I Just Inherited The Arcane Emperor's Legacy

Chapter 142 Grind

She reeled in disgust when she saw the blood of the leopard splatter on his clothes. He wiped the Beast Core onto the fur of the leopard to clean it before tossing it at Lyra.

She quickly took a step back to dodge the core. She didn't want to even touch it. He shook his head when he saw this.

"I guess I expected this reaction. You're too noble for this," he said.

She retorted, "It's not my status that finds this act disgusting. You just punched the leopard's skull like a brute instead of easily taking out the core with a knife."

"Well, I can't really bring back the corpse because it's too heavy. It's easier if I just grab the core anyway. If I try to preserve the body and try to bring it, then I would have to carry it. It would be a better idea to just hunt another Magical Beast instead. On top of that, I never even learned how to cleanly cut out a Beast Core because-" he stopped talking.

"Because?" Lyra asked. She was curious about why he stopped talking.

"Because... I never had a good teacher," he said after a pause.

Lyra knew he wasn't telling her the full story. The gap he took to give an answer gave that away. But she didn't press it since it wasn't her place.

"So, now we have to find an actual Fire-Elemental Magical Beast. I guess Earth works too," he said.

The beast they killed was a Lightning-type beast. It wouldn't finish their quest, so they would have to keep hunting. But they still got their hands on a core that they could use to finish a mission later. They would just take a Lightning Magical Beast hunting mission and submit the Beast Core. That was generally what Marcus did for his Mercenary Quests.

Lyra nodded. Both of them looked around for a while before finding their next target. They quickly got ready to mercilessly slaughter it.

As they were hunting Magical Beasts, Leo was busy trying to focus. For the first time in a while, he was having trouble focusing while training. It wasn't something serious - it was just that something else was occupying his mind.

He was feeling a strong desire to let go of training and just spend all his time in the library. If he did spend all of his points, there wouldn't really be a lot of time he could spend - a day at best. But he still wanted to do it.

His mind was yearning for the knowledge it could acquire in the library. He spent an entire hour struggling to free his mind of that desire but he failed. In the end, he gave in to it. It was only a day that he was planning on spending eventually anyway. 

He got up from his bed and left to go to the library. On the way, he saw that the door to the other room was open. The room was empty. He turned his head around because he wasn't too interested in his roommate. It was going to be someone he would meet eventually.

He walked to the library, calming his mind on the way. It would be useless if his mind was restless when he ended up going to the library. He would still need to concentrate on reading to make sure he wasn't wasting any time. 

When he got there, he gave his card to the students at the bottom of the first floor.

"Can I go to the first floor, please?" He asked.

The student nodded. She put his card to the side and marked down the time.I think you should take a look at

"You have a total of 43000 points," she said.

He nodded. 

"You can use the library for a total of 86 hours. Please keep this in mind before deciding when to exit the library," she said.

"Got it. Thanks," he said.

"You can enter now." She said. He was amused that the girl thought he was going to spend more time in the library than 86 hours. That meant that people had done it before. But that was only secondary to him. His mind was focused on the books that he had come for.

He walked into the library with a look of excitement. When he entered the first floor, he first took a look around. He saw that there weren't a lot of people around. Since it was the first floor that contained information pertaining to 1st Circle Mages and Aura Knights, only 1st years used it.

But since the year only started, there wasn't any one in the library at all. No one had the points to spare for the library. So he had the entire floor to himself. 

He quickly walked to the magic section and picked out a book. The book he was most interested was the one with the most copies - The fundamentals of magic.

He held it with one hand while looking through the entire section. He saw a few more books that looked interesting that he recognized from the last time he had been there. He quickly grabbed them until he had a five book stack. 

Once he had the books, he walked to one of the windows that had a desk beside it. The light from the windows was shining on the desk while it kept clear from the seats. It wasn't going to fall on his face and disturb him.

He stacked his books on the desk and sat on the chair. He picked up the book he wanted to read the most. It was the book he picked out first. Once he got comfy in his seat, he started reading.

It was a beautiful scene to watch, but there weren't any readers. In the beautiful, yet empty library, there was a single person sitting on a chair. His face was illuminated by the sunshine coming in from the window beside him, showing his handsome face and striking blue eyes that were intently looking at the book.

As he ruffled through the pages, his facial expressions didn't change. But his eyes showed the true extent of what he was feeling. They showed great amounts of confusion that quickly changed to that of understanding.

He quickly finished the book he was reading and set it down. He only took an hour to finish reading the book. He didn't rest and picked up the next book. He opened the book and started ruffling through the pages.

He didn't show any signs of care for the time. He was completely engrossed in reading the book in his eyes. Once the second book finished, he took out the third. After that, the fourth. And when the fifth was over, he finally got up.

He put the books back in their place and looked for a new set of books. He quickly realized that there was only a limited amount of information in the entire library. Most of the books were spell books since that was what most of the students wanted.

However, there was still a considerable amount of theory that would keep him satisfied for at least the next 100 hours. He took out another set of books and went back to his spot.


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