I Have Infinite Attributes

Chapter 9

C9 – Conquer the Same Generation

Zhou Tong was tempted to talk tough, but he couldn’t ignore the creeping chill on one side of his body. Zhou Jibo’s calm tone sent a shiver of danger down his spine.

With his younger siblings close by, Zhou Tong grumbled under his breath, refusing to concede. He retrieved the knife, placed it back in its spot, and massaged his icy shoulder. Then, he turned to leave.

“Stop,” Zhou Jibo commanded.

“What now?” Zhou Tong snapped back, irritation in his voice.

Zhou Jibo offered a smile. “Come over here. Let’s talk, heart to heart.”

“I’ve got nothing to discuss with you,” Zhou Tong began, but the icy shift in Zhou Jibo’s gaze made him reconsider mid-sentence. Fear still gnawing at him, he amended his approach, “Fine, I’ll listen. What’s there to talk about?”

“We actually have nothing to discuss,” Zhou Jibo said with a slight smile. “I just want to make it clear to you: don’t follow in our father’s misguided footsteps and lead yourself astray.”


Anger flushed Zhou Tong’s face, and Zhou Zheyan, Zhou Xunshi, and Zhou Youqing all mirrored his reaction. Zhou Jibo was outright dismissing their fathers’ beliefs right in front of them. How could they not seethe with rage?

“Zhou Jibo, don’t think you can strut around just because you’re more advanced in your cultivation!” Zhou Tong yelled.

Zhou Jibo chuckled. “Sorry, but it’s precisely my higher level of cultivation that allows me to be so assertive.”

Zhou Tong was taken aback, not expecting such a brazen admission. He found himself at a loss for words. In a world where strength ruled, if the powerful couldn’t dominate the weak, what was the point of striving for power?

Zhou Jibo knew they didn’t grasp his point, and their dumbfounded silence was satisfying.

“Why do I say your father is mistaken?” Zhou Jibo pressed on. “Firstly, whether they succeed or fail, they remain the Third and Fourth Elders, and you are their offspring. None of you are in line to become the Patriarch. What exactly are you plotting? Are you all just blindly following Zhou Qian’s lead?”

“Secondly, if your fathers refrain from causing trouble, the Zhou family remains strong, and you stand as the proud children of the Third and Fourth Elders. But if they stir up chaos, the Zhou family weakens, and they become the Elders of a diminished clan, with you as their less esteemed children. Tell me, is there any honor in that?”

In the end, what have you achieved? A fragmented Zhou family riddled with weakness and internal conflict, and a status that invites nothing but disdain from others.”

“Sure, Zhou Qian unleashed his fury when he took over as patriarch, but how does that affect you? Your only gain is a diminished and scorned Zhou family.”

Initially seething with anger, Zhou Tong, Zhou Zheyan, Zhou Xunshi, and Zhou Youqing gradually fell silent, exchanging bewildered glances.

Could it be true?

Is that really the situation?

Had they truly erred in backing the Great Elder?

Zhou Jibo refrained from further comment and casually wandered the second floor of the Glorious House. It wasn’t much different from the first—just a bit tidier, with many of the same items on offer.

Uninterested in mental cultivation methods and finding no first-grade pills or weapons, Zhou Jibo resolved to select a martial skill suitable for the weapons he envisioned wielding in the future.

Wolf Fangs? A massive cleaver? Those seemed excessively crude. He pondered the inconvenience of such bulky armaments.

Sword techniques, on the other hand, or even spear skills, were more his style—easy to carry and capable of compensating for his limited attack range.

Though these martial skills were hardly top-tier, Zhou Jibo was unfazed. With his astronomical attribute points as a foundation, he could elevate these basic techniques to advanced levels in time.

Meanwhile, Zhou Zheyan, Zhou Tong, and the others lingered, murmuring among themselves, “He might have a point.”

“Our families really haven’t benefited from siding with the Great Elder.”

“We’re at a loss too. Let’s discuss this with our father when we get home.”

Zhou Youqing, the youngest at thirteen, had initially shared her brothers’ stance. But now, she approached with a hint of uncertainty, “Jibo, you seem to be onto something. What are you planning to buy today?”

“Find a martial skill book for weapon use,” instructed Zhou Jibo.

Seeing that he wasn’t in a mocking mood, Zhou Youqing smiled, gestured for Zhou Zheyan, Zhou Tong, and Zhou Xunshi to join them.

The three of them initially felt somewhat uneasy, but as the conversation flowed, they warmed up to each other. Being peers of a similar age, the initial chilliness soon melted away.

Before they knew it, all four had gathered around Zhou Jibo, engrossed in discussing the merchandise at the Glorious House.

After some time, Zhou Youqing spoke up, “Jibo, you’re not the conceited person Zhou Leng made you out to be. You didn’t mock our bone root. I actually think you’re quite decent. Don’t you agree?”

Previously, Zhou Tong and the others would have disagreed, but now they paused, reflecting, and nodded in assent.

Their recent amiable exchange had given them a new perspective on Zhou Jibo, casting doubt on the negative things they’d heard from Zhou Leng and others.

The more they pondered Zhou Jibo’s earlier words, the more their opinions shifted.

“By the way, Jibo, why aren’t you and Zheng Xunqin out on a date today?” Zhou Youqing inquired further, “It’s been three years since your engagement; surely the wedding is just around the corner?”


Zhou Jibo chuckled, “I won’t be marrying her. We’ve gone our separate ways.”


Zhou Youqing gasped, taken aback, and Zhou Zheyan, Zhou Tong, and Zhou Xunshi were equally stunned.

Everyone in Icefair knew of this couple; Zhou Jibo’s profound affection for Zheng Xunqin was no secret to the Zhou family. How could they have suddenly parted ways?

“You’re not pulling our leg, are you, Jibo?” Zhou Youqing asked, still half in disbelief.

“I’m serious,” Zhou Jibo assured her.

“But why? Would the Patriarch approve?” Zhou Youqing pressed for an explanation.

“She was overly manipulative, planting spies in our Zhou family. Her intentions were not pure. So, I informed my father and ended things with her,” Zhou Jibo explained.

Hearing this, Zhou Youqing and the others exchanged bewildered glances. They had always known Zheng Xunqin to be the epitome of grace and gentleness; they never imagined she had such a duplicitous side. And Zhou Jibo, he wasn’t known for being so resolute, was he?

As the four were deep in conversation, a wave of clamor spilled in from outside. Zhou Youqing peered out and saw the Zhou family members returning from the Zhengs. After some familiar faces inquired about the situation, they erupted into astonished uproar. Within moments, the news that the Zhou family had issued a letter of divorce to the Zhengs spread throughout Icefair City.

“Is it really true? Jibo, you have my utmost admiration!” Zhou Youqing called out.

Zhou Zheyan, Zhou Tong, and Zhou Xunshi all voiced their respect in turn. They wouldn’t dare to do something as bold as disrupting a marriage alliance between two families.

Seeing their reactions, Zhou Jibo allowed himself a slight smile.

With this, only the most stubborn of the Zhou family’s internal strife remained—the toughest nut to crack.

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