I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 117 - The Sword Saint

The person was, of course, none other than Winton!

Winton just smirked condescendingly as he stared down at the Sword Saint.

unfortunately, the Sword Saint could not recognise Winton and now seeing Winton's arrogant smirk just caused his frustration to grow even more

"I asked, who the hell are you!"

"Well, that's not important." Said Winton as he cut off the sword Saint yet again 

"What's important now is what I have to say."

hearing Winton's arrogance, the sword Saint was stunned and even forgot how to reply.

Winton didn't seem to notice the sword saint's disbelief and carried on speaking 

"Well, there's been a new talented young man to emerge from the Hidden Dragon Academy this year. 

My Request is quite simple, really.

You must protect that young man with your life!"

Hearing this, the sword Saint finally couldn't sit still anymore.

Ever since this man had come here, he had been speaking to him with no regard for his status.

It seemed as if he didn't even put him, The Sword Saint of the Vaenam Kingdom, in his eyes! 

"Who the hell do you think you are?! How dare you instruct me!"

Hearing The Sword Saint's rage-filled outburst, Winton did not even react .

He just put on a mocking smile, as if he was an adult watching a child's silly tantrum .

Seeing Winton's smile, The Sword Saint almost burst a blood vessel frustration!

Finally, he couldn't take Winton's arrogance any more and rushed towards him.

As the Sword Saint was rushing towards Winton, he seemed to notice something strange.

Wintons eyes had suddenly changed.

His previously black, Pearl like eyes were now drastically different.

Now they had changed into two pitch black swirls that seemed to want to drag your very soul into the abyss!

Even The Sword Saint didn't know how to react and was caught up in the suction of Winton's eyes, stunning him in place 

Eventually, after gruelling struggle, the Sword Saint managed to break out of this suction, but as he looked around, he found his surroundings had suddenly changed.

Instead of his tranquil meditation room, he found himself suddenly floating over the Vaenam Capital City.

But to his horror, he saw a sight that would possibly haunt him for the rest of his days!

Instead of the beautiful, peaceful capital he had sworn to protect, the surrounding landscape looked more like a scene from hell!

The capital city had been reduced to ruins.

A raging fire tore through the capital while collapsed buildings and structures were all that remained of the capital's once luxurious infrastructure.

But perhaps most harrowing of all was the sight of people, or more accurately, the lack thereof.

Not one living soul could be seen throughout the capital city.

Only an unimaginable amount of decaying corpses could be seen, whilst an almost endless amount of blood flowed rapidly through the streets.

This sight nearly turned The Sword Saint crazy!

Everything he had sworn to protect, everything he had been protecting over the last years.

It had all crumbled down in front of him, leaving him with nothing more than a ruined city.

Just as He couldn't take it anymore, the sword Saint suddenly heard a voice 

"that's enough for you to change your mind now, isn't it?"

looking up, the Sword Saint turned to see Winton looking down on him with a devilish smile.


Although it was only an illusion, with the experience from his whole life, the Sword Saint didn't doubt for a second that man.

that that monster would have the ability to bring that vision to life!

Winton didn't care about The Sword Saint's thoughts as he slowly approached him yet again.

"Now I'll ask again.

You are going to protect that young man with your very life. You hear me?"

hearing this, the sword Saint grit his teeth in frustration.

He still had his own pride as the strongest cultivator in the whole of Vaenam Kingdom, but here he was being ordered around like a slave!

But regardless of his displeasure, realistically, what could he do? 

  There was no point in resisting.

It was like a person who was about to be crushed by a building.

Maybe if a small shack was collapsing on you, you would struggle with everything you had for the chance to survive.

But if what was collapsing was a large Skyscraper instead, was there any point in struggling? 

No matter what you did, there was only one possible outcome,

Being completely and utterly crushed!

And that's exactly how the Sword Saint felt.

In front of Winton's unimaginable power, he was just like a regular person in front of a collapsing skyscraper,


Besides, the Sword Saint hadn't forgotten about the horrifying vision Winton had showed him.

The man practically had the whole of the Vaenam Kingdom held hostage. He really had no other choice than to agree with Winton's demands.


"I agree. I'll protect that boy."

Hearing this, Winton let out. cheerful laugh 

"Haha! Good."

"Even though I've told you to protect him, it doesn't mean you have to baby-sit the boy. You just have to protect him."

"He can get hurt, beaten, he can even lose a limb, I don't really care.

all I care about is that you make sure his life is saved"

As Winton carried on speaking, the air around seemed to drop to chilling temperatures

"If for some reason he manages to die well... you've already seen the consequences, I'm sure I don't need to show it to you again."


Regardless of the terrifyingly strong will of the Sword Saint, even he had to feel nervous when placed under Winton's terrifying gaze.

Thankfully for The Sword Saint, Winton quickly retracted his aura and carried on speaking 

"Now that you've accepted the task, all that's left is the finishing touches"

"Wait, what?" Asked the Sword Saint.

After hearing Winton's words, the Sword Saint had a sinking feeling that something bad was about to happen.

But in the end, it was all too late for the Sword Saint as, with the simple snap of Winton's fingers, all the shadows in the room seemed to rush towards him.

The Sword Saint was powerless in front of the wave of shadows as no matter how hard he tried to resist, the shadows poured straight into his body! 

Ears, nose, mouth and even eyes. No orifice was spared, as the devilish shadows swarmed him, causing him to writhe in pain.

If you could see into the Sword Saint's body, you could see that the shadows in his body weren't just behaving randomly.


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