I Just Inherited The Arcane Emperor's Legacy

Chapter 135 New Student Ranking

They found their dorms without spending too much time. The dorms were all conveniently close to the Office of Resident Life. They found the Daisy dorm and entered it. They saw the long flight of stairs and sighed.

Once they climbed 3 flights of stairs, Leo parted ways with Marcus. Marcus wasn't going to live too far away from him, but they were still going to be in different dorms. Leo was considering moving dorms but decided to think about it only after looking at his dorm first.

He walked to his dorm and took out his key. He was about to unlock the padlock, but it was already unlocked when he got there. He opened the door slowly and walked inside.

The layout of the dorm was the exact same as the apartment he had, except that there were two rooms instead of one. One of the rooms' doors was wide open while the other one was closed. He walked into the open room and looked inside. He picked that room because the other room had another student inside.

The room had a single bed and a desk. The bed had a stack of bedding on top of it and a pillow. There was a closet to a corner as well. On top of his desk, there was a letter.

He first made his bed and then took the letter and opened it while sitting on his bed. The contents of the letter were what Leo was going to be doing at the academy.

It was his schedule. He didn't know what it was based on, but he guessed it was based on what day he was registered into the academy. It was either that, or completely random.

He put the letter to the side. According to it, he didn't really have anything to do for another day. The classes were going to start on 3rd September in the morning. He would have to be at the Fermont Academic Building at 10 AM.

He wouldn't have to worry about telling the time since there was a bell in the area of the dorms that would ring every hour to tell the time. It wouldn't ring in the night though.

After sorting that out, he put everything aside and started training. He didn't have anything better to do. Even the person in the other room was training.

Time passed in a flash and it was the 3rd of September. He hadn't gone out a single time to see what was happening in the academy and came out for the first time in the morning.

When he came out of his dorm and onto the walkways, he realized that the entire academy seemed a little more lively than he had expected. He quickly realized why.

When he looked around, he saw a huge number of 2nd Circle Aura Knights around him. But he knew that the entirety of the newly admitted students didn't have more than 15 2nd Circle Aura Knights. But he could count more than 20 during a 5-minute walk. 

The only explanation was that they weren't first years. They were his seniors.

It was still 8 AM when he got out of his dorm, so he decided to check out something he was planning on doing a couple of days ago. Normally, he would have lost his way around the campus, but the letter that gave him his schedule also had a map of the entire academy.

He now knew exactly where his classes were, and also where he was planning on going. He walked to the main hall where the old man had given a speech to the incoming students and walked into the hall.

Inside the hall were two stone slabs behind the stage that he had ignored the first time he had been there. This time, the hall was completely empty without even the stage and podium. The only thing present were the stone slabs on the huge walls.

The stone slabs weren't empty. There was a golden fluid magic that had shaped itself to form comprehensible words on the stone slab. The golden words were very bright and easily visible.

Each stone slab had a list of names and a title. The first slab was what Leo was interested in.I think you should take a look at

[New Student Ranking]

Leo walked up to it and saw that his guess was right. The ranking was incredibly detailed. It had the names in order of the ranking. It not only displayed the name but also the aura or magic level of the student.

Based on that, he could see that there weren't a lot of 2nd Circle Mages - only two. They were in 5th and 8th place on the rankings. Other than them, everyone else in the top 15 was 2nd Circle Aura Knights. He looked at the ranking looking for himself around the 20th place but couldn't find his name.

He frowned and looked lower but still couldn't find his name. He went all the way down and saw that his name wasn't on the list at all. He had even come across Middle-Stage 1st Circle Aura Knights and he wasn't there. His suspicion peaked when he couldn't find Marcus' name either.

He suddenly realized something and looked at the top of the ranking for once. He had completely skipped that since he was a Late-Stage 1st Circle Aura Knight when he took the tests.

But he was in the 4th place in the ranking. Written beside his name was his aura level - Early-Stage 2nd Circle Aura Knight.

He quickly looked below his own ranking and found Marcus. 13th Rank and an Early-Stage 2nd Circle Aura Knight.

He chuckled. He knew that Marcus had broken through to the 2nd Circle, but never thought that it would reflect this quickly onto the rankings. Neither did he expect that his breakthrough would affect his ranking.

This meant that Asher probably saw his aura level when he went to the first day of the academy and adjusted the ranking based on that.

He wasn't disappointed that he was only 4th. He was actually happy that he wasn't in the top 3. Those would be the most famous students and the people would pay the most attention to those students.

Now that he was in the top 10, he expected something similar to that treatment as well, but if he was only 4th, he could skip the challenges that would mostly go toward higher ranks. He would also be able to receive the most valuable resources if he was that high up in the rankings.

But at this point, he was also curious about who was considered stronger than him on the ranking. He looked at it again. 

[3. Donovan Blackthorn, Middle-Stage 2nd Circle Aura Knight]

[2. Seraphina Nightshade, Middle-Stage 2nd Circle Aura Knight]

[1. Magnus White, Middle-Stage 2nd Circle Aura Knight]

His nose wrinkled a little when he saw those names. Two out of the three names sounded incredibly close to noble names. He didn't like it when nobles were on the ranking because people would be afraid to challenge them. But it wasn't too much of a problem since they looked like they deserved their ranking anyway.

After looking at the New Student Ranking, he looked to the side.


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