I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 674 Dwarf Elder Meeting

While Angus and the others are searching, the dwarf elders are having a serious meeting about the Undermine Council.

"I believe everyone already heard about the current state of the Undermine Council." said Grimruk, one of the dwarf elders.

"Yes, I hear almost half of the visitors returned yesterday night." chimed Skok, one of the dwarf elders.

"All of this because of a stupid monster-minded person going wild!!" said Thror, one of the dwarf elders.

"Hmm… Elder Forgus, how is our current revenue?" asked Belmuth, one of the dwarf elders.

"Well, it is fortunate that we barely reach our target. It seems everyone is excited as it's been a while since the Undermine Council was held." replied Elder Forgus, one of the dwarf elders responsible for the dwarf community finance.

"If it is not for that monster, we may have twice the amount just from the selling tax today." added Elder Forgus.

"I told you… It is a bad idea to invite that monster girl. We should have killed her the first time we saw it." said Elder Thror as he was responsible for the security.

"Thror!! You better watch your stinky mouth!! We don't want to attract hatred that may endanger our entire race. Besides, Lady Anna is different from her kind. I already met her once and she is quite an interesting girl." rebuked Elder Forgus.

"Tch… You say that because Balrug is somehow related to her." retorted Elder Thror.

"You!!" as Elder Forgus offended by such a word.

*BANG* "Enough!!" shouted Elder Grimruk, slamming his hammer to the stone table.

"Everyone stay calm. The purpose of the Undermine Council is never to seek profit. But, to gather all the dwarfs and decide the future of our race." said Marek, one of the dwarf elders and the most knowledgeable one.

"I agree with Elder Marek. However, I think we should postpone this event." said Elder Skok.

"Hm??" replied the other dwarf elders.

Although most know the danger of monster-minded people, none try to cancel the event since they believe they can handle monster-minded people.

"Elder Skok, is there any particular reason?" asked Elder Thror worriedly.

"Yes. I believe most of you also feel it. Someone or something is blocking Fate. I don't know who did it and how, but I think it is already dangerous enough." said Elder Skok.

"Elder Skok, I think you are overthinking about it. Fate always works mysteriously and never precisely. Who knows it is the work of a powerful visitor?" said Elder Dumrod.

"Besides, it will be hard to gather everyone again or extend just for a single day." added Elder Dumrod.

"Certainly, if only a single monster-minded person creates chaos, we could still handle it. But, how about it is more than one or a group of monster-minded people." said Elder Skok.

"That's impossible!! The monster-minded people never gather toge…ther." said Elder Thror before noticing the problem.

At the same time, every elder also realizes the real problem of these monster minded people. It is known that monster-minded people never gather together and avoid each other like the plague. However, there are two monster-minded people that they know in this place.

One of them is the recently monster-minded Stonakin and the other is Anna. The monster-minded Stonakin and Anna somehow gather at this place in close proximity. Hence, there may be more monster-minded people hiding among the visitors.

"I have a few theories regarding this. This Stonakin monster is unusually monster-minded, which is unlikely since all his behavior so far is exactly like a monster-minded person until now." explained Elder Skok.

"This concludes me that the thing that messed up with Fate also influenced them, so they are unable to detect each other until they are close enough." said Elder Skok

"Hmm.. Elder Skok, you seem to know this Stonakin monster." said Elder Grimruk.

"Yes. His name is the invincible monster Haidem who created a lot of destruction a hundred years ago. He is one of the famous monster-minded people that was found. His entire life behavior is exactly like the other monster-minded people." stated Elder Skok.

"Elder Skok, I think you need to calm down. We know you experienced some tragedy back with monster-minded people during your journey. But we still couldn't cancel this event. Even if we want to cancel it, it is already impossible." said Elder Dumrod.

"Elder Dumrod is right. Since the event started, we can no longer stop it. Not only do we need to reimburse those who rent the buildings, but we also need to compensate all the remaining visitors. By then, it will seriously dent our finances." said Elder Forgus.

"I know… However, it will also endanger everyone's lives. If something happens, we can't bear the consequence." said Elder Skok.

"Elder Skok, if something really happened, which is very unlikely, Elder Thror and his people could handle it. Besides, there is a Master of Hidden in the Dark here. If something beyond our capability happens, she may help us rather than stay on standby." said Elder Dumrod.

"Elder Dumrod is right. Although we have a lot of disputes with the previous Vampire King Alfred and Eternal Kingdom, our race is always an ally with Master Mira. Our Ancestors even regard her as one of our protectors." said Elder Marek.

"Hmm… What did you think about this, Elder Lotord? You have been silent since the start of the meeting." said Elder Grimruk.

"*Sigh* Personally, I prefer to postpone the Undermine Council, but it is also impossible. Too many people are already coming and many more are still on the way here." said Elder Lotord, one of the Dwarf Elders.

"Elder Lotord, why did you think we should postpone this event?" asked Elder Grimruk.

"The same reason for Elder Skok. Since arriving at this place, I haven't been able to read anything about Fate. At first, I thought it was just something big happening somewhere. But, I think the source of the problem is closer than we thought." said Elder Lotord.

"I am unsure if you realize this, but most seventh-grade leaders leave the Undermine Council. As for the reason, they didn't want to stay in this uncertain situation in the unknown land." explained Elder Lotord.

"In the meantime, the remaining ones are because they either didn't want to make a loss for renting the building, a daredevil that seeks the thrill of danger, or various other business reasons like searching rare items or finishing other business." said Elder Lotord.

"In other words, the visitors will get less as the day passes. By then, most people in this place will only be the dwarf race. If something big happens, I believe the dwarf race may take an unprecedented blow." concluded Elder Lotord.

"How did you know something big would happen?" asked Elder Grimruk.

"I don't know. But, if a person or something wants to do something on a big scale, they may conceal themself or their deed from Fate. Even if it happens at another place, it still can affect us and by that time, we will easily get routed at once." said Elder Lotord.

"Hmm… So, how is it, everyone? Should we cancel it?" asked Elder Grimruk.

"Nah… As I said before, it is impossible to cancel it. Elder Belmuth, you are in charge of our defense mechanism, right?" asked Elder Forgus.

"Yes. Did you want me to increase the defensive rune and protection?" replied Elder Belmuth.

"Yes, I think we should increase the defensive and isolation rune to the maximum when every dwarf arrives." said Elder Forgus.

"But, some visitors may be unable to leave at that time." said Elder Belmuth.

"We could just give them compensation. Besides, if the Elder Lotord's conjecture is true, only a few visitors will be left during the last few days of the event. We could just reimburse them or give a little compensation from the treasury." said Elder Forgus.

"Agreed. I believe we have more than enough money in our treasury." chimed Elder Thror while glaring at Elder Forgus.

"I think this is also a good idea since I don't think many people will stay here after finishing whatever business they held here." said Elder Marek ignoring the two elders' banter.

"This is better than outrightly canceling the whole Undermine Council." said Elder Dumrod.

"Alright, is there anyone else who wants to share their opinion? If not, we will continue the Undermine Council as planned with the addition of increasing our security. Elder Thror, Elder Belmuth, make sure to do your job properly." said Elder Grimruk.

"Leave it to me. I will make this place an impenetrable stronghold, " said Elder Belmuth proudly.

"Don't worry, I will catch and behead those mad lads." said Elder Thror.

After discussing a few more things about the Undermine Council, they decide to separate and return to their own sector. When Elder Dumrod arrives back at his residence, his skin melts, revealing a golden metallic structure under it.

Suddenly, a strong invisible magical force covers it and turns it into countless metallic pieces. These metallic pieces fly around and gather around the dwarf elder, who shows a smile in the room.

"Everything is going according to the plan." said the real Elder Dumrod.


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