I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 431: Empty Box?

Chapter 431: Chapter 431: Empty Box?

A cloud of black fog drifted into the sky. From a third-person perspective, Song Jian thought the compressed fog was too thick. Even in the darkness of night, anyone who looked up could notice something was amiss.

So, Song Jian quickly dispersed the dense fog. The larger the area it covered, the lighter its color became. The fog, roughly twenty square meters, floated mid-air, disguising itself as a giant dark cloud under the cover of night, drifting towards the wooden box.

Upon reaching the wooden box, Song Jian immediately cancelled the black fog state. He lay atop the box, a large parachute drifting above him, gently guiding the box towards the ground. At this rate, it would take at least half an hour before the box reached the ground.

On the ground, a group of NPC professionals were surrounded by a swarm of ghosts, patiently waiting for the wooden box to fall from above. They didn t know that someone was already on top of the box, ready to take whatever was inside.

The moment Song Jian touched the box, a system prompt suddenly appeared before him.

System: You obtained the supply box. Do you want to open it?

With the hint of a smirk, Song Jian thought, ‘This worked out too easily!’


Soon after, a progress bar appeared before Song Jian. The bar moved rather slowly, and as it did, the wooden box started to fall faster.

Song Jian was taken aback. ‘This is getting out of hand!1

Su Te, who had transformed into a tree fortress, accidentally looked up. The supply box was falling much faster. The news delighted him. Dozens of mutated spirits continually assaulted the tree fortress. Despite the efforts of two healers constantly replenishing its vitality, Su Te was almost running out of energy.

Seeing the supply box descending rapidly, a smile spread across Su Te’s face.

He called out to the NPCs he was protecting, “Hang in there for 5 more minutes. The supply box is about to descend!”

Since they were in the tree fortress, they couldn’t see the sky. So, when they heard Su Te’s yell, they were shocked. “How is that possible? Shouldn t it still take 30 minutes for the box to fall?”

“Maybe the wind is blowing it down…”

“The wind would blow it away, not accelerate its descent.”

“Whatever, let’s charge out and see what’s going on!”

Hearing about the imminent delivery of the supply box made the NPC professionals hiding in the tree fortress restless. Every box contained valuable items which they could use to greatly enhance their abilities. That was one of the main reasons why they’d come to this city filled with monsters.

“Hey, guys, let’s charge out and see what’s going on!” exclaimed a half beast-man brandishing an axe, charging out of the tree fortress.

Once they emerged, they noticed the wooden box descending at a much faster speed. Their faces automatically lit up with joy.

Song Jian, who was still clinging onto the box, dared not move, for fear of interrupting the box’s opening progress and having to start over. As the box descended faster, the opening progress bar finally reached the last mark.

Upon hearing a faint ‘click’ sound, a translucent screen appeared before Song Jian, displaying a dozen items. Without even reading the descriptions, he instantly swept all the items from the screen into his inventory.

Then, with a leap, he transformed into a cloud of black fog and drifted away.


Only a dozen seconds after Song Jian left, the box plummeted from the sky.

With a loud ‘thud,’ it landed in a graveyard several tens of meters away from the group of NPC professionals. Upon landing, it instantly shattered into wooden scraps.

“It’s landed! It’s landed!” The NPCs, forgetting they were in the midst of a spiritual monster hunt, charged to the place where the box had fallen.

Su Te, who had transformed into a tree fortress, let out a roar. Drawing back his branches and roots, he transformed into a seven or eight-meter tall treant. He charged towards the fallen box by taking long strides.

Su Te was slow, but with every step, he covered four or five meters. The other NPC professionals were held back by the wave of spirits and could only watch Su Te rush towards the box.

“Hahaha, everything in the box is mine!” Su Te laughed heartily.

Soon, Su Te arrived at the place where the box had fallen. He swiftly reverted to human size, brushed away the wooden scraps, and started looking for items.

“What, nothing? How is that possible?” Su Te had scattered the wooden scraps everywhere but could not find anything from the box.

Su Te looked lifeless, as if he’d been hit hard. He was ignoring the spirits that were gradually closing in.

“How can this…why is this possible…” Su Te seemed deeply affected. At that moment, a group of NPC professionals struggled to catch up to him.

“Hey, Su Te, any proof for profession change?” Sophie shouted loudly. She remembered Su Te had said that he wouldn’t take anything except the profession change certification.

“I bet there is none. If there was any, he would be jumping for joy by now.” An NPC professional murmured.

“Phew! At least the trip wasn’t wasted. Let’s quickly share the items. Maybe we might have another chance to get a box!”

“Dream on. Most of the boxes have flown to the edge of the city and into the mist. The remaining ones are in the area occupied by high-level monsters. And these boxes only exist for ten minutes after landing. It’s a miracle if we can get even one.”

“I hope there is a weapon for me. Hehe! I’ve long wanted to switch my weapon!”

Seeing the group gather around him, Su Te, with a mournful face, shook his head and said, “There was nothing in the box. It was empty.”

“What, empty? How is that possible? I have never heard of cases of empty supply boxes!”

“Su Te, did you take all the items? That’s not honorable of you…

“Yeah, didn’t you say that you won’t take anything other than a profession change certification?”

When the group heard Su Te say the box was empty, they were initially stunned but then became furious. They all accused Su Te. Sophie also looked suspiciously at him.

“It was indeed an empty box!” Banging his fist on the ground, Su Te created a large hole.

Countless green cracks spread out from the hole in all directions, and Su Te himself began to expand uncontrollably.

“Hey, hey, calm down, Su Te. Okay, it was an empty box. Yes, I believe you. It was an empty box, right, everyone?” Sophie gestured with her hand as if to stop Su Te, but her other hand was gripping the magic staff tightly behind her. She yelled this out and turned to look at the other NPCs.

The other NPC professionals glanced at the mutated spirits swarming around them and the now shattered box with annoyance. But after looking at the most powerful Su Te, they nodded reluctantly, acknowledging Sophie’s statement.


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