I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 449 - 449 Outsiders

Chapter 449: Chapter 449 Outsiders

An elite level 20 BOSS – before now, Song Jian would have had to expend a considerable effort to defeat it. However, to the current Song Jian, this skeleton warlord is just a slightly more robust ant.

With axes in both hands, the skeleton warlord launched a hefty assault from the air on Song Jian who, rather than dodging, met the attack with his long sword, causing a collision with the cross-axes.


With a crisp sound, Song Jian felt his arms sinking and a strong force pressing his hands down involuntarily. However, a look of disdain appeared on his face.

“He only has a strength of thirty points at most – no threat to me at all!” Song Jian muttered to himself.

The cross-axe is a heavy weapon and the skeleton warlord, by attacking from above, has every advantage. However, it couldn’t even make Song Jian step back.

Song Jian’s current abilities far exceed those of the skeleton warlord. For other teams of players, this skeleton warlord serves as a kind of ‘gatekeeper’, measuring their strength, causing weaker players to fail repeatedly.

But in Song Jian’s eyes, this skeleton warlord is just slightly more powerful than ordinary monsters. Even without using his “Immortal Sword Body”, he can easily crush it.

“Broken Wing Dance, activate!”

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~

The long sword in Song Jian’s hand danced with such force that it gave the impression of a heavy weapon. With just two moves, the skeleton warlord was forced back five or six steps, almost being knocked back into the Pit of Ten Thousand.


As the final attack, Song Jian leaped high, his long sword leaving a dark red mark in mid-air, slicing fiercely towards the skeleton warlord. The furious Qi left the warlord roaring with its huge body still hovering in mid-air.

“Die!” Song Jian bellowed, directing all sword skills towards the skeleton warship. Sword Silk, Sweeping Sword Style, Flash Thunder Strike,…

Despite the incessant roaring of the skeleton warlord, it had no room for counterattack. By the time it landed, its vitality points had dropped to a third.

Even a level 30 elite BOSS would struggle to withstand the damage inflicted by Song Jian, let alone a level 20 skeleton warlord!

Light Strike!

Before the skeleton warlord could rise from the ground, a radiant golden sword qi swept across its body, accompanied by a deep howl.

As the skeleton warlord, initially about to rise, came to a sudden halt, the black flames covering its body, as if extinguished by a strong wind, disappeared. Bang!

With a dull thud, fragments of bone burst out from the body of the skeleton warlord. Like a sand tower collapsing, the huge body crumbled into a pile of fine bone fragments;

This ‘gatekeeper’ that caused so many player teams headaches was easily defeated by Song Jian. If the players gathered at the dungeon entrance knew that Song Jian had taken down the first BOSS of the real difficulty dungeon in such a short time, they would be flabbergasted.

The skeleton warlord dropped a skills stone – Fierce Strike. It requires a long weapon to unleash and can deal 180% physical damage to the target.

This skill has a great damage output and, most importantly, consumes very little energy. With only a 3-second cooldown time, it can be considered a regular skill.

Such a skill would certainly be popular among players. If placed on the auction block, it would fetch a handsome price.

Besides this skill stone, the skeleton warlord also dropped a piece of level 20 blue quality equipment, the Skeleton War Armor. This is a plate armor for warriors with extremely high defense. Additionally, it has a passive skill that gives a 30% chance of afflicting attackers with a weakness curse when taking damage. It can be considered quite top tier.

On top of these items, the skeleton warlord also dropped two rubies and a “Shattered Skull”. This can be infused into equipment to improve its attributes.

“As my first time exploring a dungeon on the real difficulty level, the drops aren’t bad!” Song Jian looks at the spoils in his bag, a satisfied smile on his face.

Bypassing the Pit of Ten Thousand, Song Jian continues along the path. Along the way, several level 20 elite mutated zombies appear, either shooting out from the surrounding woods or surfacing from the ground beside the road. Even some half-corpses lying beside the road, that seem to have died a long time ago, growl lowly as Song Jian passes, attempting to crawl over and attack him.

Such sudden attacks may catch regular teams off guard, potentially leading to unnecessary casualties. However, for Song Jian, these are just monotonous additions to his journey.

Moreover, these elite monsters in the dungeon not only yield ample combat experience, but the quality and quantity of loot is much higher compared to the regular drops. Song Jian has already picked up nearly 5000 Doomsday Coins alone, making the rewards quite bountiful.

Just as Song Jian wonders if this narrow path has an end, he suddenly hears yelling in the distance.

“Tony, stop resting beside the corpses, even if one of them was your companion who just died in combat!”

“Amir, go notify the village chief quickly. Ask him to organize another group of villagers and bring some Holy Water. To deal with these nasty creatures, nothing works better than Holy Water.”

“Susan, quickly gather people to burn these corpses. You certainly don’t want them to stand up again to battle you!”

After a sprint, Song Jian finally reaches the end of the narrow path where a village lies. Epitomizing a fully armed fortress, the village is surrounded by caltrops and its walls are built with robust tree trunks, looking quite sturdy. On these walls are burning bonfires and villagers armed with bows and arrows, anxiously peering below the walls.

In front of the village gates are dozens of strewn corpses. Despite the distance, Song Jian can clearly smell the stench of decay. A robust man clad in leather armor and wielding a broadsword is commanding a dozen villagers to clean up the battlefield.

Upon spotting Song Jian, both the villagers on guard duty and those cleaning up the battlefield quickly aim their weapons at him.

Looking at these level 22 villagers and the robust man, with a strength equal to a level 25 elite level BOSS, Song Jian can’t help but furrow his brow.

With his current abilities, there is no way for him to seize such a tightly guarded village.

“Stand where you are, outsider! State your business!” The man at the village gate points his heavy sword at Song Jian and shouts.


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