I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 474: 474: Protection Black Mist

Chapter 474: Chapter 474: Protection Black Mist

“What kind of crappy mission is this that disallows teaming up, damn it. What if all other monsters have been gathered, but there is one modifying worker ant missing, am I supposed to cry?” After glancing at the others, Lv Pei put on the Concealment Ring and said to the other players, “I’m out, good luck!”.

Watching the players vanish one after another with their rings, Cao Shui thought of the epic treasure chest mission reward, gritted his teeth, and put on the Concealment Ring.

After sensing the changes in his body, Cao Shui, bracing his fear, headed into the black fog step by step. Soon, all players were in the black fog.

Song Jian moved slowly within the black fog. In the black fog, his sense of direction seemed entirely lost, the grass beneath his feet turned into gravel land after a few meters of progress.

In the dense fog, he could barely see his fingers even with the vertical eye, only able to see about five meters around him. There seemed to be a strong interference here, blocking the sensory perception of the players.

“How big is this black fog, how long do I have to walk to get out?” As Song Jian carefully groped forward, he started to talk to himself. He was unaware that several players were entering the Protection Black Mist like him.

Just then, Song Jian suddenly heard a rumble in the distance. The ground was slightly trembling, as if a giant was approaching him.

Although he had concealed his form, Song Jian froze up instantly, standing in place without daring to move. Before long, he saw a robust skeletal foot stepping down from mid-air. As the foot landed, the ground trembled violently, leaving an imprint nearly ten meters deep.

Song Jian looked up to see a giant skeletal figure faintly visible in the mid-air. It reminded him of the giant skeleton he had once seen from afar on a night in Doomsday City.

“The skeleton is right in the Protection Black Mist. I haven’t seen it since that time!” Song Jian exclaimed.

The gigantic skeleton was less than ten meters away from Song Jian. Looking up, Song Jian could only see the two skeletal legs, and nothing above the waist.

Standing still, Song Jian felt the giant skeleton slowly distancing from him. Still, just when it was about to leave, it suddenly stopped and picked up a giant Skeleton Longbow from behind and shot a bone arrow towards where Song Jian was.

The bone arrow, full of jagged barbs and piercing through the air, was as hefty as a siege crossbow, measuring about twelve to thirteen meters in length.

The arrow tore open the Protection Black Mist, revealing a giant passage with a diameter greater than five meters, forcing Song Jian to step back a few paces involuntarily.


The arrow hit the ground at an extremely high speed, causing a loud explosion. Song Jian heard a terrified gasp from behind him, but the sound quickly faded.

“There are people behind me…” The look of surprise spread across Song Jian’s face. He didn’t expect to find that there were living beings inside the Protection Black Mist.

Cao Shui was trembling as he gazed at a deep pit less than three meters away from him. A bone arrow, the size of a pillar, was stuck in the middle of the pit. The pit was full of blood and chunks of flesh and bone.

He had witnessed a fellow player who had entered the black fog with him get instantly killed by the arrow, leaving not a single intact body behind.

Cao Shui covered his mouth, forcing back the urge to retch, trying to push away the image of his companion’s body exploding. But a wave of nausea still whitened his face.

The person before had been too nervous and wet his pants, which the giant skeleton had noticed, resulting in his demise. Cao Shui knew if he vomited, he would share the same fate. The Concealment Ring couldn’t save his life.

The players who had accepted the task stood motionless in place, maintaining a distance of at least seven to eight meters from each other, afraid of drawing the attention of the cataclysmic skeleton and endangering themselves.

Boom, boom, boom~

The shaking of the earth slowly died down as the giant skeleton distanced itself. Cao Shui fell hard on the ground, feeling a violent wave of nausea. He couldn’t contain the lunch he had earlier any longer and threw up.

Seeing hundreds, if not thousands, of game monsters killed by Cao Shui, and none of them died as terribly as this. The pungent smell of blood coming from the pit made him want to vomit. He crawled away quickly.

A few players moved close to the pit, seeing the bone arrow stuck in the middle of the pit, which was emitting a heavy smell of blood. Their faces turned pale. They could imagine what had happened here, even if they hadn’t seen it themselves.

“This, this is too gruesome…” Lv Pei glanced into the pit and dared not look again, speaking in a frightened tone.

“Let’s get out of here fast. This place is too dangerous. I’d rather fight with a level-thirty Ant King than see that massive skeleton again…” someone whispered and quickly ran away.

Song Jian also started perspiring profusely. He’d seen that arrow clearer than anyone else, and its image kept replaying in his brain.

“If that arrow had been aimed at me, could I have escaped or defended myself?” Song Jian wondered, and the conclusion sent a chill down his spine. If he had indeed been the target of the arrow, there was no doubt he’d be dead.

“The arrow had targeted all of the player’s breath entirely. Even as a bystander, I couldn’t move a muscle, then how could the target of the arrow dodge or resist?” Song Jian thought.

Shaking his head, Song Jian tried to forget the scene. The giant skeleton was too powerful. Compared to it, Song Jian felt the gap between them was like an ant to a Giant Dragon. There was no comparison at all.

“I need to leave here as soon as possible. This place is too dangerous. Even with the Concealment Ring, it’s not a hundred percent safe.” Song Jian thought and quickened his pace.

After another two hundred meters, Song Jian suddenly saw a flicker of light from the corner of his eye and instinctively froze, standing still.

The Protection Black Mist was fraught with peril, and Song Jian was on high alert. Anything unusual immediately made him pause and assume a defensive posture.


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