I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 155 - Battle With Sword Master Rho 2

Chapter 155 – Battle With Sword Master Rho 2

The Major problem to Dante was that the constant stunning effect of the sound attack was preventing him from getting close and dealing any actual damage to Sword Master Rho

besides, just because Dante could resist the Attacks of Sword master Rho didn't mean that he could just ignore them.

Even drops of water would eventually hollow out a stone.

Anything could be worn down if enough damage was dealt, and Dante was no different.

If things carried on as they are now, it won't take long before Dante would be forced to surrender 

Faced with the thought of his somewhat inevitable defeat, Dante was overwhelmed with a sense of frustration.

but it wasn't just Dante that was feeling frustrated.

Dante's Dragon souls seemed to share in his frustration as Dante began to hear constant roars of irritation start to come from within his mind. But that's when Dante was suddenly hit by a new thought!

'That's it!' Thought Dante 

'A Roar! A roar is all I need to deal with these strange sound attacks.

If My roar won't cancel out the sound attack, it should at least be able to change the direction right?"

Dante wasn't too sure whether his line of thinking was the correct one, but it was certainly the best idea that he had.

Without hesitating any longer, Dante got himself together and charged at Sword Master Rho once more.

Activating his movement technique, Dante's figure blurred as he flickered along the forest, weaving in and out of the golden sword beams sent his way.

As Dante was approaching Sword Master Rho he saw him reach for his sword and instantly knew another sound attack was coming.

But as Sword Master Rho was reaching for his sword, Dante wasn't idle either.

Stimulating his dragon soul, Dante took in a deep breath as his chest expanded.

Dante could feel his throat swell as an uncomfortable sensation started to build up in his chest from all the pent up air.

Finally unable to take it any longer, with a completely red face, Dante let out a devastating roar!

The air around Dante seemed to shake as a deafening roar visibly swept out before it collided with the sound wave of the sword attack, cancelling each other out.

Seeing his plan was actually effective Dante swiftly acted, approaching the now surprised Sword master Rho and struck out with a powerful blow 


sword master Rho quickly raised his sword to block Dante's strike but the difference in both Dante and Klent's physique was finally shown as Sword master Rho was still sent flying into a tree


Sword master Rho's body collided, making a loud impact

Dante knew it wasn't enough to defeat sword master Rho, so he quickly dashed towards him 

Breaking through the smoke, Dante appears in front of Rho, slashing down 

But this time Sword master Rho was fully prepared, and it showed!

As Dante's and Rho's sword was just about to make contact, Sword master Rho suddenly changed the angle of his sword.

sparks flew as both swords made contact, but surprisingly, Dante found that his sword seemed to have no effect on Sword master Rho and simply slid off until it hit the floor.

Although surprised Dante wouldn't let his one failure get to him so rapidly rotating his body, Dante brought Down his sword on Sword master Rho once more 


Despite the increased power of Dante's attack, Sword master Rho simply deflected it as easily as before, no if anything it could have been said to be easier than before!

Seeing his attacks so easily stopped, Dante grit his teeth in frustration and seeing this, Sword Master Rho wouldn't let go of the chance to get in Dante's head.

"Boy, why are you frustrated? Don't tell me you were expecting anything different?

Although you may be stronger than that boy Klent, you can give up any hope of defeating me as long as that sword is still in your hand.

Boy, I've been playing around with swords longer than even your grandfather has even been alive.

To think you can beat me with a sword is not just naive, it's an insult!"

Hearing this, the person most affected wasn't even Dante. No, it was the moonlight sword in his grasp.

hearing Sword Master Rho's words, the moonlight sword seemed to take it as a personal attack.

In its mind, Sword Master Rho was making fun of Dante's sword and the moonlight Sword wouldn't allow for him to be so easily insulted.

the moonlight sword quickly let off a load of unintelligible buzzes.

"Don't worry" said Dante to his sword.

"Just relax and leave everything to me and that old ghost will be put down in no time."

After saying this Fante took a second to recollect himself before rushing at sword master Rho, unleashing a devastating flurry of attacks once more

"Bang! Bang! Bang!…"

Thunder like bangs could be heard as Dante let off countless attacks at such blinding speeds that all that could be seen was a strange blur of silver.

But to Dante's horror, despite the ridiculous speed and strength of his attacks, Sword Master Rho seemed to be easily dispatching his attacks,

and to make matters worse, Dante's problems didn't end there!

As time went on, Sword Master Rho started getting more and more accustomed to the body of Klent that he was inhabiting and how to control it, which in turn only caused his already terrifying sword technique to only increase even further.

As the fight went on Dante could see that Sword master Rho not only began to defend against his attacks even easier but he also even began to unleash some quick counter attacks of his own!

With each sword deflection, Sword Master Rho would use the split second in which Dante was recovering from his sword attack and quickly send out a slash of his own that Dante could never hope to block!

Due to Dante's terrifying physique and the quick nature of Sword Master Rhos attacks, Dante simply ignored the light scratches at first.

But as the fight went on longer and longer, these wounds started accumulating until Dante noticed that he had suddenly gained injuries all over his body.

Dante's current attacks were simply useless.

Dante was attacking and dealing almost no damage to Sword master Rho whilst also accumulating a terrifying amount of injuries himself 

Knowing he couldn't afford to let this continue, Dante quickly broke away from Sword Master Rho and checked himself, only to find his body covered in blood.

But before Dante could even think about treating himself, he saw Sword Master Rho dashing furiously towards him 

watching Rho dash towards him, Dante knew he couldn't afford to let Sword Master Rho get close to him.

The close-range combat that he originally thought was his strength was actually his greatest weakness.

To think he could beat an old monster like Sword Master Rho with something as basic as brute strength was simply just naive!

Despite now realising the error he had made, this didn't stop Sword Master Rho from dashing towards him.

Knowing that he had to keep his distance from sword Master Rho, the air around Dante suddenly began to heat up as his chest started to expand at a rapid rate.

soon a terrifying roar was heard across the forest as Dante let off a blazing hot cone of fire.

Faced with this powerful attack, Sword master Rho simply activated his movement technique, flashing behind Dante.

But as he did so, Dante also tracked him and turned around to unleash another devastating wave of fire.

But even with that, Sword master Rho's image just flickered as he easily dodged Dante's attack.

seeing the berserk and almost desperate attacks of Dante, Sword Master Rho just lightly chuckled 

And continued to dodge

"Boy, just give up. You stand no chance at winning!"

But as Sword master Rho was speaking, his laughter was quickly cut short.

After only speaking for a few seconds, Sword Mater Rho noticed something strange with his current surroundings.

Dante was nowhere to be found.

But not just that. The area surrounding him had changed.

The flames released from Dante had slowly spread around the forests, turning into a blazing inferno.

And these flames weren't just the ordinary flames of a forest fire, they were true dragon flames, flames from one of the most powerful creatures in the multiverse!


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