I Have Become A Demon God. Did You Just Ask Me To Be A Minor Villain?

Chapter 31: Strong Enemy! Super high soul purity!

Chapter 31: Strong Enemy! Super high soul purity!

Damn it, why is this happening? The protagonist was desperate. He never expected the consequences of provoking Su Mo would be so severe. In the past, he had provoked many villains. For instance, when he met Jarrell, he provoked him with just a glance. Jarrell had nothing to do with him and was highly dejected. Jarrell had just succeeded the Marquis, while Su Mo only held the title of an Earl. Not to mention the Marquis, as long as he didnt make other mistakes, even those duke-level villains couldnt do anything to him if they came here.

But now, as a mere earl, he had angered Su Mo to the extent that he had caused him to overturn his car! What am I going to do? The protagonist panicked, realising he needed help to get out of this situation. He quickly accessed his panel, intending to contact the other protagonists for assistance.

However, before he could progress, he was hit hard again. His vision blurred, and he lost consciousness. Take him away and ensure he doesnt wake up, commanded Presiding Judge Chris in a cold tone. It was clear that they had no intention of giving the protagonist a chance to defend himself and were set on determining the nature of the incident without his input.

The two Temple Knights dragged the unconscious protagonist into a waiting carriage and drove towards the dungeon. The commotion had not gone unnoticed, and many people had gathered to see what was happening. The location was the largest church in the Crescent Kingdom, where countless people came to pray daily. However, they could not get close enough to the scene and could only watch from a distance, not knowing the details of what had happened.

Tang Hua is finished! murmured the hidden protagonist as he watched the events from a distance. Although he hadnt witnessed the entire incident, he had seen enough to understand the gravity of the situation. I need to inform the others about this, he thought, realising the potential danger they all faced.

In Crescent Capital, not only were the villains organising themselves into groups, but the protagonists were also forming a group of their own. The group consisted of over twenty individuals, some even en route to the capital.

The members quickly reacted as news of Tang Huas disappearance spread. They discussed the situation, trying to piece together what had happened. Some had seen a villain present during the incident, who they identified as the Earl of Blackstone Territory.

The fact that a duke could take action within the headquarters of the Holy See and Tang Hua was powerless to stop. It raised many questions. Some speculated that Tang Hua may have provoked the earl, despite advice to the contrary.

Others were baffled as to why the earl would resort to legal action, given that a mere provocation should not warrant such extreme measures. As the discussion continued, more and more protagonists appeared in the group, eager to uncover the truth and help their comrades.

Tang Huas recent promotion to a Templar Knight made his situation even more concerning. Despite his newfound status, he had been beaten and dragged away by the referee within the Holy Sees territory. This alone was troubling, but the presence of another villain at the scene raised even more questions.

The protagonists hiding in the capital were understandably concerned. While they werent necessarily worried about Tang Huas life or death, they were deeply troubled by the process of the whole ordeal. The capital was considered one of the safest places for them, and the Holy See was practically impenetrable to all but the most powerful villains.

By the way, the Queen of the Crescent is also here. It appears that she and the Earl of Blackstone Territory journeyed to the Holy See together, remarked one of the protagonists.

Upon catching sight of the Crescent Queen re-entering her carriage, another protagonist exclaimed, The Crescent Queen is here too? If I recall correctly, she is regarded as a saint by the faithful!

Speculating on the circumstances surrounding the death of Tang Hua, yet another character suggested, Its likely that the Earl of Blackstone Territory orchestrated Tang Huas demise using a tactic known as killing with a borrowed knife.

The protagonist continued, I feel the same way. The Earl of Blackstone Territory probably used Queen Crescent Moon. However, their relationship with the Queen is likely not normal.

Ill go. Why do I feel a little nervous when you say that? I just joined the palace guard.

Dont worry, the Queen of the Crescent Moon is probably just being used. Dont forget that she is a saint, surrounded by divine light and naturally insulated from love.

Anyway, this Earl of Blackstone Territory is probably a formidable enemy!VịSit no(v)3lb/!n(.)c𝒐m for new 𝒏ov𝒆l𝒔

Everyone, be careful these days and dont make any mistakes.


The protagonists shared their opinions within the group, acknowledging that this incident significantly impacted them and made them realise that even within the Holy See, one couldnt be completely safe.

They understood that if the villains were given a chance, they could easily overturn the balance of power.

However, as they were unaware of the relationship between Queen Crescent Moon and Su Mo, most protagonists were not overly worried, although a slight unease lingered.

They believed that the main reason for this incident was Tang Huas arrogance. He had a habit of provoking the villains, which might have led to the current situation.

The Earl of Blackstone Territory is no less formidable than the villains of the duke families, one of the protagonists remarked.

Indeed, there has been a lot of talk about him in the capital lately. We should all be cautious when encountering him, another protagonist added.

With that, the group continued to discuss the situation, hoping to find a way to counter the earls potential threat.

In another tall building behind the cathedral, a wide hall was illuminated by a bright white holy light that descended upon Su Mo. The light completely enveloped him, a routine inspection conducted by the Holy See.

As part of the blessing ceremony, all participants were subject to inspection. Several steps were involved in the process, but with the guarantee of the Crescent Queen, Su Mo only needed to go through the final one.

Under the holy lights shroud, even the slightest hint of devilish aura would be detected, making it impossible for Su Mo to hide any darkness within him.

The inspection process was so thorough that it would be detected even if someone had signed a contract with a demon. The power of a contract might be invisible, but there were always traces that could be followed.

As the holy light shrouded Su Mo, a special magic array began to rotate, emanating a sacred aura. Su Mo could feel that this magic array could check even the purity of his soul or the degree of his piety.

Earl, please do not resist. You need to complete the final step of the inspection, a bishops voice instructed Su Mo.

Without any resistance, Su Mo simply responded with a quiet hmm. He was then enveloped in a sacred aura, and it felt like his soul was being scanned.

However, the scanning process did not reveal Su Mos true identity as a Demon God, even though the same process had successfully detected both protagonists and villains at the beginning of the game. Despite the magic array being possibly bestowed by the Goddess of the Crescent Moon, it was childs play to Su Mo.

Suddenly, a light cry could be heard, followed by a cardinal standing up at the control disk of the magic array.

Why is the purity of his soul so high? The cardinal asked with surprise etched on his face as he looked at Su Mo.

The Crescent Queen asked, Bishop Fellen, whats wrong? Upon seeing the numbers displayed on her pretty face, surprise appeared on the magic disk. The number displayed was significantly higher than she had seen during her testing.

Being the Saintess of the Crescent Goddess, the Queen was considered the most devout person to the saint, and no one in the entire Holy See had a higher purity of soul than her. The discovery of Su Mos high purity of soul was an unexpected accident.


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