I have Nine Lives

Chapter 86: Living in isolation for 30 years (1)

Chapter 86: Living in isolation for 30 years (1)

Felix felt rather stifled in the cell he was currently in, there was no one around him and the room beyond the cell was dark but he could see through it, other cells were facing him and near him but he couldn't hear any sound which meant he was pretty much alone in the whole jail room.

He sighed, he didn't want this to happen and he fought so fiercely only for him to get dissected anyways, now he had to be imprisoned for 30 years as well!

All of this sucked quite a lot!

He had been a victim all along in this charade and he had to pay for it as well!

He just defended himself was it so wrong?

Felix got quite angry as he looked at the bars made from an unknown metal and slashed at them with his claw.

His claws shattered as he felt like crying, immense pain traveled down his paw directly to his legs and whole body the rebound from the metal almost cracked his bones!

The attack power that he inflicted on the metal traveled through the bars before being redirected back into his body in a shockwave type of attack shaking his internal organs and bones but not hard enough so he would bleed internally as he was only attacking the bars because he was frustrated, he didn't use his whole strength or he would have had to lay down crippled.

He patted his body as he realized that his bag was still there... well at least they weren't so shitty to take it from him... they actually gave it back to him considering he had lost it the first time he self-destructed.

Felix opened the bag and looked through it and everything that was supposed to be there was there, after all, there was nothing of interest to these people in his bag and they could make such bags anyway so why would they take it away from him after they investigated whatever was in the bag?

Felix sighed as he took another look in the bag and counted whatever he had in it:

"Some food... lots of useless money and 30 red pills... oh they are the healing pills..."

The red pills became quite useless as time went by because all of his battles ended too fast for him to have the time to crush and snort them, combined with the fact that his body healing factor increased and he would only need the pills to help only if he was near death made them stay in the bag.

"Well, maybe they would be useful in the future..."

Felix ate some of the food he had in the bag before he started thinking:

"What am I supposed to do... I cannot wait 30 years can I?"

Felix didn't know what would happen in 30 years, he was supposed to fight in the Sparron continent war and what would Siracha, Lindo, and the others do without him?

He was sure Lindo wouldn't be able to survive on the battlefield without him... and he got quite attached to him, even though he wouldn't be sad for a long time if he died he would still mourn his loss for a bit, after all, they could be considered friends.

As he stood there in the cell he realized that he wasn't really attached to anyone from the lion tribe, up till now he hadn't been able to think things much as he was pretty much running everywhere, yes they did act rather nicely with him but he deserved that treatment for everything he had done for the tribe.

He actually didn't find a sense of belonging anywhere he had been, he felt rather strange but it was normal considering he was an alien in this world.

He didn't belong here.

Suddenly he felt sleepy as he laid his head down on the soft bag and somehow fell asleep immediately...

He appeared in his mindscape and the voice of Aaltarox was heard:

"Ah you have really gone ahead and met with those people... you are quite unlucky."

Felix realized that he slept so easily because he was summoned by Aaltarox so he waited for him to continue:

"I have called you here to explain some things about this race you have intersected with and help you a little bit... I cannot do anything for your situation but I can console you."

"What will consoling help me with..."

"It will make you feel better."

"Anyways listen here, you are in luck these guys are so lawful and thought about your situation as well, if they were from the evil faction you would have been killed until you had no lives after they skinned and dissected you while finding out that they can't take anything out of you, you did kill quite a lot of them but you aren't to blame either so they agreed to a consensus of keeping you locked up for 30 years in their strongest facility prison."

"How is this supposed to make me feel better?"

"Oh well, you didn't let me finish."

"After those 30 years are done you will be able to leave and go on with your life, with no more enmity from them to boot!"

"Is this the end?"


"Then how am I supposed to feel better?"

"Eh... well I guess I can tell you some information about them, they are a pretty well-known race in our universe, 'I can't make him feel better...'"

"They were originally called the Monkey tribe but they have already gone ahead and changed their name to the Human Tribe for some reason, they had created all of their technology with their intelligence alone and you wouldn't want to see the strength of their military troops at this point..."

"To explain as simply as I could, one of their weaker men is as strong as the Ape you have befriended in the intercontinental battle, oh by the way the others enjoyed your and your friend's performance."

"What I'm saying is that you are quite lucky you ended up only with 30 years of imprisonment."

Felix frowned as he said:

"But it's not my fault!"

"Aye... you are still a child it doesn't matter if you are at fault or not, it doesn't matter if you are wrong or right, should I spell it out for you? A-L-L I-T M-A-T-T-E-R-S I-S S-T-R-E-N-G-T-H. If you don't have the strength then you are in the wrong if you are strong whatever you do is right!"

"I thought you have already learned this up till now, it's been almost one year since you came to this world and you have gone through quite a few wars up till now but it seems you are still lacking understanding towards these advanced tribes, well its not surprising since Siracha didn't tell you much or even anything about them..."

"So all I can do is endure these 30 years?"

"Yup, be happy that you are still alive kiddo, once your lives are gone I cannot help you even if I want to, the laws of the world can only be interfered with when you have your lives, so keep tight onto them if you don't want to fall to the other guy's realm."

"I'm not going to enter into details about him but be careful from now on, Ok?"

The voice disappeared as the connection between them was cut...

Felix woke up suddenly as he looked around, he was in the same cell room... he sighed, there was no sound coming from inside nor outside... it was eerily quiet to the point that he felt discomfort...

There was nothing else that he could do so he started meditating, he closed his eyes and breathed in and out, while the cell was cold and eerie quiet it was the perfect place for him to practice his intelligence breathing technique!

The in and out breathing exercise was interrupted as a guard came to him sliding him a tray with food through the jail bars below and said:

"Food is here, eat up."

The guard was a rather young 'Human' his monkey tail was tied around his waist as if it was a fur belt and he wore a dark blue security guard outfit his face was shadowed by his cap after Felix ate his fill he immediately took the tray and disappeared as if he was never there...

Felix found the man to be rather strange but he shook his head as he went back to his breathing exercises, hex energy while not abundant, it was in great amount in the prison, since he wouldn't be able to escape even if he destroyed the bars he decided to endure what he had been given... 30 years of solitude and isolation.

Felix sighed once more as he looked through the bars that were taking away his freedom, after one more last look at them he closed his eyes and continued with his meditation, for now, there was nothing that could be done... but the future existed and Felix was looking forward to it.


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