I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 829  Reinforcement

829  Reinforcement

*BANG* The magic bullet travels swiftly through the speed of sound. *PITT~* Suddenly, the instrument's sound changes into a sharp pitch [Sound Art - Caesura Pausa]. *BOOOM* The magic bullet exploded in the air a few meters away from the perpetrator.

The flute player didn't expect the attack to cause an intense explosion. Along with the strong momentum it carries, the explosion easily reaches him. Still, Angus notices this explosion deals nothing to the assailant.

This flute player is one of the rare bounty hunters using music and sound as weapons. He is called Maestro Giblimbor, The Conductor.

On the other hand, the melodious flute sound is stopped for a moment and awakens everyone from their trace. All the sharp-minded high-grade people in the area immediately distance themselves from their opponent and warily look at the Conductor.

They know they are forcefully going into a trace without being able to fight. It will leave them in a vulnerable state. Seeing the people waking up from their trace, the assailant tried to play the flute again.

*WHOOSHH* *GROOARR* Suddenly, the fire in his surroundings accumulated into a single spot before turning into a giant winged lizard [Firecast - Fire Wyrm]. Then, the fire wyrm plunges into Maestro like its prey.

*PIITT~* *PIITT~* [Sound Art - Attaca Freddo] *PRICK* *PRICK* *PRICK* A strong cold gust suddenly covers the Maestro and forces back the Fire Wyrm.

As he is busy fighting against the wild Fire Wyrm, Viscount Waterhell and the others get their bearings and recover from their trance.

"Wake up!! Hurry, aim the Destroyer at him!!" ordered Viscount Waterhell loudly.

Viscount's loud voice awakened all the Alkin crew from their trance, and they moved frantically. They never expect they will experience such a bizarre controlling attack from a distance. On the other hand, Angus also does not stay idle either.

A few magic circles were dimly lit and appeared before Angus [3rd Circle - Fire Missile] [3rd Circle - Rapid Empowerment x 3]. *BANG* As soon as the fire missile was released, the distant Maestro was already hit.

Unfortunately, Maestro deflected the swift spells using his flute at the last moment. *BOOOM* As soon as the fire missile hit the flute, it exploded into an intense burst of fire, scorching the surrounding area.

Using this chance, the Fire Wyrm charges forward to deal the final blow to the flute player. *PIITTTT~* [Sound Art - Vibrato Ausdrucksvoll] A strong vibration wave blocked the fire wyrm and forced the explosion away.

Using this opportunity, the assailant retreats back and creates a distance from Fire Wyrm. *Snap* *Snap* [Firecast - Fire Wyrm] Another fire wyrm formed from the 11:47

*PITTT~* *PITTT~* *PITTT~* [Music Art - Bellicoso Marcia] Suddenly, the surrounding nature turns into a few humanoid elemental creatures. Two are made of the surrounding ground, another two are made of wind elemental, and the last is made of ice elemental.

'Such a powerful diverse elemental creation… He is not an ordinary bounty hunter?!!' thought Angus inwardly.

*BANNNG* At this moment, a loud bang that shook the whole Alkin heard from its biggest magic cannon [Destroyer Cannon]. *BOOOOOM* A few moments later, a large explosion erupted in the distance at the flute player's location.

Unlike the other cannons, this magic cannon is more powerful and has a longer distance than the others. It was created based on Traynia's Fort Destroyer cannon. Although it is not as powerful as the Fort Destroyer, it is still powerful enough to deal with ordinary attackers.

Still, the attacker this time is not ordinary either. Such a person capable of summoning a few humanoid elemental creatures and controlling everyone from a distance is common. Angus and the others never expected the Destroyer Cannon to defeat the Conductor.

*PPPIITITT~* Another sharp flute sound can be heard as the smoke clears. As Angus expected, the Destroyer could not take down such the Conductor. Still, Angus notices the haggard appearance of the Maestro.

"It seems he is quite weak physically and in close combat. Still, we can't just casually approach him. Viscount Waterhell, focus our long-range attack on him. Lilith, cover us." said Angus.

"It shall be done, Master." replied Lilith respectfully.

Currently, the best long-range attack in their group is Lilith. Moreover, Angus also trained her to shoot accurately at long ranges. Only a few hundred meters away is nothing to her.

At this moment, no one notices the robed person who falls along with the Sin Crow before, slowly rising from the ground with difficulty. This is another famous bounty hunter called Mirak, the Mad Doctor.

"*Cough* *Cough* W-What… was that? *Cough* How could it have a stronger spirit than me? *Cough*" said Mirak with difficulty.

Mirak's injury from the White Lucid Bat is very excruciating for him. If not for his strong spirit, he may have already been dead along with his Sin Crow. Even a slight movement is giving him a hard time.

Still, the man is not giving up. A trace of madness could be seen in his eyes while he glared at the moving Alkin in the distance. It is as if the whole Alkin is a life-dream target and obsession. Mirak takes out an ugly humanoid small doll with a trembling hand before reciting a spell in unknown words.

"Ner.. Fu.. Shalla..kalala.. Ora.. fi laka..." chanted Mirak.

Meanwhile, another bounty hunter also looks at the moving Alkin with anger. This particular bounty hunter is the armored man who was riding the previous bizarre motorbike. This bounty hunter is called Raka, the Metal Rider.

Previously, Angus's Vulcan shot hit the core part of Raka's motorbike and exploded it into pieces. He may already be dead without a corpse if not for his strong thorny armor. Standing up from his motorbike rubble, the armored person took out a long steel lance in his hand.

Like any biker, Raka loves his motorbike, especially the current one. Knowing the bike will never return and cost him a lot of money, he holds a deep grudge for Angus.

At this moment, Raka's sharp sense tingles as he sees a flash of silver light in the distance. *BANG* Before he could respond, he felt like getting struck by something hard and thrown far away.

In his previous spot, a fully metal-armored woman stands still while holding a greatsword. She is the vice leader of the Flash Squad, Adeline.

"So many sixth-grade bounty hunters… I doubt we could handle it on our own." commented Adeline casually before attacking the metal rider again.

Along with Adeline's arrival, more Flash Squad arrived on the spot. *GROOOOARR* At this moment, a loud roar was also heard from the distance. A giant fire Wyrm could be seen approaching them while the fiery fire covered the furious man on top of it.

Knowing his son is ambushed by many powerful bounty hunters, Duke Jacob does not stay still and immediately departs from Frostfall City. Using his Fire Wyrm and air travel, he managed to catch up with everyone in a short time.

"Angus, are you alright?" asked Duke Jacob telepathically while approaching Alkin.

"There is a troublesome bounty hunter a few hundred meters away. He seems to use sound magic or something similar. His sound magic was powerful and could control everyone in a trance, even me. The others are…" replied Angus as he told his father about the surrounding bounty hunters.

'Such a powerful line-up… I am afraid only His Majesty could take care of all of them in a short time.' thought Duke Jacob inwardly before flying towards the One-eyed dwarf in the distance.

Rather than scattering their force, Duke Jacob has more practical thoughts of defeating the other weak bounty hunters before focusing on the stronger one, like the sound magician in the distance.

Moreover, the sound magic could be more obscure and predictable. It will be the worst scenario if he recklessly gets close and controlled. This is also why no one dares to carelessly approach the unknown powerful magician.

If he could make them into a trance from a few hundred meters away, controlling them fully at close range would not be impossible. Anyone with a bit of brain knows the closer the distance, the louder the sound and its effect.

While Angus told his father about their current situation, he didn't stop sniping this dangerous unknown sound magician. Dozens of long projectiles are fired at The Conductor without stopping. Yet, none of them could hurt him.

The sound magician is either deflecting it using his flute or sound magic. None of his attacks reach him.

"Tch… This is getting annoying. *Snap* *Snap* *Snap*" said Angus before making a few snaps continuously.

[Firecast - Fire Dragon Rampage] Suddenly, all the fire elementals in the surrounding Maestro are turned into a single point and formed into a humongous fire dragon. The Fire Dragon is many times bigger and stronger than the Fire Wyrm. *ROOOARRR*

Just a casual wave of its limb could create a massive fire wave and scorch the surrounding area. Such a spell typically needs a lot of fire mana and a long chant.

However, Angus could skip all that by using the leftover fire mana from his previous spells and destroyer magic cannon. In other words, the longer Angus fights, the better Angus's advantage.

“You trusted me, so I’ll trust you too. That’s what being friends means, doesn’t it?” – Rin Okumura, Ao no Exorcist.

Enjoy the chapter.

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