I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 113 - New Place

Hearing Rebecca's words, Dante's body subconsciously flinched before he quickly relaxed again 

Dante instantly thought back to the mysterious circumstances he had experienced over these past few months.

Even now, he still had times where he would wake up and question whether all this was real or whether it was just a strange dream?

Dante looked at Rebecca with a serious gaze as he slowly spoke.

"Don't worry, I've not changed much. It's just a simple change. We all will change eventually, but what's important is whether at the core we can still remain the same person."

After saying that, Dante felt an invisible weight lift off his chest.

  It was almost as if he had cast off a weight and gotten ten pounds lighter! 

  but unfortunately for Dante, Rebecca couldn't appreciate his words of wisdom and only looked at him with a strange gaze

  "When the hell did you become a philosopher? I only said you changed a little. There's no need to bore me with an entire speech."

Upon hearing Rebecca's words, Dante felt a sudden embarrassment and quickly defended himself.

"you're the one who even brought it up, starting the talk about 'how much I've changed and all that nonsense."

Rebecca easily spotted Dante's embarrassment and only rolled her eyes.

Deciding to spare Dante of any further embarrassment, Rebecca changed the topic

  "Well, let's ignore that for a second and take a look at this compound. It's simply amazing!

And the crazy thing is that I can bet money that this is just one of the many benefits you get as a Dragon son!"

hearing this compliment, Dante couldn't resist this chance to boast and burst out laughing, 

"Hahaha! What else would you expect for someone like me? Jealous much?"

hearing Dante's stupid comments, Rebecca's eyebrow twitched in irritation.

but Dante, being his usual self, still failed to notice this and continued boasting

"For a genius such as myself, this is only the start of many luxuries I will enjoy in the future! Don't worry, when I make it to the top, I won't forget you!"

as Dante spoke, a greedy smile appeared on his face, showing one of the many negative traits brought on by his draconic nature. 

  Whilst Dante was admiring his own talent, he suddenly felt a sharp pain at his waist

"Ayo! what the hell Rebecca!"

As Dante turned towards Rebecca, he could see Rebecca looking at him with a gaze of what could only be described as disgust.

"Your pride and arrogance, it's really disgusting to look at.

But the crazy thing is it just appears to be getting worse and worse! If you don't keep it in check, it could easily be the very thing that leads to your downfall!"

But Dante wasn't one to take what he considered as baseless slander and in response, he only sneered in Rebecca's direction

"What would you even know? My pride is not a negative thing. If anything, I'd go as far as to say that it is even one of my strong points."

Listening to Dante's twisted logic, Rebecca knew she couldn't take much more of his nonsense and decided to walk off.

but even as she walked away, Rebecca still left Dante with some useful information.

"The master bedroom in the compound is yours. It's still your place, after all, this is the least you deserve.

  Enjoy your new place, but remember, the Welcoming ceremony is tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Dante nodded as he left to go check his new room out.


After travelling along the many halls of his new house, Dante finally arrived in his room.

The room was massive, with enough space to fit a king-sized bed and still be left with an abundance of space.

By his window, there were a few exotic plants that Dante had never even seen before, while furniture engraved with exquisite craftsmanship lay placed throughout the room.

Dante walked inside and lay flat on the bed.


  Dante let out a satisfied sigh as he lay on his bed.

The bed felt so soft that he felt like he was practically melting into it.

while relaxing on his bed, Dante let out a satisfied smile as he spoke to himself.

  "These advantages of being the dragon son really are worth it.  Strength really is the route of all benefits in this world!

With strength, I can have endless treasures! But not just treasures, with strength, I can have anything I truly want!"

Now that Dante had mentioned treasures, he quickly remembered the piece of armour he had bought earlier today. 

Without waiting anymore, Dante finally brought out his new set of armour.

Instantly, a cold blue light shone as the temperature in the room seemed to drop, causing Dante to once again be amazed by the abilities of the armour.

After bringing out the armour, Dante retrieved his Moonlight sword from his space pouch, seeing as it had such a strong reaction to the armour in the first place.

As he brought out the sword, it quickly flashed away from him, slipping out of his grip.

  But Dante wasn't unprepared.

The last time he brought out the sword unprepared, it stabbed into his arm and sucked his blood.

  Only a fool would let down their guard a second time!

  he quickly used his other hand to grab the sword, firmly planting it in the ground as he sternly spoke to the sword 

  "Nice try. Now stay there and stop trying to cause trouble and I'm being serious this time. No more games "

Hearing Dante's words, the sword seemed to slouch over, almost as if it had been saddened by its sudden scolding.

Seeing that the sword had finally listened to him and wasn't making any more strange movements, Dante finally started inspecting his new armour set.

  As Dante held the armour, the first thing he noticed was despite his surrounding environment still being rather warm, the set of armour felt extremely cold to the touch.

instead of holding a piece of armour, For Dante, it felt more like he was holding a giant block of ice! 

suddenly, as Dante was inspecting the piece of armour, his alarms seemed to go off.

But strangely enough, it was not an alarm that seemed to sense danger.

no, instead it was an alarm that every dragon of each kind was familiar with,

It was the alarm that goes off when you are about to lose a precious treasure!

  Knowing this couldn't end well, Dante tried desperately to react.

But despite all his efforts, in the end, it was just too late.


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