I have Nine Lives

Chapter 175: The war (2)

Chapter 175: The war (2)

The sickening crunch was heard all over the battlefield due to the intensity of the pressure that the woman was applying to Marshikv's chest.

It was a loud and resounding reminder to the human troops that they were on the weaker side.

While Marshikv was beaten and blinded, he wasn't dead yet. There was still life in him as he struggled to lift the offending leg away from his chest so he could continue fighting:

"Oho? What's this? Baby is still trying to fight it out with me? Maybe I should just remove something more vital to you... Eyeballs aren't the only enjoyable round things at a man."

Marshikv could feel his legs clench together as he heard her tone of voice, it was pretty obvious to what other round things she was referring to.

Felix continued to watch from at the top of the tower, but he asked once again:

"Don't you think it's time for me to go up there?"

The president sent a message back the moment he heard Felix's voice:

"Just wait a little bit more... We need more data."

Felix frowned and asked:

"Are you really going to sacrifice him this way?"

The president didn't answer this question anymore as the battle in the atmosphere had reached its conclusion.

Marshikv was bleeding out from the mouth and eyes as blood flowed down on his whole body, nothing remained below the waist as the red-skinned woman licked her fingers and said:

"Disappointing taste, to be honest."

Marshikv started to laugh as he used his upper body to float, intestines were hanging down from his upper half, but he didn't seem bothered by that.

It was obvious his pain receptors weren't working anymore as he inserted his left hand in his own chest, going through the fragmented ribcage, to reach his heart which puzzled the woman who put him in this situation greatly, was he committing suicide?

But the next moment, blood started to pour out of the woman's nose and mouth as she clutched her stomach with two of her four arms.

One of the free other two was used to point at Marshikv while the last one was covering her mouth as she trembled with anger.

"What... have you done?!"

"Young lady, I think you should inspect the things you want to ate before putting them in your body."


Marshikv's body wasn't fully cyberized, only his eye was, but inside him stood countless micro bombs that could be detonated remotely from touching his heart directly. It was a strong self-destruct ability that most generals of the federation had implanted in them when they swore their oaths, and only the retired ones had the bombs removed from their bodies.

The bombs were strong. But not enough to actually kill the woman even though they exploded inside of her stomach.

It was obvious that Marshikv wouldn't finish her here...

The woman stopped coughing blood as she appeared in front of Marshikv's upper body. Two of her arms grasped his skull as she started to crush it with all of her force.

His skull popped like a balloon as she looked at the wretched remains of the general, throwing them down and letting them splash onto the barrier.

She spat on the same spot where she threw him as she muttered:

"Damn weaklings and their tricks..."

It was obvious that this situation made the woman cautious of eating any more humans. While her life wasn't in peril after taking one dose of bombs, there was a limit to how many she could take.

The president shook his head from the war room as he looked at the destroyed remains of his general and said:

"Since Marshikv is down, do you think it's time to send Felix out yet?"

The other executives looked at each other and then at the president before deciding to vote:

"Marshikv was one of our weaker generals... even though he was fodder in front of this woman, that doesn't mean our stronger ones would be in the same situation. Felix is our trump card, and his strength is still untested..."

"I understand... but I think Felix doesn't want to wait anymore."

The executives sighed... they couldn't control him.

Felix looked at the remains of the man that he fought with for a little bit of time, and he didn't feel much, his emotions were back, but he didn't have any attachments towards this person. He just felt a hollowness that he couldn't describe when he saw someone he knew die.

It was strange, he didn't have any strong emotions, but he was still technically mourning for him.

Felix shook his head as he flew into the sky at a slow speed going through the barrier and appearing amidst the human troops before making his way through them and arriving at the middle of the battlefield where the fighting had stopped.

The woman was floating in mid-air and resting while waiting for him.

The four-armed troops were still kneeling as they waited for an order from her.

The woman gave a small smile as she looked at Felix and said:

"Finally, a worthy opponent..."

Felix shook his head as he looked at her and cracked his neck.

"Oh come on darling. I can feel the pure power radiating from your body... And it excites me so much."

Her body trembled as she became weak in the knees as she looked at Felix... it was obvious the females her race had a few distinct qualities when it came to people with great strength.

"Let's have a good time, yes?"

Felix didn't say anything as his aura engulfed him, a pure dark purple extended over the horizon and engulfed all of the human troops creating a protective barrier around them.

"Oh yes... just like that, you big bad boy..."

Felix ignored her antics as his power spiked once more. His movement speed was so high that he was unseeable by everyone on the battlefield besides the woman that was squirming in front of him.


The woman clenched her 8 hands as she unleashed her full power and dashed directly towards Felix. They clashed in the middle of the battlefield as the shockwaves created by them struck everything in their surroundings. The unprotected enemies were pushed back as some of them even died while the humans were pushed back through the barrier along with Felix's aura shield, which cut off after they were behind the protective screen.

The power of the attacks was so strong that the reinforced barrier was going to crack, so Felix didn't play around anymore.

He grabbed the woman by the face roughly taking her by surprise as she threw her directly through a few of her own ships, a streak of light that resembled an arrow created holes through five ships consecutively before stopping outside the atmosphere of the planet.

The hit ships started to wobble as they almost fell out of the sky, but they remained steady after they activated the secondary repairing devices installed on them.

Felix flew outside the atmosphere as he arrived directly above the smaller enemy ships and met eye to eye with the woman amidst the bigger enemy ships, which should contain the other 4 God's chosen of the enemy.

"Won't you call your friends to play as well?"

Felix's question made the woman shake her head as she gave a bloody toothy smile, showing her sharp fangs and pearly white teeth:

"No, no, this is between you and me. I won't let the other useless males go between our dance, I have been looking for a husband so I could finally have a child. I have been looking for a long enough time and you fit the criteria perfectly! I should bear a child more easily considering you are a different race..."

Felix didn't say anything as he pumped up his power and struck her directly in the face making her weak in the knees, but not because she took a lot of damage from his strike.

"Oh yeah... that's the good stuff, I remember how my first husband struck me in the face on our first date."

Felix ignored her ravings as he pummeled her into multiple other ships, some of them being destroying and falling on the planet's barrier before crashing directly into it, exploding and transforming into dust.

A message came directly to Felix's mind from the president that said:

"Could you stop throwing the ships into our shield. We waste precious resources with each attack defended..."

Felix didn't respond, even though he had the upper hand against this woman, the fight wasn't exactly easy. At first, he thought that he was fully advantaged against her, but now he realized that she was letting him hit her.

He wasn't entirely sure why, but he continued to punch her with all he got to the point that her eyes almost left their sockets from the damage she took, also he could see something dripping at the bottom of her leg, but it didn't seem to be blood...

Was she really? Turned on? Felix found the customs of this race rather strange...


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