I have Nine Lives

Chapter 201: Aaltarox pushing back the invasion

Chapter 201: Aaltarox pushing back the invasion

Felix looked up at the sky for one last time before his silhouette slowly started to disappear from the Balton continent- he was returning to the lion tribe to get some more shut-eye in.

"I have done the best I could, Aaltarox. Everything relies on you now..."

Felix felt quite bad that he couldn't actually go and help them. Considering that he was stronger than Aaltarox, a god, he thought that he could certainly push those invaders back. Unfortunately, there was no way for him to arrive at those upper realms that the gods habituated.

It wasn't like when he left the planet and went to space, nor when he broke through space and entered pocket dimensions. He could feel that the spatial difference between himself and Aaltarox was immense through their communication connection.

There was no way he would be able to pinpoint the location. And breakthrough space with his current strength.

So he couldn't help them.

Felix was currently flying above the lion tribe as he slowly descended to the inn. He decided to sleep a bit more, and after that, he would be doing some of his favorite activities.


Back in the upper realm, Aaltarox had powered up to his full power as he integrated the energy that Felix gave him into his body. Resulting in the creation of a pseudo-Felix clone. By the use of his divine skills, which he wore like a suit.

This gave him even more of Felix's abilities and increased his compatibility with the energy that Felix sent him.

His comrades were looking at him with envy as they understood that his chosen had shared his energy with him, unlike Aaaltarox, even if the chosen of those respective gods decided to share their energy with them, it wouldn't do much as the chosen's energy was way inferior to the gods'.

Aaltarox looked at the invaders with a fiery gaze as he told his comrades:

"Marboro, Shinko, Madra, Dabo enter formation as well!"

The names he uttered came from one of the strongest gods, which he would never even get to see in normal situations.

However, now that his strength increased so much, he was almost equal to them, atleast for a temporary time, that was.

The gods entered in a similar formation to the invaders as pink light started to engulf them. Buffs from the gods that were hiding in the trenches landed on their formation along with the hidden gods that were making use of stealth to harass the invaders and try to break their formation.

Aaltarox spearheaded the attack as he launched himself directly at the forefront of the battle.

He was ready to use one of Felix's techniques as lightning started to surround him.

The lightning armor flared to life as he started to blitz around the invader's formation, trying to find a weak spot.

However, unfamiliar with Felix's technique, he pulled a muscle as he crashed into one of the invaders, funnily breaking their formation.

That one second was all the other gods needed as they unleashed all of their power onto the broken formation of the invaders.

The buffers even started to throw out debuffs on the confused invaders making them take more damage and weakening their overall power.

Aaltarox's power was increasing every second he learned how to control Felix's power.

Things were slowly turning towards Aaltarox's side. He used the best techniques he learned from Felix's energy to push the invaders away from their territory.

He then employed his own 'trickster' techniques to weaken the enemies even further.

Aaltarox was surprised that they were doing so well considering his former thoughts about barely pushing them back, but now, they were doing very great, and the enemies looked to be almost defeated.

But things weren't that easy as they seemed to be.

The moment the formation broke and Aaltarox's allies almost pushed them out of their territory, the invaders erupted with hidden strength, as they almost decapitated one of the attacking gods while also trying to injure Aaltarox fatally.

Aaltarox had a baseball-sized hole in his chest as golden blood dripped down from there continuously. The attack injured him to the point that he had to back away to get some help from the healers.

However, halfway to the healers, he realized that the hole in his chest was slowly closing by itself. He didn't know about all of Felix's techniques and perks as he had to fight in the war. Not having time to look at what Felix was doing.

Now that he knew that he had some type of healing factor, he rushed back into battle and started to go crazy regardless of the mounting injuries on his body because they were all slowly closing within a short time.

The injuries continued to increase while Aaltarox fought crazily. Also defending the injured gods until they recovered to fighting capability.

He was practically a war machine at this point as he fought for his land and people, regardless if those people looked down on him before or just ignored him.

Aaltarox was getting pretty juiced on the power that he had to the point that he didn't realize that his practically limitless divine energy was slowly getting exhausted by the continuous regeneration that he was undergoing to continue the fight.

His face was paling as his lips lost color. His blood was slowly starting to dry while he continued to fight the invaders, who weren't looking any better than him at this point.

But surprisingly, they still didn't back away. Maybe it was mostly because the gods that were on Aaltarox's side were very close to collapsing while they weren't. They were certainly very injured, but they could still fight properly.

However, Aaltarox didn't give up even though his body was slowly starting to fail him. He powered up to the maximum as he unleashed a gigantic wave of energy that engulfed himself and the enemies until nothing remained surrounding him, some of the gods on his side also got stuck into the explosion, basically dying.

Out of the 30 invaders, only 10 remained as they clutched their burned bodies. Aaltarox was nowhere to be seen as the only thing that remained from him was his fishing hat.

The remaining weakened gods started to push away the surviving invaders until they were out of their territory, a gigantic barrier encased the god's territory making the invader unable to enter again as the surviving battle gods collapsed.

Out of the trench, a woman with purple hair done in a ponytail who wore revealing clothes popped her head out to look around.

She had small eyes and her eyelids were painted red, she had both the quality of being cute and beautiful at the same time, but there was also had an air around her that suggested that she wasn't to be trusted.

"That fool Aaltarox died? But that outburst of strength was really something... I should help the others."

She was the person that Lindo hated the most in his life. The Goddess of charm and illusion, Sindora.

She sighed as she looked at the dying gods and started to unleash her energy to rouse the healing gods up. Her illusionary powers had some control abilities that she could use to influence people even if they were unconscious or out of power.

She needed the weakened healers to use their last remaining power on the dying gods to stabilize their situation.

"Well, this is the best I can do for now... but there is also something else that I need to do."

Her eyes started to glow with a strange green light as she looked down from her position in the divine realm towards the realm below. She had a smile as she looked down as her face morphed, which showed the other side of her, a power-hungry maniac.


Felix was currently relaxing in the inn while eating some food prepared for him by the innkeeper, but suddenly his head started to hurt as all of the heads in the corner of his eye started to disappear, the connection between him and Aaltarox was forcefully broken as he almost choked on the bone of a chicken drumstick.

He swallowed the drumstick as he sighed then looked towards the ceiling of his room:

"It seems that it wasn't enough..."

Aaltarox's passing made Felix quite sad, but he knew there wasn't much he could do about it since he had already done his best.

He finished his food and he was ready to leave his room when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head once again, but this time it was different. Instead of a connection being severed, one was being made right now!

Felix decided to accept the connection for the time being and he heard the sultry voice of a female in his head, surprisingly he didn't even need to go into his mental place to hear it:

"Is this Felix?"

Felix gave an affirmative response which made the voice chuckle for a second before turning somber:

"I have some bad news for you. I'm Sindora, a goddess from the divine realm, and I have to inform you of the death of your contracted god, Aaltarox."

"I know about that already..."

Felix responded with a normal tone then he heard Sindora's voice in his head again:

"I see, I have a proposition for you, Felix. You are the strongest person on the planet that is connected to our divine realm, and I hope we could work together."

Felix frowned as he heard her words... he didn't know the name of the illusion and charm goddess as Manitola never mentioned it, nor did Aaltarox so he didn't know it was her. But he still didn't feel things were right when he conversed with her.


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