I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 178 - Sus?

Chapter 178 – Sus?

Lennox was still trying to digest his food but He didn't forget about the questions he had been waiting to act on  so after quickly looking around to make sure Nobody else was around  and asked  the question he had on his mind

"So Dante, what's with all the lies? You said that we've come to only investigate but  haven't come to investigate we've come to exterminate the bandit camp."


"Sus?" Asked Lennox a confused Lennox 

"It means that Lord Vale is acting suspicious, something about him seems off."

"And How did you figure this out?" Asked Lennox 

"I personally didn't seem to see anything off about him."

"Instinct Lennox,  instinct."

"Instinct? You know Dante, my Father always told me to not act on my instincts."

Hearing this Dante just smiled,

"I'm sure when your father said this he was doing so with the best intentions. After all, you're not the 

most  the intellectually proficient person I know."

"Not Intellectually proficient?" asked Lennox as he stopped walking.

Whilst Lennox was stood still, Klent just walked past him and patted him on the shoulders 

"It's a polite way of calling you stupid."

Hearing this, Lennox just snorted in dismissal of Klents assumption

"Instinct isn't something you can just dismiss," said Dante as he continued

"Especially for cultivators. We are constantly dealing with strange laws and abilities so your instinct can be just as important as your logical reasoning. It's all about finding the right balance between logic and instinct."

After hearing  this Rebecca had a question,

"So if you're saying you believe in your  instincts and it's telling you that something is off about Lord Vale, why didn't you act?"

Turning around to Rebecca Dante had a crafty smile on his face

"First, I only have a suspicion on Lord Vale. I'm not 100% certain so the man could still be innocent.

And secondly, if the man is captured this could alert the bandits causing some of them to flee in advance.

We'll let them think nothing of us whilst secretly  tightening the noose around their neck and catch them in one fell swoop." Asked 

As Dante spoke an amber glint could be seen forming in his eyes causing Rebecca to get lost in their deep glow for a few seconds

quickly realising she was staring, Rebecca quickly shook her head and looked away as slight blush could already be seen forming on her cheeks.

Dante saw this and let off a light  smile as he shook  his head and carried on walking

Klent and Lennox, who had just seen everything just looked at each other and shrugged before quickly following after the pair…

Meanwhile, back in the Dining hall 

Lord Vale was still sat in same  chair he was in during  the meal with Dante and the others.

The only thing that had changed was that after Dante and the rest had left, the servants quickly came to clean up the table, restoring it to it clean condition.


Lord Vale couldn't help but stretch his tired arms as the smile that was shown eagerly during his conversation had now given way to a new cold expression.

As all this was happening, an old black-clothed servant appeared behind Lord vale. On closer inspection, it was clear to see that this was the same old man that had brought Dante and the rest into the Dining hall.

Lord Vale had already sensed the man's presence but didn't react and continued facing forward, seemingly lost in his long train of thought.

"So  my Lord, what's your opinion on this Dragon Son." Asked the man as he stood to the side of Lord Vale.

Lord Vale didn't turn to look at  the man and continued looking forward as he responded


I can easily see why he was able to achieve the title of Dragon Son despite being so young. The aura that boy was releasing was quite fierce even for people at my level.

But that's where it ends" added Lord Vale 

"While he may be talented he's still just a boy and it shows.

From just speaking to him I can see already see his arrogance.

He's clearly inexperienced and out to make a name for himself. We'll just listen to his demands and help him and send him off on his way."

A worried face appeared on the old man as he asked

"But my Lord, if we help him,  what if he starts planning to deal with the others?"

Hearing this Lord vale broke out into a wide smile

"Deal with us and the others? You have to remember he's still a boy. He's not that big of a threat besides, don't forget we still have him."

Although Lord Vale didn't mention any names, the old man instantly knew who he was talking about as his body shivered.

The image of a frail hooded figure was still fresh in his mind, the crazy blasphemer of the dead

The Corpse Master!

As Lord vale and his servant  were having their discussion Dante and his group finally made it out of the  City lord's estate and were greeted with a group of guards on horseback.

Suddenly one of the guards quickly got off his horse and spoke approached the he group 

"Sir Dragon son. I Have been tasked with guiding you around Vainwatch City by Lord Vale."

Hearing this Dante smiled as he asked 

"So what would you say is the best place to see in your Vainwatch city."

The guard hesitated for a moment before he hurriedly replied 

"Sir Dragon son, I'm not really experienced when it comes to this area, but I would recommend the city plaza. It has our best auction hall as well as many luxurious  shops you can choose from."

"Well since you've chosen the place, I won't question your judgment," said Dante  "Let's not waste any more time then, let's go"

So Dante and his group went to retrieve their horses and soon Dante could be seen walking towards their horses and so after retrieving the horses they set off…


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