I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 121 - Mountain Of Will 2

let's talk about the mountain of will more, shall we?"

The mountain of will is really just a simple test.

All that is required for you is to simply scale the mountain to climb up its steps.

The only catch here is that each step you take will require an increasing amount of willpower, with the required willpower increasing exponentially until you get the point where you can't even move anymore 

so are you ready?"

As Olivia asked this question, a strange smile broke out onto her face.

  Dante looked around to see everyone else around him have a slightly uneasy look.

But the nervousness of the contestants didn't seem to stop Olivia and instead even caused her smile to widen

  "Well, seeing as I don't hear any complaints, let the test begin!"


  With Olivia's call, cheers erupted all around as the hundreds of spectators eagerly watched on as to see what could possibly occur...

After hearing Olivia's words, the contestants didn't waste anymore time and quickly rushed up the stairs of the mountain.

Only Dante and a few others did not have the same urgent mentality.

This test wasn't a race.

Running and rushing to scale the mountain will have no benefits and, in fact, it could possibly even have negative side-effects.

It wasn't called the mountain of will for no reason.

This was a test that required a ridiculous level of willpower and fortitude.

At the end of the day, these would be the determining factors as to how far you could travel, not how fast you were moving.

After taking a deep breath, Dante slowly took his first step onto the mountain.

As soon as his first step landed on the ground, Dante could already feel a slight weight on himself.

The only strange thing was, instead of feeling it on his body, Dante seemed to feel this weight in his mind!

It was a similar feeling as to the one you would get when you are feeling tired, yet somehow more focused and intense.

But despite the mountain's strange effects, seeing as this was only the first step, it was almost nothing to most contests.

Dante ignored the feeling he was getting and slowly continued  with his journey up the mountain.

During this period of time, nothing seemed to change with the exception of each step making his mind feel heavier and heavier.

Suddenly, as soon as Dante reached the 30 step mark, He suddenly heard many screams and roars of frustration erupt all around him

Caught off guard by this new development, Dante quickly turned to see what was going on.

As soon as he got a quick look, Dante's surprise quickly faded.

This was because the people failing and falling were all from the same mould, 

Arrogant Young masters!

Most of these arrogant young masters and misses were all failing and collapsing at around this step, but for most people, this was to be expected.

This kind of thing happened every year.

You see, back in their clans, these young masters were all seen as top talents and, as such, would receive the constant pampering and care of all the elders around them.

While This may be seen as a significant benefit to their individual growth and development, it was also because of the very same treatment that their willpower wasn't up to par.

living a life where every need of theirs was instantly solved, only allowed for such a weak willpower to not only develop in these young masters,  but even grow and fester into the sorry state we see now

Even Dante had a chance of developing into one of these young masters, but due to his previous poor talent, he was just illegible to enjoy such luxurious treatment.

Besides, as a university student in his past life, his willpower was definitely stronger than these young masters.

Just talk to anyone who survived university and they'll definitely tell you it was anything but easy. 

  It may not be as hard as some of the things his competitors here had experienced, but one thing was for sure, and that was that it was definitely harder than anything these young masters had ever had to deal with in their lives!

After these short thoughts, Dante quickly turned away from this sorry sight and continued on his journey.

  he couldn't let this scene distract him from progressing, he had to do well in this test!

  So Dante didn't slow down and kept on moving up the mountain and although it wasn't easy, he still kept on making steady progress

But all this changed as Dante reached a distance of about a third way up the mountain 

As soon as Dante tried to take his next step, it was as if his feet had been glued to the ground!


'what the hell is going on?! Why won't my body move?!'

  As Dante was struggling to move, Klent also looked back to see what was going on.

To Klent's surprise, he turned back to not only see Dante stood motionless but also appearing to be struggling to move!

Although Klent was surprised by this sight, after only a few seconds of thought, things cleared up for Klent.

Although still Klent held a lot of respect and even some admiration for Dante, even he had to admit that Dante's weak will wasn't really a surprise to him.

Dante wasn't like him, who had to struggle for resources.

He was the son of the first elder, a true young master in every sense of the word

It was a well-known fact in the clan that despite Dante's previously poor talent, his father always made sure he got the resources he needed.

Although Dante's situation wasn't as rotten as the other young masters that could barely take a few steps up the mountain, the fact is that the previous Dante never had to struggle for anything in his life!

Upon realising this, Klent couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment as he looked at Dante


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