I like them big, do you?

Chapter 52: You dont use the pyromaniacs flames

Chapter 52: You don't use the pyromaniac's flames

"It must be hard to move with my flames raging around. Go in the direction the second arrow had come from," Reylin said, "If you see him, use taunt and notify me through the voice chat. You don't have to point the staff at him or do anything other than taunting and keeping him close to you. Understood?"

"Understood, boss!" Steel Melody saluted like the soldier and kicked the ground to charge in the appointed direction.

Reylin smiled and chose a different direction.

He went to the right and rushed with the flames gathering around his body.

Similarly to him, his black staff called the flames, and one could only wonder how good the pyromaniac's mana control was.

Steel Melody didn't see that, nor did she care about anything around her! She remained undaunted even before the firewall before her!

Since the flames spread across the forest, those flames were foreign ones. Being in the party would do nothing, and Steel Melody would soon face the pain.

It would hurt, but the idea of pain didn't scare her.

She knew it was important to be fearless and decisive at this moment to catch the archer! Should he disappear, the pyromaniac and the masochist would be at his mercy!

"Only Rey's flames can bang on the shield, though. That's a bummer!" Steel Melody only disliked the fact that her heavy armor and shield wouldn't let out her favorite sound, and that was it.

Once she stepped in flames, Steel Melody bit her lips. She felt boiling, and the fire blocked her vision. Nonetheless, her rush carried on, and she didn't even stumble once!

That alone was an impressive feat, really.

"Eh? No way..." Steel Melody felt like something went through the flames!

She turned her eyes to the side, and her eyes just noticed the flames filling up the gap within their wall. However, that mini-movement filled her heart with joy as Steel Melody believed it was an arrow!

She rushed faster, and soon, Lares casually appeared before her.

He was in a vulnerable state!

His eyes remained locked on Reylin through his mark, and he held the bow tightly. Nothing around him mattered, and his hand slowly pulled the bowstring behind...

In his usual gameplay, Lares would have been surrounded by his teammates.

He took this mission solo, and that was a fatal mistake.

Steel Melody said through the voice chat, "I found him! We won the gamble! Haha!" She sounded so happy and innocent that Reylin's lips curled up into a smile unconsciously.

He replied, "Aren't you a lucky woman? Taunt this fucker."

"Taunt!" Steel Melody followed Reylin's words, and her taunt stopped Lares.

He woke up from his state, his eyes blinking fast. Those hues shifted to Steel Melody, and he whispered, "How did you find me?"

"The gamble!" Steel Melody replied in a joyful tone while keeping her taunt.

Lares' hand moved on its own.

The taunt forced players to let out their basic attack.

Since Lares had been using his bow since the beginning of the game, and he even used it on Earth, his body was well aware of the basic attack. He had that imprinted within himself, and he moved like a loyal dog.

"Damn it..." Lares spoke through his bitten lips as he sent out the basic attack.

It didn't leave a dent on Steel Melody's shield, to say nothing of scratching it!

His face contorted uglily, but that didn't last for too long as the black staff's tip lit up in a fire! That was somewhat expected. Otherwise, the pyromaniac wouldn't have shared his weapon with someone else.

However, the color of those flames erased Lares' ire.

"He can use that ultimate skill through it?!"

"Oh! The Red Sky... Oh..." Steel Melody mimicked the famous scene, and immediately after, the legendary flames exploded from the staff!

On the other side of the battle, Reylin strutted with his hand pointing where Steel Melody was. He formed a gun with his fingers and controlled his flames in this way...

Once he saw the red pillar, Reylin smirked and went with flames, making way for him!

At last, he appeared before Lares, whose half body remained scorched. He barely survived that skill as his archer's step activated itself after the taunt ended!

He couldn't move further, however.

His body was supported by the tree, and he lay on it with his legs sprawled, "Reylin... You broken motherfucker."

For a person with such a background, not many people could force Lares' vulgar language.

Reylin did it with his broken mana control.

"How did you do it?! I didn't know you could use that skill through the staff!" Steel Melody asked what lingered in Lares' mind.

She was loud and happy, so Reylin brightly replied, "I wield flames. My control gets better every day as I am one with flames. That's all."

"Oh, okay," Steel Melody didn't understand, and she just agreed as usual.

Reylin closed up distance and pushed his boot into Lares' mouth, "Using my flames so blatantly against me. I won't kill you quickly."

"No matter what I would've done, you still would get mad," Lares barked, "You are that fucked up, Reylin. Everything must go your way, I know it."

"Ah, this guy is taking out some personal stuff. Steel Melody, could you go and hunt some ants? I will be back soon," Reylin smiled toward Steel Melody.

She felt colder out of nowhere, so Steel Melody nodded and trotted away.

Reylin's eyes retracted to Lares, and he said, "There was one time we disagreed, didn't we? That one little argument made you delusional about me."

"You are Crown. Back then, the game didn't exist, so I still stand by my point. You wasted your talent for many years and became nothing but a parasite to your family. Your excesses were funded by your family, and you must have cost them a fortune.

I can't stand it. I can't stand people who waste their chance!"

"Your point was that I have exceptional drawing skills and that I should become an artist. Reach the peak like my brothers... and bla bla bla bla. Fuck you, really. Why do all of you give a look at other people's lives?

You compare my family to other countries' families or something? If I become known, would other countries look down on us? You think I care?" Reylin said while kicking Lares' face brutally.

He was also quite honest.

"In the current world, it will be nothing but good for our country if you become known. This game has already left too much impact on Earth.

I am not down because of it. In the future, we might even become teammates because you will honor your father's will. We might stand together for our country.

As for me... Why do you care? Hmm?" Lares snickered.

He looked too devilish with blood on his face, "I am Brand's son! I can do the fuck I want as well! If I want to lecture you or tell you my view, then I will fucking say it out loud! My goals don't matter to you!

If you don't like it, then spare me your annoying talk and just hit me!"

"I will hit you, of course," Reylin did as he said.

Lares laughed while coughing blood, "This time, you gambled and won! Congratulations, Reylin. Luck is also part of the skill. Next time, I will prepare anti-mana arrows. You think there's nothing against mana?

Yes, mana is one of the main forces in this world.

But mana is not flawless!"

Reylin shrugged, "Yeah. You can come at any time if you catch up with me. Have fun with your heroes and work for the Blue Rose Kingdom. I won't say bye. I will do the 'bye'."

Reylin's leg lit up in flames, and those devoured Lares.

Lares left his last words, "It's not over for our guild! Until the next time, Reylin!"

[You have killed Lares.]

"Tsk... Talkative enemies are a pain in the ass," Reylin whispered, then returned to Steel Melody's side.

On their reunion, Steel Melody scratched the back of her hair, "I forgot to shout, 'Showtime'. Sorry!"

"Hah. I don't mind."


In real life, Lares took his VR Helmet off.

He didn't return to the battlefield due to a few things.

Two main reasons were the travel time and his father's plan.

"It will be over soon..." Lares whispered, then took the bow and went to train in his personal dojo.

He didn't change his clothes and just grasped the bow.

After he pulled the bowstring, Lares let out three consecutive arrows.

Those arrows landed on the board, and his eyes narrowed with disappointment.

After a few more arrows, Lares' mother entered the dojo.

She was pretty surprised to see him here, "Aren't you in an important battle? Did you two lose?" She asked worriedly.

"Father is still up. And why did you come here, mom?"

"I thought I would clean your dojo, at least. You live alone in such a big house."

"Let's clean it together..." Lares sighed and went to help.

His mother peeked at the board after hearing his sigh, "Your archery got even better!" She said, but that was a blatant lie.

Lares knew it as his mother didn't know about archery at all, "Thanks."

"Don't look so dejected... If your brother was alive, you two would have pushed yourselves to the limits and win the worldwide competition. I am sure of it!"

"He had talent. I do not have it."

"You love archery as much if not more than him."

"Mom... You don't know, but he gave up on archery a year before his death."




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