I have Nine Lives

Chapter 208: A technique that puts your endurance to test

Chapter 208: A technique that puts your endurance to test

Felix's unconscious soul body was resting in the pool of his own blood.

It wasn't stirring at all as it stood there unmoving. The failure of enduring the second level midway seemed to have sapped him greatly of his strength.

Felix's unmoving body stood in that position for around 30 days before it started stirring.

Felix clutched his head, which felt like it was going to explode soon, before shaking his head to wake himself up.

He could feel that his body was extremely heavy as he looked into his surroundings and saw how he was surrounded by a blue pool of energy.

The energy was very viscous, and it was clinging to Felix's open injuries. And as Felix woke up better. The energy that surrounded him started to enter his body, making Felix realize that the energy was actually his shed blood.

The blood he had shed during his intense training course was returning to his soul body and strengthening it beyond what it previously was. Making him break through his shackles once again.

Felix's weakened soul body was recovering at a quick speed before breaking through the limit that the first level of the raven training technique had put him at.

If he sensed correctly, he was as strong as he would be if he finished the second level of the technique, which was rather strange, considering he had failed it.

Felix wasn't sure why this happened, but he was happy that his failure turned into a beneficial thing.

He felt really bad when he was falling into the darkness of his mindscape because of his failure, but he felt a little better now.

Felix sighed as he started to fly up. The pool of blood that remained at the bottom of his mindscape had already been dried up as he absorbed it back into his soul body.

He felt ready for another training session, and this time he wouldn't fail.

The whirlwind was created as it surrounded him, starting to cut into his soul body at quick speeds while also throwing him around like a ragdoll, but this time around, the second level didn't do as much damage to him as before.

It was obvious from Felix's fiery gaze and powerful gait as he strode against the whirlwind that he had got used to the power of the whirlwind from his previous experience, combined with the fact that his soul body got stronger after he absorbed the shed blood, made this situation way easier than before, he didn't even felt as much pain as he used to.

He was actually feeling rather content with this level now.

It was almost as if his power was getting further elevated the more he was injured.

Felix's body was slowly making the whirlwind ineffective.

He was reaching the breakthrough point!

His soul body was slowly starting to glow under the continuous assault of the whirlwind, which was slowly being overcome by Felix's increasingly strong body. The pain which was affecting him didn't continue anymore as he reached his breakthrough point... His body glowed for a few more seconds as his strength soared a few seconds, breaking through once again.

But the moment he broke through. He started to brace himself for the pain that would come after.

And he did the right thing, he could feel his insides burning out as he coughed blood, the pain was traveling through his whole soul body, but his insides felt the worst.

It was almost as if a deadly predator was rummaging through his chest with his sharp claws that were filled with a deadly poison that could paralyze him while enhancing his pain receptors ability.

It was a sensation that he almost blacked out from once again. However, he gritted his teeth as blood dripped freely from his gums. He wouldn't blackout once again, not now, and certainly not in the future!

He had enough of his momentary weakness, and he didn't want to feel that ever again!

After reaching his level, he couldn't believe that he could become vulnerable like that again. He didn't like that sensation at all!

Felix's eyes were burning with immense willpower as he endured the pain that was ravaging his soul's insides like a monster.

His power was slowly stabilizing under the assault of the pain, and he endured... 1 day... 2 days.... 3 days... 5 days.

Felix's withered soul body started to recover as the pain he endured finally left it.

A powerful breath from Felix's soul restored it to its original appearance as he coughed up a globule of blue blood that he spat down into the darkness.

A sigh escaped Felix's lips as he felt that something within his soul had unlocked. He had reached a new level with his soul that he hadn't even dreamed about before!

He was inching closer and closer to the day that he would leave his soul behind to reach the divine realm.

His soul was burning due to the small hatred that he accumulated against the god that had imprinted him with that fire lotus tattoo.

He could feel that his connection with that God was strengthening the more his soul strength increased, regardless of his location or the fact that the god didn't want to link his soul with Felix's.

This made Felix realize that he was getting closer and closer to the level of the gods without the need for his body.

As Felix steeled his willpower, his training efficiency had increased by multiple times.

He broke through the 3rd level in 10 days, the 4th level in 15 days, and the 5th level in 35 days.

The pain he endured almost broke his psyche, but his endurance increased immensely because he preserved through the harsh training.

This type of training was the hardest Felix went through all of his life, the pain was so immense that he had wanted to quit multiple times between levels 3-4 and 5.

However, he never stopped. He preserved and in the end. He had trained the technique to its finish.

Felix's soul strength had increased so much that it was now stronger than his body's strength, even if it left the vicinity of it.

Now it was finally time to go back to Altraeimo and request his help.

Felix's body woke up as his soul returned from his mindscape, he looked down at his body and realized that it was covered by moss and other algae as he had immobile in the water for quite a long time. Around 2 months or so.

He shook his body to get rid of everything that was covering it and then disappeared as he arrived at the city gate of Altraeimo's city.

The guard captain there immediately went to call Altraeimo, who arrived quickly after to escort Felix towards a secret place underground in one of the palaces.

Altraeimo analyzed Felix up and down, and when he tried to scan his soul, he clutched his eyes and fell to his knees as he almost wanted to shout in pain from his burned eyeballs.

Felix helped him up as he gave him some energy to heal him then said:

"I'm sorry I didn't warn you, but you acted too quickly..."

Altraeimo waved his hand as he had a giant smile on his face. It didn't matter that he got his eyeballs burned just now, as he looked at Felix up and down, and asked in wonderment:

"How could you have gotten so strong in such little time?"

"I paid a visit to the raven tribe and got a technique from them, anyways are you ready to help me now?"

Altraeimo nodded as he said:

"You are certainly strong enough to do whatever you want in the divine realm... atleast, that's how I envision it your soul is way stronger than before, and your state from before was the strongest soul I had seen in my life even compared to the ancient records of our ancestors. If your previous soul had a chance to thrive in the divine realm, your current one should easily be able to what you need to in there."

Felix nodded and looked at Altraeimo, waiting for him to begin.

Altraeimo coughed awkwardly seeing Felix's eager gaze before looking down and saying:

"I didn't think you would come back so quickly, so I didn't prepare for the opening of the divine realm yet... could you wait for a few more days?"

Felix didn't really mind waiting more so he asked:

"Where should I wait until you prepare?"

Altraeimo scratched the back of his head as he said:

"You are an important guest, so you can stay in the palace above while I will prepare everything here down below. You will also know very quickly when I'm done with the preparations."

Felix nodded and used the hidden door to appear in the palace above and sat cross-legged on the floor near the entrance meditating and waiting for Altraeimo's signal.

One day passed, two days passed, three days passed... 60 days passed while Felix was meditating.

Suddenly the underground started shaking as Felix opened his eyes and dropped down directly through the hidden door to arrive at a spectacular scene.


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