I Have Become A Demon God. Did You Just Ask Me To Be A Minor Villain?

Chapter 43: All eyes on you! Uproar!

Chapter 43: All eyes on you! Uproar!

Two magnificent carriages, escorted by numerous knights, made their way along the avenue towards the Holy See headquarters. The headquarters of the Holy See, located on a huge square below the temple, was already packed with people. The size of this square was enormous. To put it into perspective, the floating pyramids in the sky were colossal monsters with side lengths of hundreds of meters. The total area of this square had surpassed 1 square kilometre, which equates to one million square meters. This meant that even if only one person stood on a square meter, more than one million people could stand on this square. Of course, more than one person could fit on a square meter, and the actual area of the square was slightly larger than one square kilometre. By estimation, this square could accommodate more than half of the people in the capital city. At this moment, the square was overflowing with people.

The people in the square were divided into different sections to prevent overcrowding. Magic ships flew in the sky, maintaining order, while all the magic arrays in the capital were fully activated. Although it was still dark outside, the Temple was already illuminated, shining like a miniature sun. The Queens carriage arrived at the edge of the square and came to a stop. The carriage was replaced with an open one, which was pulled by several white unicorns. As the carriage made its way through the city, the Crescent Queen graciously accepted the worship of her people. She approached the carriage, dressed in splendid attire, befitting her status as the Queen. Her phoenix crown and Taipei, along with her dignified demeanour and majestic bearing, added to her already beautiful face. She climbed into the exclusive carriage, and some of the people who had rarely seen the Queen of the Crescent cheered excitedly. Even in the capital city, there werent many opportunities to meet the Queen of the Crescent Moon.

The Queen of the Crescent Moon is absolutely stunning, simply amazing, with such beauty and temperament

Well, she is undeniably gorgeous. Whoever wins her over in the future will depend on her abilities.

The crowd of onlookers had already gathered at the square, including the protagonists. As they watched the Crescent Queen board her carriage from a distance, they chatted amongst themselves. It was impossible not to feel tempted by such a breathtakingly beautiful queen, especially for the time-travelling protagonists.


Despite their temptation, the protagonists remained relatively restrained. On the other hand, several villainous heirs of dukes had secured better positions for themselves. They stood alongside their respective families aging dukes, who no longer had any real power.

Overall, the situation was tense as everyone vied for the Queens affection and attention. But only time would tell who would ultimately win her over.

There they are, the villains remarked, their attention firmly fixed on the protagonists. Perhaps it was due to human instinct to band together in times of crisis, but the protagonists had gathered in a group of over a dozen individuals. They purposely positioned themselves near a group of formidable Temple Knights, making it clear that they were not to be trifled with.

Not all of the protagonists had joined this group. Some had found their own hiding spots scattered throughout the area. It was clear that tensions were high, and everyone was on edge as they awaited the next move of the villains.


As the events in the square unfolded, the voices grew louder and louder. It was finally time for the Queen of the Crescent Moon to make her appearance. She donned the garb of a saint and was now fully immersed in a moment belonging to God.

As the Crescent Queen prepared to board her carriage, a female officer moved to begin the journey. However, the Queen suddenly halted her progress with a command to slow down. She turned around and fixed her gaze upon Su Mo, who had just disembarked from the carriage. The Queen extended her hand to Su Mo and offered him an invitation.

Su Mo, come with me. She said.

It was a moment of great tension as the protagonists and villains watched on, eager to see what would happen next. All eyes were fixed on Su Mo as he contemplated the Queens offer. The fate of the Queen and her kingdom hung in the balance.

Upon hearing the Queens invitation, the expressions of the female officers around them shifted slightly, but no one dared to say anything. Other onlookers turned their attention towards Su Mo, questioning the reasons behind the Queens invitation. Some even voiced their doubts, questioning whether an earl like Su Mo was even qualified to board the Queens carriage.

Meanwhile, protagonist Li Fei, who was following the guards, began to criticise Su Mo on the protagonist panel, dismissing him in a fit of jealousy. From a distance, Han Yu observed the movements of the New Moon Queen, and his uneasiness grew stronger with each passing moment.

Li Fei Theres something unusual about the Queens relationship with Su Mo If we make it out of this alive, we should consider leaving the capital or even the Kingdom of the Crescent, Han Yu warned his fellow protagonists.

The tension in the square was palpable, and everyone was on edge as they waited to see how events would unfold.

If it werent for the lack of sound in the communication on the protagonists panel, Han Yus voice would have trembled with fear. He knew that no matter how powerful the protagonists or Golden Fingers were, their current strength was still too weak to go against the might of the Queen of the Crescent Moon, who ruled over a powerful kingdom with a population of over 100 million and many sanctuaries. Her power was an irresistible force that even the most powerful among them could not contend with.

In the past, simply joining the palace guards was enough to make several duke-level villains afraid to take action against them, which spoke volumes about the Queens power. But now, the Queens relationship with a villain had reached such a point that she openly invited Su Mo to board the carriage with her on this highly anticipated occasion. The implications of this invitation were clear to all those present in the square.

On the carriage, the Crescent Queen looked at Su Mo with clear eyes, surprising him with her unexpected actions. As he gazed into her eyes, he saw the hidden love within her gaze, and after a brief moment of hesitation, he took her hand and boarded the carriage.

An incomparably bright smile bloomed on the face of the Crescent Queen as she realised that having Su Mo stand by her side at this moment was enough, regardless of what the future might bring.


As the unicorn pulled the gorgeous carriage towards the cathedral, the sight of Su Mo standing beside the Queen caused an uproar in the square as the onlookers watched in awe and amazement.



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