I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 696 OVA! OVA! OVA!!

While escaping the nearby dwarf guards, Angus is trying to search for Atanos and Yonghi, who are blown away during their short ride. Angus also decided not to ask for help for Onyx again. This snake beast is the same as his master and only causes more trouble.

Looking at the wreckage that Onyx caused already made Angus fearful of hefty compensation. Fortunately, the dwarf could not care for such a thing as chaos and destruction spread everywhere.

Be it rioting, wildfire, pillaging, or even fighting to death. All the chaos happens all over Undermine Council, especially with the monster-minded people instigating it from the background.

Now, some dwarf folk are confused about why the lockdown is happening. It is known that even if all the visitors make trouble, the dwarf elders could apprehend them anytime. Yet, they couldn't see even the shadow of the dwarf elders at this moment.

In fact, they cannot find any senior or strong dwarfs nearby. They only know that all of them are called at the Stonehall, where the dwarf elders hold their meetings. The Undermine Council's whole area has a uniform shape, but from far it still has a kind of circular shape.

Stonehall is located at the center of this circular area. It is also the most important building in the Undermine Council. Not only is it for the dwarf elders' place to gather, but it is also where the Council held on the last day.

Currently, King Dumrod stands on a high platform while showing a bright shiny stone in his hand towards the gathering dwarf in the hall. All the dwarves were shocked and startled to see Dumrod holding the brilliant green stone.

"Ros Full Kass Naskos OVAA!!" shouted King Dumrod loudly.

"OVA!! OVA!! OVA!!" replied all the dwarves fervently.

All dwarves stood straight like soldiers, ready to battle while shouting OVA words many times. The thunderous shout from all the dwarves even reverb and could be heard outside. The people outside who listened to the cry couldn't help but feel a sense of power.

Seeing this, King Dumrod couldn't help but be satisfied with this moment. Then, he takes out his Warhammer while saying in words is another dwarf language.

"Das Deuss KHAN!!" shouted King Dumrod while slamming the bottom of his Warhammer to the ground. *BANG*

As if having a decree from their God, all the gathering dwarves immediately run outside fervently. King Dumrod couldn't help but smile at the dwarves' movement. At this moment, a space fluctuates beside Dumrod and reveals Elder Lotord.

"What are you planning, Dumrod?!" asked Lotord solemnly.

"As I said, I will bring our race to the top." said Dumrod without explaining anything.

Lotord couldn't help but be confused at Dumrod's action. If Dumrod wants to become their king through the relic in his hand, he has a better option to do it on the last day when every dwarf gathers.

However, he decides to lock down the entire Undermine Council and some visitors. Unless they kill all these people, the news about Dumrod's action will be bound to be spread outside.

In fact, Lotord didn't surprise if the outside world already knew about Dumrod subduing all the senior dwarves with a mysterious relic. Yet, Dumrod's action seems to offend others and harm their race.

Not to mention the revelation of the relic, he may offend with a very strong background and power by keeping this lockdown. Moreover, they must also be wary of the unpredictable monster-minded people still hiding in the shadows.

Even Lotord, as the seventh-grade dwarf, didn't dare to underestimate these mad guys. Yet, Dumrod's action is like not caring about this. Lotord also couldn't see the depth of Dumord's power, as if some sort of veil covered him.

This is also why Lotord didn't dare to move against Dumrod carelessly. It may be a bluff ploy from Dumord, but it also means Dumrod is in seventh grade like him, which could cause devastation if they are trying to fight at this place.

There is also a chance he will be killed by Dumrod in the battle, which will only kill the only hope of the other dwarf released from Dumrod's clutch.

As soon as all the senior dwarves come out, they immediately run towards the construction site in each sector to help the dwarf elders build the thing King Dumrod ordered before. This sudden behavior change surprised everyone, but no one dared to say anything about it.

Dwarves may look like free-spirited people who lack etiquette for most other races. In fact, the dwarves are the race with the most strict attitude towards etiquette and rank.

When someone earns the dwarf respect, the dwarf may even give all his possession to the person without any complaint. They even dare to fight to the death for the same person. Still, it is tough to earn this kind of respect from all dwarfs at the same time.

In the end, the other dwarf race with lower ranking didn't question the above rank and just thought they needed to do something meaningful for the Undermine Council event.

In contrast, this significant movement attracts all visitors residing in the Undermine Council. At this moment, everyone knows there is something wrong with the dwarf. They no longer stay inside the inn but come out of the street to ask for an explanation.

Some even try to escape outside but are unsuccessful. This makes the situation more chaotic as fighting happens everywhere. Under this chaos, two beastman is escorted to the nearby dwarf base while being restrained with various chains and locks.

These two beastman are Atonas and Yonghi, who are blown away during their short ride on top of Onyx. After having a terrible landing, they are immediately captured by the dwarf guards while still not recovering from the shock.

Despite this, Atonas didn't seem to be scared or anxious. He even whistled playfully before his mouth was sealed entirely by the nearby dwarf. No one knows what he is currently thinking. In contrast, Yonghi slowly gets panic attacks along with hyperventilation symptoms.

'I am going to die! I am going to die!! Help!! Please, anyone help me!!' screamed Yonghi in his mind.

Since his mana is sealed, his connection with the other Mulcosa Beastman is also cut off. For Mulcosa beastman, the feeling of getting cut off from their kind connection is torturing their mind.

It is as if being pricked by need continuously. At first, it is just a little hurt, but slowly it will become unbearable pain and even hurt so much.

"Captain, he is Mulcosa Beastman. The nearby beastman group may not stay idle from this." said the dwarf guard after noticing Yonghi's condition.

"Rest assured. We are not harming him. Besides, those beastmans better not come here or they will taste our mighty armor." said the dwarf captain.

"Ohhh… so scary."

Suddenly, they hear a voice from a nearby alleyway. Looking at it, they find a wolf beastman playing with the gold coin with a smirking smile.

Before the dwarf guard could respond, "Did you know wolves always move in packs?!" another voice heard from nearby.

"They also hunt in packs." said another wolf beastman from on top of the buildings.

At this moment, the dwarf guards find that they are surrounded by a group of wolf beastman.

"I suggest you release our kind now." said the wolf beastman, who seems to be the leader.

*PFUIITT* Just as the dwarf leader wants to reply, Atonas suddenly releases a broken whistling sound through his sealed mouth. Like hearing a command, all the nearby wolf beastman become more aggressive and growl in anger.

"Fucker!! You dare to hurt our Mulcosa!! Leave none alive!!" roared the wolf leader in anger.

The wolf beastman immediately launched wildly at the dwarf guards. Unfortunately, the dwarf guards are ready for them and fight back with the boost of their armor. The wolf beastman leader also notices the dwarf guard's power.

He knows this battle is not easy and may take a long time. Fortunately, as an elite beastman, endurance and stamina are the last things they must worry about. Unless the opponent could kill them in one strike, all of them could fight for days.

The dwarf also crosses their line by cutting off Yonghi's connection with their kind. Mulcosa race may not have the advantage of fighting like any other beastman. But, they are one of the most essential beastman in the Savan Kingdom.

Merra and Warchief Might create a special law for a few unique races with special abilities like Mulcosa. One of the laws stated that anyone who deliberately cut off Mulcosa's connection would receive the wrath of the jungle.

This law applies to everyone, be it beastman or other races. Moreover, it stated the wrath of the jungle, not Savan. It means all the beastman who are not even tied to the Savan Kingdom will also need to obey this law.

At first, this law may look insignificant in the international eye. However, every beastman always follows this law to the heart, even those unrelated to the Savan kingdom.

"AWOOOO!!!" shouted the wolf beastman leader loudly.


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