I Just Inherited The Arcane Emperor's Legacy

Chapter 123 Annoying

"Okay, so you can all rest for a while. In that time, we will register everyone as students and send everyone back." Asher said. 

Everyone got into a line and he took out the papers that they gave in the start. He quickly ruffled through them all and magically pulled out papers one by one. They were the papers corresponding to the candidates.

He took out 67 papers corresponding to everyone and took out a new set of sheets. It had a bunch of areas to fill out.

"So, you just need to fill out these new forms. They are basically waivers that you can fill out. If you need parental permission, then you can bring them in tomorrow." He said and handed them out to everyone.

Leo looked at the form. The only things on it that he could really fill were how much of a scholarship he needed and the waiver. The other fields were about guardians, but since he didn't have any he left it empty.

He handed his sheet to Asher. Asher looked at it.

"Your name? It doesn't have a last name," Asher said and handed the sheets back.

Leo shook his head. "I don't have a last name," he said. 

"Oh," Asher took the sheet with a dumbfounded expression. He never expected one of the most talented persons in the entire batch of students to be an orphan. How was he able to get this far without any guardians?

Meanwhile, Marcus who was listening in was also shocked. He never really knew anything about Leo, so this information was shocking. He thought that Leo was just the son of a rich family who was living independently with that money. Otherwise, where would he get that much money to pay for two people's tuition?

Everyone around was also listening in and felt bad for him. The only person who didn't show any expression was the silver-haired girl. She didn't understand what was going on. She looked at one of the girls beside her and leaned in.

"What does that mean?" She whispered.

The girl was confused. "Not having a last name?" She asked the silver-haired girl.

The silver-haired girl nodded. "Yes."

"It means he doesn't have parents. He's an orphan," she answered.


Meanwhile, Leo gave his sheets to Asher and went to one of the stages to sit on them. He leaned back and laid down on the stage, waiting for everyone to be done.

Once everyone was done, Maria rounded up the people who weren't in the final round and took them to the entrance. At this point, the sun was going to set in another hour or two. They had been there since the sun had risen. The process had taken an entire day.

Once most of the people had left, Asher looked at all of them.

"Okay, so this is how it is going to work. Every color can have one person left. So everyone can pick a stage and start fighting. As for the yellow group, I will figure this out." He said.

Everyone took a stage and looked at their opponent. The silver-haired girl was faced with a well-dressed boy. He had brown hair and looked very confident.

"Hello, Lady Eldridge. I am sure you recognize me," he said to her. Leo, who was listening in on the conversations around him heard this and was surprised.I think you should take a look at

Lady Eldridge meant that the girl was a daughter of the Eldridge Family, the family that essentially had the entire city under its rule. It would be a Marquis family. But why would a person from that family be an Aura Knight?

"I don't think I am deserving of that title. I am, after all, only a descendant of the branch family." She said politely. "However, I don't think I recognize you. Could you introduce yourself again?"

The boy frowned. "That is unfortunate. I am Miller Grenwich. I am from a Baron family. I met you at the annual gala at the Eldridge Manor," he said.

"I am Lyra Eldridge. I apologize again for not recognizing you. I hope we have a proper duel," she said. She pointed her sword at him.

He grasped his own sword tightly and leaped forward.

"Forgive me if I hurt you, but I need to get onto that ranking," he said.

He slashed down at Lyra, but she quickly sidestepped and countered. The boy blocked her counter, but the aura in her blade pushed him back. She quickly pressed forward, trying to increase her advantage.

As this was happening, Leo was facing his own opponent. His opponent was a large bulky boy with red hair. He looked very apologetic when he was facing Leo.

"I'm very sorry about your parents. I feel bad that I am battling you for these resources," he said.

Leo smiled. "Don't worry about it. I didn't even know them. What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Raul," he said. 

"Well, I'm Leo. As for feeling bad, don't. If you don't put in your all, you will regret it," Leo gave him some advice.

Raul nodded. "Thanks. I hope we have a good fight, Leo."

He lifted his sword. Unlike everyone else, his weapon wasn't a typical sword. It was a heavy sword 1.5 meters tall and incredibly wide. He slowly came toward Leo and swung his sword at him.

Leo jumped up toward Raul. Raul had swung the sword diagonally. When the sword didn't make any contact with him and struck the ground, it created an explosion of rocks that Leo evaded by jumping toward him.

Leo landed on top of the hilt of the heavy sword. He jumped up again and landed on the other side. The force with which he jumped almost made Raul let go of the sword. Leo turned back and faced him, waiting for him to charge at him again.

This time, Raul charged while swinging his sword like a berserker. Leo shook his head and slid down, evading the sword while getting to Raul's feet. He kicked his feet, making him lose balance.

Raul fell to the ground, while Leo quickly moved out of the way to not get caught in the fall. He thought the fight was over then, but Raul got up. Leo looked around for the person taking care of the fight. He saw Lisa make no moves, so he guessed that the fight was still going on.

Since these were the last fights, they were letting them fight more seriously and get accurate results. Leo stretched his hands and spun his dagger in his right hand. He was going to get a little more serious.

On Marcus' side, he was having his own problem. He was up against a very annoying archer. She had been bombarding him with arrows that exploded while not letting him get close to her.

Every time he had an arrow come his way, he would have to punch it or dodge it. She would use this time she created to move away from him. But it didn't mean she had a huge advantage. She was still not making any real damage since his aura would protect him from the explosions the arrows created.


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