I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 162 - Thunder Of Annihilation

Chapter 162 – Thunder Of Annihilation

'Yes! He's right!' thought Klent

'As Long as the halo of heaven is still there, I can still achieve the same benefits. I've not lost everything just yet!'

Sensing Klent's quick change in mood, Dante wouldn't miss the chance to strengthen his position in Klent's mind and quickly added.

"Besides Klent, don't forget who you're with! As long as you are with me, there will never be a lack of opportunities to fight children of heaven and as my ally I will definitely not mistreat you.

The blessings of heaven are just one of the many benefits you can gain by my side!"

As soon as Dante said this, Klent began to look at Dante in a different light.

He knew better than anyone else the crazy talent of the boy in front of him. 

Don't forget, Dante was still three years younger than Klent at the age of only 15. But even with such a young age, he still had the ability to go toe to toe with an old monster like Sword Master Rho. 

If he was given 5 more years.

No, just 3 more years.

The levels of strength that Dante could reach were simply unimaginable.

'Those poor children of heaven' thought Klent 

'They have no idea what kind of Demon is here waiting for them!' 

Just thinking about it made Klent even start to feel pity for his fellow children of heaven.

He had been spared of his sad fate because he was a friend of Dante, but just imagine if they were actually enemies… 

Klent already began to shiver at the grim fate that could have been waiting for him.

And the sad truth was that this grim fate was in fact awaiting all the future children of heaven!

but before Klent could spend too long on these thoughts, there was a loud disturbance up in the sky

Looking up, Klent could see that the once dormant storm clouds had now burst back into life, crackling and sparking with countless currents of lightning while deafening claps of thunder sounded out through the skies.

The only strange thing was that this time, instead of the warm white thunder Klent had seen before. This time the thunder was a dark, ominous, red 

"Thunder of annihilation…" muttered Klent in shock.

One of the Most terrifying of thunders known to man. 

  Even those who were brave enough to break their heavenly oaths would rarely ever see this thunder.

Instead, legends say only those who commit the worst crimes against heaven and earth would be faced with such devastating thunder.

This wasn't like tribulation thunder that was meant to restrict and challenge people, only stopping the unworthy from passing. 

The thunder of annihilation was never meant to be resisted.

When the Heavens brought out this thunder, there was only ever one result. 

The complete and utter obliteration of its target.

This was the only true purpose of the Thunder of annihilation.

  Klent didn't have time to ponder these thoughts any longer as before he could even say another word. There was a deafening thunderclap as a pillar of blood-red lightning fell down from the sky!


The world seemed to go red, as for a second, all that could be seen was a blinding wave of deadly red energy.

The wave of lightning completely destroyed anything in its path, sweeping freely in all directions and only coming to a stop merely a fingertip away from Dante and Klent.

Looking at the aftermath of the attack, Klent could see a humongous crater at least triple the size of the crater that Dante and Sword Master Rho had created from their battle.

But besides this, Klent also noticed another disturbing fact.

Despite the creation of such a large crater, not even the slightest of debris could be found.

Everything was obliterated!

After coming to this realisation Klent couldn't help but gulp in fear at the heaven's brilliant display of power.

As children of heaven, both he and Dante knew what that demonstration of power meant.

The heavens were clearly threatening them

'I have given you your power. So I can easily take it away.'

'I can easily obliterate you!'

The heavens had given out a little reward in Handing Dante the Blessing of heaven and bending the rules by allowing Klent to still live.

But after doing this it still had to assert its dominance and nothing was more threatening than a display of power that could easily erase your existence. Well, at least that was what the heavens had thought.

It was simply the best way to bring Dante back in line 

The carrot and the stick

it was a timeless technique used to get people to cooperate with you, and the heavens were obviously trying to implement it.

The heavens had thought that this display would be enough to at least reign Dante's arrogance in a little Bit.

  But contrary to its predictions, even after he saw what horrifying destruction the thunder of annihilation was capable of, Dante wasn't even fazed.

In fact, Dante even sneered at the obvious attempts that the Heavens made to threaten him.

Dante knew he was still of great value to the heavens.

This was his greatest advantage and what gave him the confidence to be so fearless in face of the unquestionable power of heaven.

  As long as he showed the high value and carried on showing his great potential, he had nothing to fear.

After all, it made no sense for the heavens to destroy its future investments.

Even the heavens, in all its might and power, still couldn't perfectly predict the future. so it couldn't quite guess whether Dante would be of use to it or not.

The heavens just couldn't afford to risk it.

The hurdles that it had to face were simply too great! 

Failure was not an option!

So as long as Dante stayed winning, then the heavens wouldn't know whether he would be the one it was looking for or not and could simply only turn a blind eye to his behaviour.


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