I have Nine Lives

Chapter 94: Sparron continent war (3)

Chapter 94: Sparron continent war (3)

The cannon user behind the trench was aiming pretty well considering they only fought for a month or so using the weapons in question.

But the fact was that Landers had to block the attack or else his commanding officers would have been crippled or killed by that shot, he could have easily dodged it if he wanted to.

Landers ripped off the melted parts of the armor as he threw them away, they became useless at this point and they would only impend him.

He frowned as he felt the heat of a second shot approaching him, he took a glance behind him and found that the other two had already found a hiding place so he easily sidestepped the shot letting it sail behind him and exploding in the previously populated place.

While the shots were strong they could be easily telegraphed by those with great visual acuity, Landers's vision was very great as he was almost at a general's power now.

However, things weren't that good for the normal troops, the sniper who hit Landers wasn't the only one who got a hextech canon.

While the other shots were rather scattered and not really aimed properly there were quite a lot of people on the beach which meant even scattered shots would hit their target.

It was quite sad to see them flail around for a few seconds until the canons entered their overheating mode.

Even though there were some deaths here and there they were mostly the weaker ones who couldn't dodge in time, it was not because they were clustered together, even though they were rather close to each other they already created some ways in which they could dodge the hex energy as teams.

They held their hands together as they created human chains, with the whole body strength they moved in unison to dodge the attacks, sometimes jumping then throwing each other out of the was, this way they could minimize the death count because it was impossible for everyone to dodge, at least 1 person needed to be left behind.

Of course, this was only for the basic troops, Felix, Lindo, Manitola and the stronger individuals could dodge by themselves regardless of how many troops were around them.

Felix looked at the snipers that were behind the trench, they were all being protected by the melee fighters who were in the trench, they were all fending the people who tried to come and kill their ranged attackers.

Up till now, the Sparron continent had very low to no deaths because of their currently impenetrable defenses.

The trench combined with the hextech canons created a defensive and offensive combo that was hard to beat without overwhelming strength, however, the shamans of the invading tribes couldn't interfere right now as they were sure that the shamans of the Sparron continent also had something under their sleeves, so they would interfere only if the shamans of the Sparron continent interfered first, letting them expose their trump card.

Felix could see that it would be hard to get through this formation of theirs normally, they basically covered up all of their weakness creating a hedgehog situation, they couldn't be touched, and if they decided to attack it was better to get out of the way.

Felix knew that he was the breakthrough piece in this equation, he was the only one who could go beyond the trench and assassinate the cannoneers, he had the armor that could help him going through the trench even if he was found out.

To help things go how they were supposed to be Felix donned the armor from his mind palace, a small light encased him as the blue and white armor appeared, the light was startling the people that were in his surroundings.

"What the hell is that?"

"An armor? How did he even don it that fast?"

"Hey, where did he go?"

The troops were quite startled seeing Felix don armor and disappear but Lindo was used to his antics while Manitola didn't know what to say since she was going to attack her own people.

Felix's stealth could be considered perfect at this point, his disappearance only triggered a little commotion at the end of the troops but the enemies didn't know anything about him.

He jumped over the heads of the sea of people creating some reactions here and there but he was using almost no weight as he sometimes glided over their heads, it couldn't be helped because he couldn't literally go through them, this was also his way of dodging the hextech canon attacks.

Atleast he would be able to control his weight somewhat or else these people would become pancakes, Lindo even stepped on someone's face when he dodged one of the attacks.

Finally, after a while, he reached the trench where he jumped directly into it, it seemed to be a bad idea at first as he was met with a multicolored knife ready to skewer his guts, and just as he thought, they could see through his stealth somehow, or they could identify his location he wasn't really sure how it worked but the knife was really going for his guts.

However the moment the knife hit the hard white part of the upper armor it immediately cracked and broke into two pieces, the armors ability to defend against piercing attacks combined with the brittleness of the knife meant that there was no way the knife would be able to damage him.

The trench was full of fox tribesmen and the breaking of one knife didn't deter them from trying to poke Felix full of holes.

Most of them looked scared at first glance, they weren't people meant for war but they were doing their best to defend their home.

However, all their attacks were futile, their attempts at slashing Felix open didn't do anything as their weapons broke every time they met Felix's armor.

Some of them looked at the handle in their hand then at Felix's armor as they roared and charged at him trying to beat him in hand-to-hand combat.

Felix easily dispatched all of the attackers and jumped out of the trench only to find himself face to face with a green small ball that was ready to explode, he used his tail to deflect the ball into the trench below him.

A fiery explosion appeared in the trench, the cries of the surviving fox tribesmen could be heard as they slowly descended into death as well, the explosion pretty much razed everyone in the trench.

Felix didn't give a glance to the deaths of the foxes as he disappeared again, even though they knew his general location there was no chance they would be able to hit him while he was invisible, the hextech canons needed a precise aim, how could they hit something they couldn't see?

And even if they saw him Felix's agile body would never be hit by such an obvious weapon as the hextech canon, while it was good in the siege and defending, in head-on battles it wasn't really useful.

Felix's appearance amidst their ranks made the defenders despair, they already saw how their first defending station was blown to smithereens by their own attack which was deflected by the enemy, they didn't think they would be pushed away from the beach this soon!

Felix's eyes were analyzing the more important cannoneers as he suddenly identified the one that shot and Landers. He appeared behind him as he used his claws to immediately decapitate him while his cannon was still cooling from overheating.

The sudden situation of a head flying into the air and blood spraying like a geyser erupting attracted every defender's attention, they knew Felix was in their midst but the tool that helped them to identify invisible people was in the trench, one needed to jump in and out of it to travel it since it was also rather wide making it impossible to jump it in one attempt.

Now that the searching tool was broken they were like headless chickens, they didn't know what to do as they looked at each other and started to abandon their posts!

While defending their home was important, dying while letting the invading army go further was useless!

They all started to throw away their weapons as they melded with their surroundings and started to disappear, Felix narrowed his eyes, these foxes knew stealth too?

He sighed as he made sure there was no one around anymore before he turned his stealth off, he waved his paw at the army who were still watching what happened with their jaws on the ground, everything that happened up till now didn't take more than 5 minutes!

Felix's blitz attack disabled the trench and scared away all of the cannoneers by killing the strongest of them.

As for the escaping ones Felix couldn't catch them by himself, he was all alone and there were quite a lot of them around, they were around half the number of invading troops standing around 200,000 people, the trench was also filled with around 20,000 people but they could still defend the forest entrance while being at a numerical disadvantage.

Felix sighed as he looked at all the scattered hextech canons around and shook his head, this was one win in the war, the first battle!

Landers appeared near him as he smiled at him:

"You turned the whole situation on its head by yourself, I still remember when you just went out of the collapsed maze by yourself it's almost as if it was yesterday, great job!"

Felix nodded as he looked at the whole alliance picking up their jaws from the ground, he was sure he earned their respect now, not that he cared anyway...


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