I Have Become A Demon God. Did You Just Ask Me To Be A Minor Villain?

Chapter 59-1

Chapter 59-1

"Why are you arresting me? Just based on some baseless accusations, you want to arrest the heir of a Duke's family who has made significant contributions to the kingdom?"

In the heart of the royal capital, outside a magnificent mansion, a large number of knights with shields and weapons stood in front of an heir of a Duke's family. Outside the mansion, there was a team of a hundred Templar Knights.

This time, demons and Demon Gods were involved, so the Templar Knights were the ones to act. Otherwise, even if the nobles caused trouble, the Holy See would not interfere too much.

On the outskirts, a large number of citizens from the royal capital gathered, speculating and discussing what exactly had happened.

"Viscount Hoffman, you are accused of colluding with demons, leading the Demon God invasion along with Viscount Myles. Please come back to the Holy See for investigation. If you resist, we'll have no choice but to offend!"

In front of the team of Templar Knights, the Chief Justice of the tribunal spoke loudly. Before officially inheriting the title, Duke heirs, even if holding significant family power, are generally Viscounts. However, their overall strength is naturally at the Duke level.

"What, colluding with demons?"

"Did they orchestrate this Demon God invasion? Why would they do such a thing?"

"Duke Hoffman, a respected elder, didn't expect his heir to collude with demons."

As the judge's words fell, the surrounding crowd began to stir, with discussions becoming more intense.

"Humph, to add crimes, one has no shortage of words. Today, I'll see who dares to touch me!" Hoffman said coldly.

Although his expression was cold, he felt uneasy inside. He never expected that, despite their meticulous planning and seemingly clean execution, they would still be discovered! This plan was devised by Myles and was flawless; even if it failed, it wouldn't implicate them. They had anticipated that some demons might be caught.

But according to their understanding, even if a demon was captured, there would be no significant risk. They communicated directly with the Demon God, and ordinary demons wouldn't know much, and even if they did, they wouldn't speak.

"What should we do? The Templar Knights are coming directly."

"Same here, I've already informed the Legendary Levels in my family. We can't let them take us away; otherwise, once in the religious tribunal, facing a mental mage, we won't stand a chance."

He wasn't the only one feeling uneasy. In the group of Silver Level Villains, the other Duke heirs were also anxious. Cardinal feared that if they escaped from the capital and returned to their territories, it would be challenging to apprehend them. So, Cardinal Ferren directly mobilized several Templar Knights and coordinated with the tribunal's judges, simultaneously blocking the residences of these Duke heirs.

In the capital, with restricted airspace, airships couldn't fly, and unauthorized mages weren't allowed to fly into the sky. They had no way to escape.


"Since that's the case, let's offend then." The Chief Justice raised his hand, preparing to have the Templar Knights forcefully attack.

"Hold on." At this moment, a figure suddenly descended from the sky. The powerful aura made the onlookers in the distance involuntarily step back! This was a Legendary Level from the Hoffman family!

"Judge Hend, why is it like this?" The Legendary Level of the Hoffman family stood in front, blocking the way.

"Elmer, let me answer that question for you." As the Legendary Level'ss words fell, another elderly figure in Holy See robes appeared in the sky.

Seeing this figure, Hoffman's heart sank completely. This time, the Holy See was taking it seriously. Even their family's Legendary Level… might not be able to save him!

Holy See headquarters.

Soon, squads of Templar Knights escorted the Duke heirs back to headquarters. Following these Templar Knights were numerous spectators and representatives from noble families protesting against the Holy See's actions.

Moreover, throughout the capital, other noble families also came forward to voice their support. These nobles jointly protested against the Holy See's actions. Nobles in this world had some privileges, especially major noble families. Even if they committed crimes, they were rarely directly killed.

"Elton, our only hope is in you. Make the momentum bigger, the bigger, the better. Mobilize more nobles to protest!" In the Villain group, although several Duke heirs were captured, they were still struggling.VịSit no(v)3lb/!n(.)c𝒐m for new 𝒏ov𝒆l𝒔

The nobles who came to protest were prompted by a Bronze Level Villain they had instigated. Nobles had a tendency to band together, especially when resisting royal authority. Occasionally, they dared to confront even the Holy See, as in the present situation. This kind of confrontation didn't involve physical fights but rather a collective effort to exert pressure.

Several elderly Dukes from the Duke families arrived at the Holy See headquarters with a considerable number of followers. Under their instigation, many uninformed citizens also joined the uproar.

"There is no substantial evidence, and by only relying on demon framing, you want to execute the heir of the Duke family. Where is justice, where is the law of the land?"

"Let us pray together, let the Goddess administer justice. We cannot let the Holy See act recklessly!"

"Several old Dukes have contributed greatly to the kingdom. Is this how you treat their heirs, making the younger generation pay for the sins of the elders?"

Outside the Holy See, the crowd of protesters grew larger and larger.


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