I Have Become A Demon God. Did You Just Ask Me To Be A Minor Villain?

Chapter 73-2

Chapter 73-2

After reviewing these golden fingers, Su Mo began the process of assimilation and integration. There were still over sixty golden fingers not yet assimilated, mostly talent-path Protagonists. The majority were magic talents. For example, there was a Bronze Level Ice Magic talent. A Protagonist with this talent could achieve double gains when practicing ice magic, equivalent to a critical hit multiplier, but only for ice magic.

The only Silver Level Protagonist killed in this incident had a Silver Level Fire Magic talent. His fire magic talent was even more terrifying than the Bronze Level, with high affinity for fire elements. Moreover, practicing fire magic allowed him to achieve double gains!

Su Mo did not assimilate these magic talents. Assimilating all sixty-plus would require seven to eight thousand Villain Points. As a God with formidable bloodline, Su Mo's demand for these magic talents was not significant. Therefore, he decided to keep these magic talents for now. Perhaps, in the future, when he becomes a Legendary Level Villain, there might be new privileges to deal with these magic talents.

On the other hand, Su Mo assimilated one Holy Talent, merging it with his own Holy Talent. This had a good effect on enhancing his Sacred Energy. This Holy Talent also allowed Su Mo to gain multiple times the harvest when practicing Sacred Power. He wondered if it could stack with the Critical Hit Talent.

Then, Su Mo assimilated the Silver Level Extraction System and the Bronze Level ability that allowed the right hand to extract attributes, spending 600 Villain Points. After assimilation, Su Mo quickly discovered that the newly added Gold Level Villain privileges allowed him to merge three similar golden fingers.

The attribute pickup system, the extraction system, and the Bronze Level ability to extract attributes with the right hand could be fused to create a new golden finger with all three abilities.

"Let's merge them," Su Mo said, directly combining the three golden fingers. After the fusion, it became a Silver Level golden finger called "Right Hand of God."

This is the name Su Mo chose. In the future, his right hand could extract attributes, energy from objects, and also extract attributes from certain objects. The level remained Silver Level, and to upgrade to Gold Level, it required 4500 Villain Points.

Well, the cost was reduced by 500 because two Bronze Level golden fingers were merged. After the fusion, in the future, any similar golden fingers could be merged, reducing the Villain Points needed for upgrades.

After completing the fusion, Su Mo didn't rush to upgrade and assimilated the Bronze Level Super Brain. After assimilation, Su Mo felt that there was still some enhancement for his brain.

Anyway, it's just 100 Villain Points. After checking his Villain Points, Su Mo still has 12,000 points. There are still many unassimilated golden fingers.

"Let's get two more Gold Level ones." Su Mo thought. Currently, he only has a Gold Level Critical Hit Talent. He needs to get two more Gold Level ones.

Su Mo's gaze swept over his golden fingers. There were still quite a few systems. There were three Lying Down System, several Sign-in Systems, and three attribute point allocation system. There were also two reading systems that can acquire abilities from books through reading, which sounded promising but were only Bronze Level.

There's also a teacher system for getting stronger as a teacher. After a miscellaneous overview, Su Mo decided to upgrade the "Right Hand of God" to Gold Level first.

The "Right Hand of God" was a fusion of three golden fingers that can pick up attributes, extract attributes, and extract abilities. It also has the ability of the reading system. Su Mo spent 4,500 Villain Points to upgrade the "Right Hand of God" to Gold Level!

The Gold Level "Right Hand of God" has undergone significant changes, with increased usage frequency, harvest, and depth. After upgrading the "Right Hand of God," Su Mo's gaze once again scanned the Villain panel. There are still 7,500 Villain Points.

"Let's assimilate the Lord System." Su Mo spent 500 Villain Points to assimilate the Lord System. After assimilation, Su Mo looked at the Lord System. The system was reset after Su Mo assimilated it.

[Welcome to the Lord System. You have three chances for a random race. The higher the system level, the higher your reputation, and the better the random race.] The system prompt appeared.

Random race? Su Mo thought it might be goblins. He clicked on random.

[Do you want to load reputation?] Another system prompt appeared.


"Load." Su Mo said.


[Data too large, loading…] The prompt appeared.

His reputation… it was not ordinary! Just in the Crescent Moon Kingdom alone, his reputation was unquantifiable. If the system could also calculate the abyssal reputation in the Abyss… that would be terrifying.

[Reputation loaded successfully. Your reputation level: Level 8; Reputation value: 350 million.]

[Your Luck Point: 3560]

[Randomizing race.]

[Congratulations, you have obtained the Lionman race. The bloodline value is 25. Do you want to choose?]

Lionman race? There are still two more random chances, and since it's a trial of how this system works, Su Mo directly randomized the remaining two.

[Congratulations, you have obtained the Yeti race. The bloodline value is 33. Do you want to choose?]

[Congratulations, you have obtained the Bimon race. The bloodline value is 35. Do you want to choose?]

Bloodline value… it should represent the level of bloodline.

"I wonder what the bloodline value of that goblin was before? This Lord System is interesting. Let's try upgrading it to Gold Level."

Su Mo pondered for a moment and upgraded the Lord System to Gold Level. The random races provided by this system could openly appear in the World of the Gods. This gave Su Mo some ideas. Thus, Su Mo chose to upgrade.

[Upgrade successful. The Lord System has been successfully upgraded to Gold Level,] the prompt appeared.

The Lord System is now at the Gold Level. There are still 2000 Villain Points left.

Now, Su Mo has a total of three Gold Level golden fingers! Critical Hit Talent, Right Hand of God, and Lord System! After upgrading to Gold Level, Su Mo found that the Lord System's three random race chances were refreshed.

"Let's see what races I can randomly get with the Gold Level Lord System." Su Mo thought.


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