I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 180 - Clay

Chapter 180 – Clay

There had been rumours of caravans being attacked and people being kidnapped. But who the walking corpses had gotten so fearless that they would destroy an entire village!

and it wasn't just the crowd that was affected by the boy's words,

As soon as Dante heard the boys cry his eyes narrowed

If what the boy was saying was true, then he could be a vital clue as to what was really going on in the Zrudon region.

Dante didn't think much and reached out his hand.

Seeing Dante's hand reaching for him, the boy closed his eyes as he braced his body for the oncoming  attack

But after a while, the boy didn't feel anything.  Instead, he actually felt himself rising into the air.

Slowly opening his eye,s the boy looked around to see Dante placing him on his horse.

"Huh? I'm still alive?" Said the boy in disbelief

Seeing the boy's surprise, Dante chuckled

"You didn't think I was really going to eat you, did you?" 

"Err.. well-"

But before the boy could defend himself,  Dante put on his most vicious smile as spoke in an eerie voice 

"I really don't like eating children, I only eat adults." As the boy heard these words he instantly began to shake.


But before Dante could carry on messing around with the kid, he suddenly felt a hard slap on the back of his head.


Looking back he turned to see Rebecca looking at him with a furious expression.

"This isn't really the time for your stupid games Dante! Can't you see? You almost scared the boy to death!"

Turning around Dante looked to see the kid now pale as all the colour drained from his face as he erratic shook 

Dante could only scratch his head in embarrassment. 

In his mind, it was only a joke. he didn't think the kid would actually believe him! 

Ignoring Dante, Rebecca turned to the boy with a warm smile on her face.

"Don't mind any of the nonsense he's saying, it was only a bad joke.

We're here to help you. We're just going to need to explain things further."

Hearing this the boy couldn't help but sigh in relief.

Seeing that things had calmed down now, Dante also hopped onto the back of the horse with the boy.

"Look, I'm sorry for scaring you but we're going to need you to explain further so just hold on tight, we're going to go to a more quiet space" as Dante spoke he nodded towards the crowd of spectators who were still watching on.

Seeing this the boy also had to agree that this probably wasn't the best place to start spilling his secrets.

As Dante got on his horse he looked towards the guards

"Take us to a place where we can speak more privately."

"But sir Dragon Son…" the guard didn't speak and only looked towards the young boy

Front the looks of things he was displeased that Dante was accommodating for some random child.

Seeing this, Dante's eyes instantly chilled.

"Just do what I told you, guard." 

"I hope you aren't going to make me ask a second time ?"

An ominous flicker could be seen in Dante's eyes as his pupils started narrowing on the figure of the guard in front of him.

But fortunately, things didn't have to go too far as once the guard saw the dangerous glint In Dante's eyes, his body instantly shivered as his body quickly moved into action.

Without a second hesitation the man had already begun stirring his horse and  leading the group to the nearest place he knew that for Dante's requirement.

The crowd just watched on in both awe and worry.

If the boy's words could be believed, It seemed like times were only going to get tougher for the people living in Vainwatch city… 

A short while later,

Dante and his group were in the luxurious private room of one of the most renowned restaurants in Vainwatch City.

Lennox again could be seen guzzling down piles of food.

The sight was so disturbing that even the usually stoic Klent couldn't take it anymore and asked.

"Brother, are you sure your okay? Eating so much can't be healthy. Besides aren't cultivators supposed to eat less than normal people? I won't be surprised if you end up bursting if you carry o at this rate! "

Being asked so much about his eating habits, Lennox couldn't help but blush in embarrassment as he quickly waved his hands.

"Hey! Don't look at me like that, this is all due to my cultivation technique! In addition I missed some days during our travels Sony have to make up for it okay."

Seeing Lennox's embarrassment, Klent decided not to question things further and shrugged his shoulders in dismissal.

Meanwhile, asKlent and Lennox were having their little discussion this was going on in the other corner Dante, Rebecca and  the new boy was having a much more meaningful conversation

"So what's your name." Asked Dante as he leaned back lazily into his chair.

"M-my name is Clay, Lord  Dragon Son"

"So, tell us more about what happened to you."

Hearing this the boy breathed out heavily as he froze trying to calm down his hands that unconsciously started shaking as he remembered the tragic scene

"You don't have to force yourself, It's okay to take some time if it's hard for you."

Looking up Clay saw Rebecca smiling at him as she handed him a glass of water.

Seeing such a warm smile Clay soon calmed down.

'It's okay, I don't have to worry anymore. I'm finally safe."

Clay just downed his glass of water before taking in a deep breath

"Well,it all starts when me and Hans were coming back from hunting."

"Hans?" Asked Rebecca

"Hans is my best friend" explained Clay

"He and I had snuck to go hunting earlier that day. Things were all normal until we got back to the village. Once we neared the village we saw it burning and crawling with zombies! 

It was at that point that Hans warned me to go and hide as he went to expect what was going on inside the village.

I didn't see what happened to Hans inside of the village but I remember seeing him running back outside of the village with a group of zombies chasing behind him! He was eventually grabbed by a zombie but just as I thought it was over for him that's when he appeared.

A strange hooded figure! With a simple wave of his hand he stopped all the zombies from moving."

As soon as Dante heard this how eyes flashed

"Tell me more about the man"

"Well, I couldn't see much about the man because he was cornered by a cloak but from what I did see his arm appeared abnormally frail. In addition he was able to create a black mist that instantly knocked Hans unconscious with a wave of his hand." Added Clay 

"Well it seems like we've found the answer to the disappearing  people in the region." Said Dante 

"It seems like whoever this figure is needs to keep abducting people for something.

The only problem now is whenever we are strong enough to deal with this new person?

Dante wasn't too sure on what to do and turned to the people he brought 

"Any thoughts?"

After a short pause, the first person to speak up was Lennox.

'I say we move to deal with him now. From the way he's been scuttling around and secretly abducting people it's clear he's a weakling. If he was strong, why not be more brazen? I'm sure he'd be able to achieve his goals faster"

"Not necessarily." countered Klent 


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