I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 128 - The Plea Of The Baleview Clan 3

Rylan's body broke down into a nervous sweat as his body shook nervously 

Dante's cold, serpentine eyes glowed as he looked down at Rylan.

"Don't worry my friend, as long as you do me some favours when I ask, nobody else would have to hear of this news."

sensing the lifeline that Dante threw, Karther was much faster than his father and quickly replied.

"Of course Lord Dragon Son, it would be our pleasure to help you in any way"

hearing this, Dante let out a cold smile.

It truly was much easier working with smart people that understood their situation.

"Now, what I'm gonna need you guys to do is pretty simple really," said Dante

"I need elemental treasures, and the more powerful, the better.

The type of elemental treasure doesn't matter in the slightest, but you will either need to bring me an elemental treasure or tell me the exact location of an elemental treasure.

The only catch is that all this must be done without allowing for other people to link your actions back to me."

Hearing this,

"But Lord Dragon Son, Elemental treasures... they've never been something easy to hear news of, much less find-"

"I don't care," said Dante in a completely emotionless voice.

"This is not a request. For the safety of yourself and your own clan, I must get that information. Am I clear?"

As Dante spoke, the terrifying Aura of Dragon fear radiated from him, making both Rylan and Karther feel as if they had been placed in a chokehold.

"Of...Of course, sir Dragon son," stuttered Karther as he struggled to even breathe under the pressure 


Dante just smiled as he released the pressure on them.

Sensing the chance to leave, Karther quickly spoke up.

"Now we've gotten our instructions we shall take our leave, but don't worry sir, as soon as we return we will immediately begin the search for Elemental treasures!"

Dante didn't even bother to look back at them and nonchalantly waved them off as he returned slowly to his chair.

As soon as Rylan had Karther had got Dante's approval, they both scrambled out of the room, not even wasting a second to look back.

Rebecca watched this sorry sight before she turned towards Dante as she asked, 

"So what's the deal? Why even bother to choose such a weak clan to help you?"

"I'm sure if you use a larger clan, not only would they have more information, they would also have mower resources as to possibly even directly give you these elemental treasures you need!"

Rebecca's point made sense. After all, a small clan like the Baleview clan would only have a fraction of the power as one gained by a large clan.

Even Lennox's clan would be more resourceful than a clan like the Baleview Clan.

"Rebecca, your points make sense, but there's just one problem with asking for help from large clans, 

I won't be able to control them!"

Hearing Dante's strange words, Rebecca raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"See Rebecca, you and I know that a major reason I can even have such terrifying talent and power is because of these elemental treasures."

"But Even back at the clan, only 5 people were aware of this fact. You, Uncle Gavin, Grandpa jarred my father and, of course, myself."

"Some things should just never be spread outside, and of course, such vital secrets were definitely one of them."

If one-day such information about myself spread, it could easily used by my competitors and enemies to hinder my growth.

Or even worse, these very same people could use this information to set up traps or even blackmail me!

That's why, at least for the time while I'm still establishing myself in the capital, no one else can be allowed to know this news"

After taking a moment to think on Dante's explanation, Rebecca nodded as she accepted Dante's reasoning, but she still couldn't help ask,

"Well, what you're saying makes a lot of sense, but it still doesn't explain why you're using such a weak clan."

Hearing Rebecca's question, Dante just smirked as he replied, 

"well, you've seen the situation with that clan.

Due to the stupid actions of one of the patriarch sons, I have almost full control over that clan.

All it would take us for me to pass on some information to the Hidden Dragon Academy for them to be completely annihilated! 

And It's because of this that I have full confidence to use them.

Even if they managed to discover anything, I could easily control them to prevent them from spreading any information and if they were so crazy as to try to spread rumours...

Well, the only fate left for them would be utter destruction!"

at that moment, Dante's actions all made sense to Rebecca 

He didn't choose the Baleview clan cause they were his best option. 

He chose the Baleview clan as it was Pthe only clan he was 100% sure that he could completely control!

After hearing all this, she couldn't help but look at Dante in a different light 

In her opinion, Dante had always been very brash. 

He was arrogant, greedy, and all his actions carried a ridiculous level of pride and confidence. 

He wouldn't hesitate to fight if he felt like anything had stepped on his pride and regularly jumped cultivation levels to fight his foes 

But after seeing his actions today, Rebecca had seen a new side of him today.


What she had seen from Dante was a sense of pragmatism, to the extent that it almost seemed like paranoia instead. 

But while all this may seem shocking to Rebecca, for Dante, this was only a matter of fact.

If the few cultivation novels he read had taught him anything, it was that people could never be trusted!

Sure, there were sometimes trustworthy friends that would be willing to go to hell and back for the protagonist, but how common were they really? 


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