I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 687 The Beastman

"But, my late mother always said to keep on living as there are still many good things in this world." said Lenora resolutely.

After saying this, Lenora begins to serve Mira and pesters her with many things like milk-based food, books, even tea. As usual, Mira didn't react too much but slowly paid attention to this pureblood vampire.

Regarding capabilities and usefulness, Lenora is far from the wise and ancient Darren. However, Darren and Mira agreed her youthful and positive mind could bring liveliness to this situation. Still, didn't say anything nor move from her spot.

But she started lying around on her flying pillow in a lazy manner, like her usual behavior. Deep down, she knows her relationship with Mitar is impossible, but she can't help it.

Mitar is made so he can compromise with everything Mira has. He is his best partner and enemy for absurdly being like Mira.

Meanwhile, a group of beastman gather inside the specific rented building in sector 7 led by Merra. As the leader of Savan's intelligence unit, she rarely goes out on the field by herself.

However, procuring a bulk of weapons and arms is an important task that she cannot give to other subordinates. The beastman race is a very excellent warrior and combatant. But they are mediocre when it comes to crafting stuff.

If it is for everyday necessities or ordinary stuff, they could still rely on themself. It is a different story when it comes to high-quality weapons and arms.

The beastman race may look like someone who often uses their body instead of a weapon. But, Merra also knew weapons and arms could increase their combat prowess and reduce casualties in a prolonged battle such as unending monster tide.

At a glance, Merra may look like a unique tiger with red fur and stripes across her body. But she is actually coming from a lion beastman lineage. In other words, she is a lioness.

Unlike the male lion, the lioness is capable of fighting well and managing their tribe. Their leadership may not be compared to male lions, but their managing skill is number one among the beastman.

Currently, Merra is inside a rented building looking at the report and the particular beastman in front of her. This beastman is very unusual compared to others.

The beastman has compound eyes and wears loose gaudy robes. If people look carefully, they will find some sort of thin membrane on her back. This beastman comes from the rare moth lineage.

Most of the beastman come from mammals animal. It is rare for them to come from the insect animals. However, this particular trait has a very unique trait that can't be compared to others.

"Are you sure about this information?" asked Merra coldly.

"Yes, Leader. I am certain of it. I have already verified the information many times. The dwarf will lock down the entire Undermine Council two days from the last day of the Undermine Council." said the insectoid beastman.

Hearing this, Merra stays silent while looking at the report paper in her hand solemnly. The other beastman in the room stayed still, waiting for her order.

"Tell Yonghi to relay this information to the Warchief. Ask him to come here by telling him there may be a good battle here. Then, keep on that dwarf along with that Kedleon locust.

"If what Romi said about him is true, I think he will do something big at the end of the Undermine Council." stated Merra while giving a series of orders to others.

After giving all the orders, "Lastly, send someone to notify Baron Victory about this matter." said Merra with a melancholy tone.

The beastman was startled at the last command, but no one dared to go against Merra. After returning from the Nirvas, her temperament and combat prowess increased like a rocket.

They also heard the rumor about Merra fighting against their monstrous Warchief on her own more often. Before everyone disperses, a goat beastman approaches Merra with anxious stature.

It is not because of his nature as a goat fearing the carnivore beastman but because Merra's current aura is slowly becoming similar to their Warchief.

Their Warchief has a unique imposing aura that makes anyone waver just be near them. Since Merra started to develop this unique aura, everyone knows she is getting stronger and closer to reaching the legendary seventh grade.

"Leader, how will the Warchief come here? This place is completely enclosed from the outerworld. We don't even know if it is underground or somewhere else." said the goat beastman anxiously.

"Don't worry about it. That muscle-head father is more capable when it comes to this. Just tell him all the information we find. I believe he will make his own way here during the last day." replied Merra.

"Also, please contact all the vendors and suppliers to accelerate shipment. It will be our loss if we wait until the last day for the last shipment when something big is happening." added Merra.

"Yes, Leader." said the goat beastman before going out to do his task.

"If I am not wrong, Angus should be in Sector Six with that dwarf elder. Hmmm…" said Merra while contemplating something.

"Well, since I decided to give him this information might as well give him more help. After the information, tell Yonghi to go to Baron Victory and contact our nearby intelligence unit near Heart Kingdom." said Merra.

"Leader, are you sure about that? Because of our Warchief deed last time, many beastman near the Heart Kingdom got thoroughly checked. I also hear some of the beastman guilds and mercenaries get harsh discrimination acts." said an ape beastman worriedly.

"If something big happens during the last day, we may need every last bit of power to survive from here. Although our relationship with Heart Kingdom is quite estranged now, we are still not hostile to the point of seeking each other's blood." said Merra.

"I also believe their wise king will also understand this importance, especially since it is related to Baron Victory and their Fourth Princess." added Merra.

Hearing this, the other beastman could only nod and leave Merra with Romi, the insectoid Beastman.

"Romi, I want you to stay by my side and keep me updated about any suspicious movement from that elder dwarf and his lackey." said Merra.

"Yes, leader." said Romi, the insectoid Beastman.

Romi is a unique insectoid beastman from the moth lineage. Except for being an excellent air combatant and having good night vision, his overall ability is subpar compared to others. However, he has a very acute sense of hearing using his race's unique trait.

Moths are rare animals capable of hearing any kind of sound on a large scale, be it in terms of range and frequency. Moth beastman takes this ability further and makes it completely magical.

Not only can they hear anything at a very large distance, but they can also bypass any barrier as long as they are still in the same dimension. In fact, Romi's ability to hear even covers the whole Undermine Council, which shows his ridiculous capability.

Using his ability, Romi can find the news about the lockdown from the dwarf elder meeting and suspicious movement from the dwarf elder Dumrod. The beastman is one of the races with the sharpest instinct and relies heavily on it.

When Merra arrives at this place, she notices their instinct and danger sense being impaired to a certain degree. Unfortunately, they also couldn't give up their task of procuring arms.

Hence, Merra orders Romi to look for suspicious activity, especially from the dwarf. It took him a few days to find the suspicious movement from the Dwarf Elder Dumrod and his lackey since there were too many people and dwarfs in this place.

In fact, he is already hopeless when receiving such a task from Merra since there are too many people and dwarfs in this place. It is like searching for a needle in the middle of a mountain haystack.

eαglesnᴏνel Fortunately, most people suddenly leave the Undermine Council since the appearance of a monster-minded person is a blessing in disguise for Romi to find some suspicious movement.

Soon, the day over the underground sky slowly gets brighter. Angus and Jayna wake up early in the morning, as usual. Today, they didn't plan to do many things. They plan to rest a whole day inside the hotel to avoid unnecessary trouble.

They feel if they come out even a single step from the inn, they may encounter a big problem which shows like their previous day. Unbeknownst to them, trouble will still come to them even if they stay inside.

As the young couple woke up sleepy head Anna, "*Yawn* Morning, Mom. Morning, Dad." said Anna, rubbing her droopy eyes.

Since yesterday even Anna kept calling Angus and Jayna as Dad and Mom respectively. The couple didn't mind it since they also thought of Anna as their own child despite her terrifying background.

"Umm…" Out of nowhere the sleepy Anna makes a frown expression.

"Anna, what's wrong?" asked Angus worriedly.

Despite her being Nateobil and monster-minded, Angus and Jayna still believe Anna's unusual insight and instinct that never harms them.

"Anna feels something. It is like around the edge but hard to get out. Hmm….." said Anna frowning.

"Why did you describe it as poop?" asked Angus.

"Ahh… Yes. That's it. Poop. Anna really needs to go now." said Anna as if she just got enlightenment.


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