I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 119 - Welcome Ceremony

"Put in your space pouch, for crying out loud!

lugging around such a massive weapon, it just makes you look like a barbarian!"

Dante was never one to take such an insult lying down, so he didn't even hesitate as he and swiftly replied to Rebbeca,

"You're the one who says that carrying around a massive sword makes me look like a barbarian, but aren't you the one who has a spear almost twice their size? You look like a clown when you try to wave that shit around!"

listening to Dante's words, Rebecca's eyes twitched in irritation 

"what would you know?

The spear is a refined weapon, the very embodiment of grace and elegance." 

But unfortunately for Rebecca, Dante didn't even listen to a word Rebecca just said 

Instead, he just looked at Rebecca with a pitying gaze as he said,

"This is the problem with you Rebecca. I don't think you'd recognise the meaning of the words grace and elegance, even they hit you across the face!" 

  After saying this, Dante shook his head and slowly walked away 

hearing Dante's words, Rebecca almost snapped, but before she reacted, she took a deep breath

'This Kid is really testing my patience today! 

He's lucky it's still early in the morning, so I'll let him off for now.' 

after calming down, Rebecca soon followed after Dante, but don't think it was over just yet. 

Who knew what Rebecca was planning to get back at Dante for this humiliation...


luckily for Dante, Rebecca didn't try anything during their journey to the academy, allowing for a relatively peaceful experience.

Well, as peaceful as you could call being churned and spat out by a teleportation circle at least.

But if we ignore the teleportation process, then the journey could still be considered pretty smooth.

Dante and Rebecca soon walked out of the teleportation hall but even as they walked out the hall, Dante's feet were still a bit shaky.

Rebecca also seemed to notice this about Dante but instead of trying to comfort him, she only sneered as she said,

"Are those shaky legs I see? Don't tell me that our mighty Dragon Son is actually suffering from some teleportation sickness?"

Dante refused to allow Rebecca to make fun of him and snorted in disdain as he quickly stood up and walked forward as if nothing was wrong in the first place.

Rebecca only rolled her eyes at the weak attempt for Dante to play off his discomfort.

Not wanting to embarrass Dante any further, Rebecca soon changed the topic

"So Dante, you know that the Welcome ceremony is happening today, but what do you even know about it"

Dante cleared his throat as he calmly replied 

"Well, that's easy. The welcoming ceremony consists of only one challenge and that is the mountain of will.

The test is designed to show off the one thing required by each and every department. The power of will."

Now that Dante started speaking, he seemed to remember something!

"Shit! Rebecca!" Cried Dante

"Now that I think about it, the welcoming ceremony is not a compulsory event for new students.

They are just there as a way for new students to show off their skills to the academy!"

As Dante spoke, he suddenly grabbed Rebecca and shook her in frustration 

"That means you woke me up and rushed me all the way here for absolutely nothing!"


Before Dante could continue talking nonsense, Rebecca flicked his forehead, causing him to wince in pain 

"Idiot" said Rebecca coldly

"That may be the case for other new students, but aren't you forgetting something Dante? 

you're just not the same as them!

As the new Dragon Son, your appointment already caused an uproar throughout the whole academy! If you didn't show up to the welcoming ceremony, who knows what outlandish rumours would start to surface? 

  you need to put up a show in the Welcoming Ceremony to shut up all those stupid critics."

"Realistically, I don't really care what other people think-"

as Dante was speaking, he saw Rebecca's icy gaze and decided to just avoid an argument with her entirely and quickly changed his sentence..

"But I guess it'll be bad if some idiots use this as an excuse to start doubting me, so I may as well stop the problems before they even start."

Seeing that Dante was taking this seriously, Rebecca couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief.

With Dante's casual attitude, who knows if he'll be even bothered to try during this contest and embarrass not just himself, but their entire clan!

But now that she knew that Dante was taking this at least somewhat seriously, with Dante's current ridiculous talent, him taking it somewhat serious would be enough to impress almost anyone.

As Dante and Rebecca were walking, she seemed to notice something.

"Damn! I almost forgot," shouted Rebecca.

"The test is on a mountain near the edge of the academy.

It'll take some time to walk there so Let's just fly. It'll be quicker."

So just like that, Rebecca quickly took off into the air but as she turned back, she Dante still stood on the ground looking at her with an awkward face.

"Rebecca, I think you're forgetting I'm still in the Martial Novice realm. I still can't fly!"

That's right!

Despite Dante's ridiculous strength, he was still in the Martial Novice Realm, meaning that flight was still not an option to him! 

  It's quite easy to forget what realm he was in when his strength was almost similar to yours.

Seeing Dante's awkward look, Rebecca smirked as she looked down at him.

"How about I carry you there? It would definitely be a faster way to get there than walking plus, you'd also get to see the scenery on the way there. It's a win-win! "

Hearing Rebecca's suggestion, Dante's body shivered in disgust.

he could already imagine the scene of him being princess carried towards the test mountain and being dropped off in front of the whole academy!

he'd rather fight a Martial Adept level cultivator than suffer such a humiliation!

In response to Rebecca's suggestion, Dante looked up to Rebbeca as he said 

"Carry me? You must be dreaming! I'd rather run than live through that embarrassment." 

Rebecca didn't try to force it and only laughed in response.

"hahaha! Well if that's your choice, you better do your best to try to keep up!"

Rebecca suddenly shone in a soft red glow as her body shot forward.

Dante wasn't about to be left behind and stamped hard into ground, propelling his body forward at dizzying speeds


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