I Have Become A Demon God. Did You Just Ask Me To Be A Minor Villain?

Chapter 8: The Net of Heaven and Earth! Found another one!

Chapter 8: The Net of Heaven and Earth! Found another one!

Item: Bronze Ring. The authorization has been granted. It costs 50 villain points and can be summoned by ring spirits.

After obtaining permission for the ring, Su Mo was able to see its information on the panel. However, 50 villain points were not enough to acquire it. Upon trying again, he discovered that 500 villain points were needed to upgrade this bronze ring to silver.

Su Mo calculated that eliminating 5 bronze-level villains would be worth 100 villain points each. After contemplating for a moment, he spent 50 villain points and attempted to obtain the ring.

This time, the Grandpa ring appeared materialised, revealing its previous identity as a necromancer.

Soon after, a new Grandpa ring emerged within the first one, still in the form of a soul.

Do you come out by yourself, or I drag you out? Su Mo asked lightly.

The soul inside the ring emitted fluctuations before quickly retreating.

Hehe Little one

The next second, a transparent soul appeared within the ring.

Su Mos gaze glimmered with a sinister red light as he recognised the soul as belonging to a legendary figure.

After a few minutes, he successfully summoned the legendary Grandpa ring. However, despite his accomplishment, his affiliation remained as a villain within the camp.

This legendary necromancer conducted clandestine research using living people and transformed an entire citys population into undead beings. As a result, the city was besieged by other renowned mages who ultimately perished.

Then, Su Mo summoned him through a bronze ring, which the necromancer was aware of due to his knowledge of various methods. Additionally, Grandpa Ring still possessed a lot of power.

After that, Su Mo killed the necromancer and deprived him of his remaining strength.

Well talk about it after the upgrade, After killing the necromancer, Su Mo threw the bronze ring into a space where he used to put things.

While the current bronze ring was undoubtedly useful, Su Mo believed that it could be even more potent. Thus, he decided to wait until his villain points increased enough to reach the silver level and assess the level of Grandpa Ring he could summon then.

Once he had resolved these urgent matters, Su Mo instructed Nancy to deploy the dark net and identify any suspicious individuals within the Crescent Kingdom.

He explained some characteristics of the protagonist to Nancy, including that every protagonist was a time traveller and had golden fingers. No matter how careful they were and wanted to become stronger, they must differ from ordinary people in many ways.

Su Mo had already established an excellent intelligence network in the Crescent Kingdom. Identifying any protagonist was a relatively easy task for him.

Yes, Master, Nancy replied dutifully before departing from Su Mos castle to carry out his orders.

Soon, Nancy arrived at the secret building where the core of Su Mos intelligence network was located. As the person in charge of the entire network, she immediately issued orders to her subordinates.

Attention, everyone. Mobilise letters to all of our intelligence points throughout the kingdom. We need to find all individuals who match the characteristics of the protagonist. Spare no effort in this task, Nancy declared to her team.

Yes, Boss, the subordinates responded in unison before setting out to carry Nancys order.

Soon, Aaliyah had dispatched a series of unique letters, one after another, to all the intelligence points throughout the Kingdom. These letters were sent through special magical devices, named magic letters, and there was no need for a physical courier. Once a magic letter was sent from one end, it would be received at the other end almost immediately.

In this world, sending a magic letter could be quite expensive for ordinary people, costing up to ten silver coins per letter. Since one silver coin was equivalent to one hundred dollars in this world, the cost of sending a single letter was around 1,000 yuan, which was quite steep for the average person. However, within Su Mos territory, the cost of sending magic letters was not an issue. As a result, many magic letters were quickly dispatched to the intelligence points located hundreds of kilometres away from Su Mos territory.

In a secret room located in the heart of a city, a magical device suddenly lit up with a bright light.

There is a letter from the headquarters.

The person in charge received the letter, took it from the magical device, examined it carefully and then handed it over to the head of the intelligence network.

Similar scenes were happening everywhere in the Crescent Kingdom, and the protagonists didnt know that an invisible net had already been spread over them. This big net could be called a heavenly net!

Boss, lets see how much these magic potions are worth.

Let me see Wow, the quality of this magic portion is so high. How about one gold coin per potion?

Sounds good.


In a city of considerable size, conversations sounded.

Meanwhile, in a bustling city, a man wearing the robes of a magic disciple sold a large quantity of magic potions to various shops and vendors.

Where did this Billy guy get so many magic potions? Hes just a magic disciple, remarked one person.

He might have stumbled upon them. Last year, another disciple found a pack of potions and sold them for a fortune, speculated another.

Damn it. This guy actually got shit luck. He has no background. Lets go and grab him, declared another individual.


The man, Billy, was surprised and scared when he saw the two guys wearing magic disciple robes following him. He realised that they were not here to buy magic potions but to rob him.

These guys waited for the man to go shopping and followed him all the way. However, these two guys were not paying attention to their surroundings while talking. As a result, a passerby overheard their conversation from behind.

The pedestrians expression changed when he heard the conversation, and then he left casually. These guys followed the man all the way and finally found a small street where they quickly cornered him.

Billy, it seems that you have hit the jackpot. Have you forgotten us old friends? one of the guys smirked menacingly.

Billy, hand over all the gold coins you just sold. If you dont, things might get unpleasant.

The other guy was braver, and he spoke up, demanding to steal Billys gold coins. Billy frowned and then suddenly unleashed a fireball at them.

They are all disciples, so who is afraid of whomah

One of the guys didnt take the threat seriously and was promptly killed by the fireball.

The other guys face turned pale as he watched in shock. He couldnt comprehend how Billy, who was so meek and mild just yesterday, had suddenly become so powerful.

The guy tried to run away, but a fireball quickly caught up with him and killed him too.

Billy grunted softly as he observed the two bedbugs daring to challenge the protagonists idea. Hum! he thought to himself. Without hesitation, he set fire, and their bodies turned to ashes and left the place. He didnt know someone in the darkness had heard his words.


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