I Have Infinite Systems In The Immortal World

Chapter 262 Healing Elder Bai He?

Chapter 262 Healing Elder Bai He?

Long Ming already caught a glimpse of the general plan of the attack on Sky Martial Tower. If they do what they would…then Long Ming can simply flip the entire table in the most crucial time, giving Sky Martial Tower a devastating strike.

' Wait, now I think of it…Isn't Four Seasons Valley a bit lonely here? Or do we just become a scapegoat in everyone's eyes? Or a pie waiting to get divided?'

However, the situation was at least favorable towards the Four Seasons Valley. After all, sects like Six Sword Pavilion and Violet Cloud Sect didn't join the Sky Martial Tower to attack Four Seasons Valley.

' But if we look at the things, wouldn't Sky Martial Tower also have enemies? Can't we join hands with them?'

' No, that would be revealing both our cards and weaknesses. We need to make things appear in such a way that we can take as much help from others without giving too much in return.'

Thinking about that, Long Ming reached the treasury of the Four Seasons Valley. Although he had visited here before, he didn't go to the topmost floors at all.

" The Natal Weapons of the Heavenly Emperors are the most fearsome weapons in the world, capable of reducing ten thousand li in a blink of an eye."

" As far as I know, there should be at least four or more Natal imperial Weapons in Four Seasons Valley's treasury. However…"

When he arrived at the top floor, he sighed. " Four Seasons Valley only have one at this moment."

Before him stood a saber, which looked like made from blazing red fire crystals. The entire blade's body was made up of red crystal, with its hilt being black as obsidian.

Just looking at it, Long Ming could feel a powerful intent of Flame and Slaughter from it, washing his face like a tidal wave.

Even without any of his abilities, Long Ming could feel the Grand Dao of Flame and Slaughter compressed within that saber.

" Flame Slaughter Saber of Empress Crimson Sky." Long Ming mumbled as he looked at it.

" To think other than this, there aren't any Natal Imperial Weapons in our treasury. We even lost the Progenitor Four Seasons Heavenly Emperor's natal treasure."

With Long Ming's calculation, The Sky Martial Tower should have two or three Imperial Natal Weapons. So, with this saber alone, Four Seasons Valley can't defeat them.

However, on the other hand, in recent months, they acquired many Blessed Imperial Treasures and True Imperial Treasures from Black Pearl City and Azure Sun Secret Realm.

Now, it truly became fight between quality and quantity.

" Child…Are you here to take Imperial treasures?"

A voice echoed, making Long Ming startled. After all, he didn't felt anyone's presence.

" Are you…The guardian of the treasury?" Long Ming asked in a curious voice.

" Hoho, I am. You are indeed smart as Wu Liang told me. No wonder the Sect flourished so much in few months."

" May I know the identity of the respected elder?" Long Ming asked in a polite voice.

" I am Bai He…Just an old woman with one foot in the grave."

" Elder Bai… Are you perhaps the one who has been guarding our sect for the last few centuries?" Long Ming was surprised. He had heard that name from Xia Yuqing and Meng Zhi's conversation.

" Haha, I am amused that a younger generation person like you heard my name. Unfortunately, I can't come to greet you personally."

" Elder Bai already reached the peak of Nine Transformation of Soul Realm, with a step away from Dao Refining Realm, I presume?"

" Haha, Dao Refining Realm…It's simply a dream." Elder Bai's sorrowful sigh drifted out.

" I already exhausted a lot of my lifespan to kill the old man from the Sky Martial Tower that year. However, because I forcefully raised my cultivation, my foundation became damaged."

" I don't think I can reach Dao Refining realm in this lifetime."

" However, As long as I am alive, I will protect this place."

" Elder Bai must not lose hope. I will try my best to help you." Long Ming replied with a smile.

" So, What is it? I don't think Little Xia would permit someone to visit the treasury at such time."

Long Ming nodded as he spoke everything about the attack.

' I guess Elder Bai always remains secluded, preserving her life force for one moment of pure attack.' Long Ming thought inwardly.

[ Ding! Daily Quest appeared! Host gets 5000 Earth Grade Tainted Wood Spirit Orbs!]

[ Time Limit: one day]

[ Reward: 8000 Credits!]

[ Failure: -10000 Credits]

[ Tainted Wood Spirit Orb: Only condensed in deep ancient forests, in the colonies of wood sprites. It has amazing healing properties and provides vitality upon consuming]

[ However, Since it's tainted, It's advisable for a person to not consume more than ten. Else the taint will make their body overwhelm and lead to deviation]

Long Ming's expression turned odd when he heard that. ' Fuck, Here I thought my plot armor kicked in and I got a good item this time. That damned imp…'

' Wait, It says it's tainted, right? What if I remove the taint? Doesn't that mean…'

" Elder Bai, I have to go back. Perhaps, I have found a way to…

Nevermind, If I succeed, I will inform you."

Long Ming didn't finish his sentence as even he wasn't confident to pull off what was thinking.

" Go ahead, Child. I should also go to rest."

Elder Bai's voice fadded and the treasury regain its silence. Long Ming nodded as he turned around and left.




" This…Where did you get this thing? It's a very good material to refine pills or creating healing talismans, you know?" Luo Yingying checked the orb with a curious gaze.

" However, the dark veins…It looks like it's tainted by some unknown energy."

" I know that." Long Ming nodded. " What I want to ask if we can refine the tainted energy from it and extract pure Wood Qi of healing from it?"

" It's possible…However, It won't be easy." Luo Yingying got up and pulled out a thick book from the shelf.

" This is a rare natural treasure, and extracting energy from it is difficult. Not to mention the taint is ingrained deeply with it."

" To extract the energy, you need a giant extracting formation made by at least four Royal Formation Masters, creating a Grade seven Array Formation."

" Not to mention, the formation needs the Deep Abyssal Core, which would act as the main catalyst and extractor. And depending on the quantity, a single one will take one day to separate both energy."

Long Ming couldn't help but get frustrated when he heard that. He thought extracting them would be easier.

' Eating more than ten will accumulate taint in a person's body and make their cultivation deviate. But eating only ten won't heal Elder Bai's body.'

' Let me see…I am lacking both an extractor and time…Time…


Suddenly, Long Ming thought about something as his eyes sparkled with radiance.

" Haha, How did I forget about this?"

With a wave of his hands, the Heavenly Urn of Frozen Flames appeared before him. Seeing the exquisite vase, Luo Yingying couldn't help but get interested.

" What is this, Senior Brother? A strange treasure of yours?"

" Hehe, Luo Yingying, take this token and bring all sorts of rare herbs we have in the Medicinal Hall." Long Ming instructed.

With a nod, Luo Yingying vanished from her spot. After a while, she returned with a lot of herbs, ranging between the ages of a thousand years to ten thousand years.

Just inhaling their fragrance made their body rejuvenate. However, most of these herbs can't be consumed directly.

However, Long Ming didn't care about it. Taking out his medicinal cauldron, he threw the herbs and utilized his Azure Flames to slowly refine them, extracting their medicinal essence.

As the medicinal essence slowly gathered in the cauldron, like a multicolored syrup, Long Ming stopped his refinement. He didn't want to refine any medicinal pills, but the liquid extraction of medicinal herbs.

Without any delay, Long Ming stored away the essence first, then took out the Wood Spirit Orbs. Seeing so many orbs at once, Luo Yingying's eyes almost dropped out.

" Wh-What? How many do you have?"

" Hehe, Don't worry."

Long Ming dumped all the orbs inside the Heavenly Urn of Frozen Flames, and also took out his spirit stones to dump inside it. The flowery pattern on the body of the urn slowly lit up as Long Ming used his divine sense to control it.

" Refine it and increase the speed of time by one hundred times."

The spirit stones decreased at a rapid rate as the orbs started to churn inside the urn. Long Ming waited with bated eyes as he saw the orbs slowly melting inside it.

He didn't bother and threw loads and loads of spirit stones. However, the rate of consumption was too great.

" Fuck, Is it taking more spirit stones because the quality of orbs are too great?" Long Ming bit his lips.

However, he wasn't low on spirit stones. He is willing to throw all spirit stones inside the urn if it gives him the result he wants.

After spending over five million high grade spirit stones, Long Ming's divine will sensed something inside the urn.

With his skilful manipulation of spiritual qi, a black layer and a green layer separated from each other, acting like oil and water. With utmost carefulness, Long Ming extracted the liquid taint and stored it.

" Hehe, If I can't made medicinal pill...I will simply make wine."


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