I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 427: Better off Dead

Chapter 427: Chapter 427: Better off Dead

“Damn it, how did this happen! What the hell were those rogue professionals doing? How did they let one person launch a successful sneak attack!” Jiang Shan cursed, his face beet red with rage.

“Brother Shan, what do we do now?” The clan leader of a war guild asked, his face pale.

“Should we give it one more try? They only have a few people. We can surely win if we just break into the castle!” A war guild leader gazed unwillingly at the not-so-distant castle and softly suggested.

“And how are we going to do that? With such high walls and so many defensive arrow towers, you’ll be turned into a pincushion before you even get close!” Someone retorted discontentedly.

Jiang Shan gritted his teeth fiercely. He originally thought he had victory in the bag, all according to plan. But unexpectedly, the tide of battle had turned dramatically. Just a moment ago, their path was clear and straight, and now, they were poised on the edge of a steep precipice.

“Brother Shan, how about we take out that guy first.” Someone pointed at Song Jian, who was cutting down the last battering ram, and shouted.

“Yes, kill him first!”

“Killing him would be worth it, and worst-case scenario, we can try again once we’ve regrouped. We have the numbers, what’s there to be afraid of!”

“Let’s go, brothers! We take that guy down first!” Jiang Shan raised his arm in a battle cry, shouting loudly.

This war guild war could be considered a thorough failure. More than twenty of his side had died whereas not a single player from the other side was dead, only a bunch of NPC spear soldiers.

All the siege equipment had been destroyed, leaving them powerless to attack the manor. Their morale had sunk to the lowest point, now they could only try to regain some confidence by dealing with the person who had launched the surprise attack.

As around thirty players charged towards Song Jian, he had already destroyed the last siege equipment. Seeing the crowd rushing towards him, a cruel smirk appeared at the corner of Song Jian’s mouth.

With a thought, thirty blood wolves squeezed out from various buildings. Each wolf was as big as a small calf, with sharp fangs glittering metallically, and their eyes shone with a bloody glow as they growled and closed in on Song Jian.

“Kill them!” Song Jian commanded.


A wolf howled, and the thirty blood wolves leaped towards the crowd. Then, Song Jian summoned the Black Dragon cub. A nearly two-meter Black Dragon flew up into the sky, roaring as it sprayed a hot dragon breath over the more than thirty players.

Song Jian’s figure flickered, appearing behind a cleric. His dark red longsword easily pierced through the cleric’s defense, going right through his chest. The cleric’s vitality points suddenly plunged. Then, Song Jian pointed his left index finger at his forehead, a silver Sword Qi pierced through his forehead. Before the cleric could even scream, Song Jian had instantly killed him.

A nearby warrior, consumed by rage upon seeing his companion attacked, instinctively used his charge skill to hurtle towards Song Jian.

Sacred Parry!

A golden light flashed on Song Jian’s body, and he positioned his long sword in front of his chest.


The charging warrior felt as if he had slammed into a wall. The counter-attack force made his skeleton issue a “crunch crunch” sound, and the damage dealt to him was over sixty points. More importantly, the stun status, which should have been inflicted on his target, appeared on this warrior’s status bar instead.

“Stunned, how could I be the one stunned?” The dazed warrior was greatly frightened. At that moment, a golden Sword Qi descended from above.

Light Strike!

Although this player wasn’t a dark creature, nearly six hundred damage points were more than he could bear. His vitality points immediately plunged to the lowest, leaving him with less than a hundred residual health points.

Song Jian easily swept his right hand and dwindled down this armored warrior’s entire vitality points with a mere chopping slice.

Bump bump bump-

Several spells struck Song Jian’s body, causing a gray aura to circulate around him, reducing nearly 60% of the damage, which made Song Jian even more resistant than the defensive warrior.




A series of damage points floated up from Song Jian’s head, causing the surrounding players to twitch in surprise. How could a swordsman in leather armor have such formidable defense and resistance!

At this moment, the blood wolves also charged into the group of players. These blood wolves were as tough as elite monsters, not mere cannon fodder like blood zombies. Their formidable attack power instantly turned the scene into chaos, with players scattered and disoriented.

“Kill this player first!” Jiang Shan shouted angrily, pointing at Song Jian after slashing a leaping blood wolf away.

Song Jian glanced at Jiang Shan, smiled faintly, and then his figure suddenly vanished into thin air.

“Damn, he’s the lord of this territory!” Jiang Shan cursed quietly, glancing at the other players before pulling out a dark grey stone from his bag and crushing it in his hand.

The crushed stone emitted a faint grey glow that disappeared quickly. At the same time, Jiang Shan’s figure also vanished.

“He wants to trap us all here!” In his invisible state, Jiang Shan looked back at Manor Castle with a face full of hatred and thought bitterly.

Everyone for themselves at this point, he thought. With other players still attracting aggro, escaping was the wisest move.

From within Manor Castle, Luo Tianyu, watching Song Jian reappear and wreak havoc among the players, mounted his Abyssal Nightmare and charged towards the enemy with excitement.

“Let’s join the fight and kick them while they’re down!” Tang Rong roared, activating his Acceleration Skill and charging forward.

Wang Qi stood on the ramparts, observing the battlefield through a magnifying scope.


Simultaneously with the sound of a gunshot, a priest on his last legs only felt a pain in his forehead before losing consciousness. That single shot instantly killed him.

After taking down one player, Wang Qi didn’t even spare him a glance, and instead quickly shifted his target, aiming at another injured player and pulling the trigger.

The battle ended quickly, with over thirty bodies of players lying on the ground and their gears scattered all around.

Song Jian, frowning slightly, glanced at the system. All the enemies had been defeated and this Alliance Battle should be over, but the system still showed that there was more than forty minutes left.

“What’s going on? Could there be someone left?” Song Jian’s eyes widened, and as he looked around, his suspicions were confirmed. About a hundred meters away, a faintly transparent figure was slowly retreating towards the border of the territory.

Jiang Shan, now in a state of invisibility which had reduced his movement speed by 40%, moved as slow as a tortoise. He had reached the edge of the territory and was just a few meters away from seeking shelter in the buildings.

Song Jian sneered, and his figure flickered, disappearing on the spot.

Jiang Shan suddenly felt a strong wind blowing from behind his head and swiftly swung his sword to deflect it.


With a sharp noise, Jiang Shan’s figure gradually became visible. Seeing Song Jian’s shining silver vertical pupil, he immediately understood the situation.

“Spare me, and I’ll join your Alliance!” Jiang Shan pleaded, a look of terror on his face.

“No need, I think it’s better when you’re dead!” As Song Jian said this, he swung his Crimson Fire Heart Ape Sword, slashing at Jiang Shan.


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