I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 126 - The Plea Of The Baleview Clan

As a bearer of a dragon soul, Dante's actions will, whether willingly or unwillingly, be influenced by a dragon's nature.

And now, seeing as Dante had two Dragon souls, this influence on Dante could only be twice as lethal.

And one such influence Dante gained was an obsession with treasure.

You see, for dragons, the pleasure gained from having large amounts of wealth was unimaginable.

For a better choice of words, it was almost drug-like!

And it was this drug like feeling that caused a dragon's obsession over treasure to be strong that it was practically engrained in their very souls!

Even the strongest of Dragons would succumb to their desires when faced with intoxicating pleasure that treasures would give them.

Much less Dante, who only currently held a fraction of the power that the strongest Dragons could have.

Faced with the temptation of treasures, Dante couldn't even resist, or more correctly he didn't even want to!

Dante didn't seem to care about the displeased look on Rebecca's face as he called 


The guards outside seemed to hear his instructions, allowing for the next visitors to come in.

Slowly the doors of the hall opened and in walked in an old man accompanied by a middle-aged man who followed slowly behind him.

The old man was a face we'd seen before.

The man was none other than the Patriarch of the Baleview Clan,

Rylan Baleview.

But Unlike last time we saw Rylan, he was now in a much worse state.

His body was more slouched and he had dark circles underneath his eyes that told the story of the stress his body was feeling

Rylan had been going through a rough period the past few days.

After he warned his son not to mess with Dante, Rylan still felt uncomfortable and went to check on Marco. 

  After all, who would know their own son better than a father? 

  Rylan knew the son he had, and was worried that Marco would go and do something stupid, so he went to check up on him.

But to Rylan's surprise, as he went to check up on Marco, he found that all traces of him had disappeared!

  But not just Marco, the whole of Marco's family, from his wife to even his son, had all gone missing overnight!

Rylan had ordered a complete search of the clan compound and the capital in an effort to find any traces of Marco or his family

  But after an unfruitful search, Rylan had come to a conclusion.

And that was that Marco and the rest of his family were most certainly dead. 

Now with that Marco had been killed, it only left Rylan with one culprit.

From Rylan's knowledge, there was only one person who had hatred with Marco yet also had and courage and power to try to assassinate him.

And that person was could only be Dante, The Dragon Son of the Hidden Dragon Academy.

But even though Rylan knew this, he still had a big problem on his hand.

even with this knowledge, what could Rylan do? 

Dante was clean enough to leave no evidence and he'd be a fool if he thought he could accuse a Dragon Son of murder with no substantial evidence. 

Not only that, even if he had evidence to prove Dante was the murderer, was he sure that Dante would even be convicted?

Rylan had been in the capital for countless years now, and he was someone truly knew the scene of the kingdom's current judicial system, and he only had one word to describe it.


It was corrupt to the core! 

The people in power were almost practically immune to the convictions of those weaker than them. 

Rylan would definitely know this as he had been one of the people who abused his power to commit unspeakable crimes.

  To try and advance in the capital, all means of underhanded tactics and schemes had to be used.

Although it seemed like a place of rule and law, realistically, there was only one rule here,

Might makes right!

The person with the biggest fist rules!

The only reason the royal family was able to the rule the kingdom for all these years was because they were the strongest and therefore they could impose their own rules on anyone.

This bitter truth was the reason why Rylan's fear of Dante was so extreme.

With Dante's position as a Dragon son, he could easily orchestrate the destruction of the Baleview clan.

And now, with his ridiculous display of potential at the Welcoming ceremony, it only made Rylan fear Dante even more.

But unlike Rylan, who was in a sour mood, the man next to him was having a much more pleasant experience.

The man was also one of Rylan's sons, and more specifically, he was Rylan's eldest son, Karther Baleview.

As the eldest son of the Patriarch of the Baleview clan, it was expected for Karther to be the next one to inherit the position of patriarch after his father retires.

The only problem with this was that Rylan believed that each of his children deserved a fair opportunity to develop and get the chance of inheriting his position as patriarch.

Because of this, it had led to quite a toxic relationship between all of Rylan's children.

And for Karther, his relationship with his brother Marco was especially bad. There had always been competing in open and in secret, with elaborate schemes and plots all trying to cause each other's downfall.

With the terrible relationship between the two brothers, you can just imagine the joy that Karther felt when he found his brother had gotten into a conflict with a Dragon Son, of all people.

But surprisingly for Karther, the news just kept getting better and better as soon his brother completely disappeared!

Unlike everyone else in his clan who feared or even resented Dante, Karther was overflowing with gratitude to the man.

He practically got rid of all his problems!


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