him say it earlier was enough to fluster her internally.

"This one's on me. So it won't be counted towards the agreed contract. And you didn't say anything about this matter when we signed the contract." He replied, staring at her with full interest. Then his grin became even more playful. "You should've also counter suggested some consequences for me too, if I fail to be present by your side every night."

Eva could not help but throw him a sharp glance at his comment. Why was he suggesting this now? And did he forget that the contract was already finalized when he had showed it to her?

She could only grit her teeth and inhale a sharp breath. There was no use talking about that now anyway. The contract was already signed. What has been done, was already done. There was no point revisiting it.

However, she could not just let him go running off like this. She understood that she was not in any position to stop him since she was not his girlfriend or even fiancée but... what if… what if he was caught in a scandal and that would then ruin his name? That was the last thing she wanted to happen! Her plans for revenge had barely started! She could not have anything mess it up! Not even the person who would be the one providing her the opportunity to take her revenge. She was that determined to not let anything get in the way of her vengeance on the Young's family.

"If I become your girlfriend now, will you still go and fool around with other women?" she asked straightforwardly. Her question made Gage subtly raised his brow.

"You think I'm the type of man who will get it on with other girls while I have a girlfriend?" His gaze was serious now.

"Well… men nowadays love to do that, don't they? They're always not satisfied with just one woman. It is a well-known thing that the more loaded a man is, the more ladies he has by his side. And you, Mr Acheron, is the definition of loaded." Her voice weakened when she first spoke but hardened a little at the end when she said that. She had met too many men who seemed to view cheating as normal and a part of their lives. Even her ex-fiance… that bastard! He must have had been cheating on her since they were back in college!

Suddenly, he reached out and pinched her cheek gently, causing Eva to snap out of her thoughts and looked at him with confusion.

"Worry not, pet. I'll come back to you without any scandals. That I can promise you." He flashed her a small but reassuring smile.

Eva blinked at him. How did he know she was worried of that? It's like he could read her like a book!

She shook her head to banish the thought and juat told herself that this man was just observant. It must be easy for him to deduce what she's thinking. She stared hard at him, as if trying to scrutinize his every expression and judging if he was telling the truth. But eventually, she gave in and said with her signature no-nonsense tone.

"If you don't keep your promise, I will hold you accountable." And she levelled at him her gaze that was as intense as a laser beam as an additional unspoken warning.

His smile widened, looking amused again. "Of course."

"I'm very serious here." She warned again.

"I know. Also, just for your information, I don't do girlfriend proposals, pet. I'm only interested in a marriage proposal."

"What?!" Eva was taken aback at the sudden swerve in his approach.

"So if you want to ground me, just do one simple thing." He let go of her cheek and rubbed the skin gently with the pad of his thumb even though he did not hurt her at all. "Marry me and I'm all yours."

Her mouth dropped open at his proposal.

A sexy chuckle echoed inside the car. "But there is no rush, Eva. You have a month to think about it. So take your time and think through it carefully."

His expression then turned serious, and his tantalizing eyes seemed to suddenly become smouldering hot in its intent. He leaned back but his face was still tilted towards her. "Now since I'm still here and it is already night, what about you keeping your end of the bargain? You must give me my kiss before I go."


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