I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 148 - Puppets

"We've not even done combat situations with you yet, Mr Kriel. so how on earth are we supposed to do it at first with me as the core of the formation?!."

looking at the unhappy appearance of Dante, Mr Kriel just laughed as he continued

"Hahaha! Dante, there's no need to be so stressed. aren't you the Dragon son of war? A simple battle formation like this should be nothing to someone like you. besides its always more fun if it's a challenge after all"

Although Mr Kriel was in a happy mood, unsurprisingly for anyone, Dante didn't share quite the optimistic look.

just one look at the ugly expression on his face would allow for anyone to tell how bad he was feeling in this situation.

Mr Kriel however, didn't seem to care about Dante's opinion at all and not wanting time waste anymore time, arguing with Dante as spoke,

"Now let's not waste anymore time. 

Get back in formation and prepare for the attack."

Dante knew that no amount of arguing could change the current situation he was in. In the end, Dante could only mumble in dissatisfaction as he retrieved his spear and entered back into the spear formation.

seeing that Dante finally gave in, Mr Kriel nodded in satisfaction as he waved his hand.

Instantly, 30 wooden objects fell out of the sky onto the training field, but it didn't end there

"Creek! Creek!"

Slowly, the objects on the ground seemed to twitch as they gradually rose up to their feet.

"puppets..." muttered one of the students near Dante.

The student wasn't wrong.

What Dante could see in front of him were things that could only be described as wooden puppets!

The puppets were all humanoid shaped but also had no facial features.

They just had a smooth surface instead of a face and all stood at 7ft tall with long wooden limbs attached to their torso.

Wooden puppets!

Dante had heard of these before. They were the strange creation of the department of weapons and arrays.

If what Dante had been told was correct then these puppets could respond to basic instructions, such as instructions to attack or defend, and don't require much strain on the wielder

Although Dante had heard a little bit about them, he never imagined that he would see one here and Dante wasn't even the only one who was shocked.

the students around Dante also stood in shock as they watched the jerky movements of the puppets.

seeing the surprised look on the face of his students, Mr Kriel smiled as he looked towards them.

"So How about it? Are you guys impressed yet?" Asked Mr Kriel.

"These guys are what I will be using to conduct your combat drill, but Don't look down them just because they are wooden puppets. Although these puppets may and seem a little silly now, these same silly puppets all have at least martial novice realm strength with 1 or 2 if them even being in the Martial journeyman realm.

if you don't take them seriously, these same puppets will knock you on your ass!"

"So get ready guys. These puppets will be attacking in 5,"



as soon as Me Kriel started his countdown, Dante knew, that as the heart of the battle formation, Dante couldn't afford to just watch so he quickly spoke to the students around him."

"Alright guys! Ready up! "

"We don't have to panic. Just think of the formation you acted out with Mr Kriel. What we're doing is exactly the same thing. Just control your concentration and relax, this will be a breeze!"

as Dante was giving out some encouraging words, the group of puppets had started rushing towards them.

Dante also seemed to notice this and quickly spoke out.

"Ready! Attack on my mark!"

As Dante spoke, the students in the spear formation rose their spears as their sweaty palms tightens their grip.




As Dante was counting down, the Puppets had reached the perfect distance for Dante to attack with the spear formation.

but just as Dante was preparing to unleash the battle formation, he noticed a truly distressing fact.

'Shit!' Thought Dante

'Who's broke off from the battle formation!'

Faced with cold and emotionless charge from these 7ft tall puppets, some students had started to panic and in doing so, completely severed there connection with the Battle formation!

In a last-ditch attempt , Dante tried desperately to see if he could possibly try and reform any connections at the last minute.

but end Dante failed.

He was still too inexperienced and had little knowledge on instantly reforming broken connections. So in the end, nothing more could be done.

"Fuck!" Shouted Dant in frustration at the rest of the students 

"What are you waiting for?! Attack! Attack!"

With Dante's frantic urging the rest of the students roared as they thrust there spears forward.

but instead of the powerful beast phantom everyone was expecting, due to some people breaking connections from the main battle formation, barely even a trickle of purple energy was released from their spears.


The students still didn't give up and attacked the crowd of rushing puppets.

But to their horror, the puppets simply shrugged off their attacks as they emotionlessly continued to barrel forward into the centre of the formation!




screams of panic and chaos erupted as the puppets charged into the formation, sending anyone in their way flying into the air.

"Fuck!" Shouted Dante.

Dante knew that the formation was basically done for but he didn't give up just yet. he quickly turned towards the nearest puppet and In fury launched a devastating spear strike at the puppets chest!


The devastating blow connected, sending the puppet soaring into the sky.

But even with his magnificent display of strength, Dante didn't change anything. He had only managed to deal with one puppet and there were still numerous other puppets creating havoc in the battle formation!

As Dante turned around from dealing with that puppet, he saw a completely scattered formation struggling to even stay together as the powerful puppets easily dispatched each student one by one.

Dante knew he couldn't sit by and watch as his battle formation was completely annihilated and quickly sped forward to get rid of the nearest puppet.

But just before Dante could reach the puppet closest to him, a cold voice rang out through the training field.

"that's enough."

As soon as the voice spoke, the puppets on the ground all seemed to freeze as they instantly lost all energy they had before.

looking up in the direction of the voice, Dante could see Mr Kriel floating in the sky as he looked down on the students with a displeased expression.

"Embarrassing." Said Mr Kriel

"Absolutely embarrassing!"

"As the best students of My department of war, is this really all you have to offer?

As soon as you are faced with even a slight threat or challenge, you all start to panic and break formation!"

But even after all this Mr Kriel still wasn't done with his rant and turned towards Dante.

"And you Dante." Said Mr Kriel

"As the Dragon son of war you couldn't even maintain the ranks of your soldiers. You let them easily panic which all led to the inevitable collapse the spirit array!"

"But Mr Kriel this isn't something I could control-"

Dante tried to defend him self but before he could even make a point he was quickly interrupted by Mr Kriel.

"No buts" said Mr Kriel 

"A good General can turn a group of peasants into a squad of fearless soldiers. If you can't even maintain the concentration of a group of students, then you should hand in your own title of Dragon Son right now!"

'Bullshit!' Thought Dante 

'This is all out of my control and you know it!' 

Dante wasn't a fool.

But in the end, Dante decided to jot voice his thoughts and just muttered in dissatisfaction as he went back to his spear formation.

But this time, Dante wasn't playing around and released his aura of Dragon fear on full blast, shocking the group of students.

With the students stunned by This new aura around Dante, Dante coldly spoke to them.

"You all heard Mr Kriel, our last performance was nothing but a pile of shit!"

"I don't know about you, but I personally don't accept anything less than excellence.. I refuse to be pushed around by a group of mindless puppets once again.


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