I like them big, do you?

Chapter 125: In a bed with the princess

Chapter 125: In a bed with the princess

The Dark Matter Kingdom Event was more dubious than ever.

Reylin couldn't shake off that suspicion within him, so he didn't dare to gamble around with Lares' enemies.

He left them alone and returned back to Exodium City.

"We will be in contact-" Reylin suddenly stopped.

He was about to turn away and return to Layla's house, but his speech got frozen. Yes, an irresistible coldness enveloped Reylin and left him defenseless!

He couldn't move an inch, which alerted both Sebastian and Alex.

They soon saw a black-cloaked woman coming their way.

"Princess wants to see you," Her voice was directed at Reylin.

At that very moment, Sebastian and Alex stepped forth and bared her way from taking their young master! Even if they couldn't face that woman, they would use their bodies to protect him!

It was... a nearly instant reaction to the lady's approach.

As if shaken by that loyalty, the black-cloaked woman halted her steps. She stared at Reylin beneath her hoodie.

A hoodie Reylin was aware of.

She also didn't bother hiding her voice, so Reylin knew that Yuki had approached him.

He got back his freedom, "My boys are coming with me."

Yuki nodded, then turned heels, guiding the three men to the castle.

Sebastian worked in that castle, so he was well aware of its design.

Alex also had a fair share of experience here, so he strutted with his eyes focused on the front.

Reylin was casually looking around as if he was on tour.

After passing the marble gate, Yuki guided them through a shortcut.

They went through a few vast corridors that left Reylin smiling with an appreciation for good architecture. He saw a few paintings about the Blue Rose Kingdom's wars and culture, then his reflection as the whole place was well-maintained.

At last, Reylin's party got stopped.

"Princess Rose has given permission just to you," Yuki pointed at Reylin, then awaited his reply.

Reylin burst out laughing, "So why would I bring my boys here? Well, I guess they have enjoyed some scenery. It should've been the first time they saw this place without any tension. Am I right, boys?"

Sebastian and Alex awkwardly nodded.

It looked like a trip but just for Reylin.

They had been quite tense, and it was an even more official trip than all their visits before.

Reylin tapped their shoulders, "Just go do your stuff. Whatever happens, it's all on me."

He didn't wait for them to respond and went through the doors.

Alex clenched his hand and spoke to Sebastian through voice call, "We've laid out a proper and prepared well... Still, the whole royal family remains out of our reach... If the princess makes a move now, then this kingdom will either be taken through force and countless deaths... or...."

He didn't want to think of the losses as it would hurt them more than anyone could think of! At least Sebastian couldn't imagine the losses.

He sighed, "No player has taken the kingdom yet... I don't know how other royal families conduct themselves. Still, we have ended up with a peculiar princess that seems to hate us. I still think that Young Master can match them, though!"

"The fact that he doesn't want to become a king might backfire, though... I am not really worried, too," Alex chuckled, then both men left the castle.


Reylin pondered inwardly, 'It seems like Lares has made contact with those twins... One of them was in his province, so another one must've seen me... The princess probably holds the most order.'

It went without saying that Reylin had no chances in the current setting.

Besides Yuki, how many hidden assassins eyed Reylin as he went upstairs? He didn't think of fighting them here, nor did he plan anything against the princess.

He was curious about her, though.

That curiosity was about to be satisfied as Reylin opened the doors to her chamber.

She took the highest altitude to herself, and her chamber was in the tallest castle tower! From this place, Princess Rose had the whole capital's view for herself.

Upon opening the doors, Reylin saw the princess sitting in the chair. She rested her head on her hand while the other played with her golden-blue streaks.

Her eyes were beyond her balcony, looking at the unique view available just from her chamber.

"Is that the sight you want to conquer, Reylin?" Princess Rose said without taking away her eyes from the balcony.

Reylin smiled and closed the doors.

He jumped onto her bed sprawled, "It seems like you know a lot about me. And I still don't know your name."

"Rose," she replied, "I don't expect any respect from you, players. So don't expect any respect from me as well."

Reylin whistled, "Well, you have quite a comfy bed. Send me one, or I will pay more visits to you."

Those words didn't raise the princess' eyebrow.

She kept her calm and gazed outside the balcony, then a faint smile spread on her face. She responded to his words with a familiarity no player saw on her, "My bed... My kingdom, my people, and then perhaps me? When you conquer all of these, you will seek more and more... That's the player's hunger.

An insatiable hunger I can't stomach," Princess Rose rose up onto her feet, then stuttered toward Reylin.

Before her own bed, she stood and glared at him.

Reylin kept his smiling expression while eyeing the beauty before him.

A golden-haired woman with blue streaks, a straight back, and a curvaceous figure. She stood tall, and a lofty aura swirled around her.

That aura was one thing, her glare another.

That kind of expression would drive many power-hungry people mad.

She was beautiful, and her status was also one of the highest!

Many wouldn't be able to resist her!

Reylin just stared, however, "Insatiable hunger?"

"Players of poor origin are manageable. It's different for people with your caliber or lucky morons with asinine ideas," Princess Rose replied, then went around the bed.

She promptly dropped next to Reylin, then sank into its soft blankets.

Her eyes stared at the ceiling, "Brand's status holds no weight compared to you. You moved people en masse, and even if their movement wasn't because of you, you stand behind the cause.

You also have more efficient servants infiltrating my kingdom." Princess Rose rattled off.

"So that's why I am here? To get praises from the very princess?" Reylin asked as he shifted his eyes to the side to look at two peaks going up and down.

Princess Rose tilted her head to the side as well, "You are going to lose everything soon. By everything, I mean everything. No player will find a place in... my kingdom."

"And? Where is the catch? Are you that altruistic?" Reylin's smile grew wider.

Princess Rose's eyelids closed shut, and she said, "I am letting you know that I consider you worthy of becoming my ally. Out of all players, you might become one... Still, that depends on your performance at the upcoming event. And don't even question me right here. You will know what I mean once the consequences hit you."

"You have sided with them. I see... Let me ask you something then. Have you killed your father?" Reylin widened his eyes as he asked this question.

As if forced by his expression, Princess Rose promptly answered, "I have killed him. Father was blind, and he didn't see dangers lying within players... He let them be and allowed our people to build connections with them... He was waiting for our demise!"

Reylin left the bed, then corrected his clothes as if he had banged the princess for the whole day.

He looked over his shoulder, "You can level up, can't you? Not only you but also your people. This world holds more mysteries and powerful creatures than you imagine... Yet, you chose to plot rather than become stronger on your own.

So what if we can respawn? You are just a coward, princess. Coward and dog, who killed her father." Reylin retracted his eyes and left the chamber.

Princess Rose's voice assailed him even after he had closed the doors, "We will see. You don't even know what's about to happen. If you want to stay relevant in this world, then better keep in mind my offer."

Reylin burst out laughing, "I am relevant on my own... For I am... Crown."

His hand felt a jolt of electricity, a spark that Reylin was familiar with.

He faintly smiled and left the chamber.

"Crown..." Princess Rose lay on her bed mindlessly.

For some reason, she couldn't shake off Reylin's words.

"Crown... Reylin..." She repeated as if charmed.

That murmuring lasted the whole day and became quite impactful on her mindset.

As for Reylin, he went to Layla's shop.

"We are going right now," he said.

Layla and Emilia blinked at him, "You look in a rush."

"All matters are solved, at least for now," Reylin replied.

His women didn't question him further as he looked pretty odd.

After Reylin and the beauties left the capital, he called Sebastian through voice chat, "Ignore the Royal Family from now on. Work solely with Alex."

"As you wish, Young Master!" Sebastian replied without asking for details.


[Phase 2 has begun!]

[Your troops are waiting!]



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