I Have A Sword

Chapter 711: It Depends on the Person

Ye Guan remained silent.

He completely agreed with Qing Zhi’s statement. Throughout his journey, he had encountered countless powerful individuals and civilizations.

There's no strongest, only stronger. Of course, this didn't include Plain Skirt Aunt.

Plain Skirt Aunt was always the exception. Anyone I considered the pinnacle of strength seemed like an ant compared to her.

Thinking of this, Ye Guan couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

At that moment, Qing Zhi asked, "Why are you suddenly interested in other civilizations? Is it just curiosity?"

"Yes. Currently, the most powerful known civilization from the Old Era is your Primordial Spirit Clan. To everyone, you are the pinnacle of the universe. But I'm curious—have you come into contact with any higher civilizations?"

Qing Zhi opened her palm, revealing a small, star-like purple sphere.

Ye Guan was curious, "What's this?"

"A cosmic instrument."

"A cosmic instrument?"

"Yes. This represents what our Primordial Spirit Clan knows about the universe. In the known universe, countless civilizations and races have emerged, but eventually, they all disappeared into the river of history..."

She shook her head slightly, "Any civilization or race is just a passerby in this endless universe. Even our Primordial Spirit Clan might one day disappear and become part of the past. Yet, we always believed we were the masters of the universe. Such thinking is laughable."

Ye Guan suddenly smiled, "I really want to see the end of the universe."

Qing Zhi smiled, "Do you think the universe has an end, Young Master Ye?"

Ye Guan countered, "What do you think?"

Qing Zhi pointed to a dark area on the cosmic instrument, "This place is called the Shenxu Forest. Our Primordial Spirit Clan has been exploring it for nearly ten billion years."

Ye Guan frowned, "Shenxu Forest?"

"Yes. An ancestor of our Primordial Spirit Clan discovered it, and we've been exploring it ever since. In the beginning, we suffered heavy losses..."

"Is it very dangerous?"


Ye Guan's curiosity piqued, "What kind of place is it that even you find dangerous?"

"Based on our investigations, it was likely the habitat of an unknown civilization. But for some reason, that civilization left... That's all we know because we can't enter the core area, so we can't learn more."

Ye Guan suddenly asked, "Lady Qing Zhi, your clan knows so much about the universe's civilizations and possess such insight. Why are you all still so arrogant and dismissive of outsiders?"

"It depends on the person."


"We have no interest in the Old Era clans outside. To us, they are extremely backward. Honestly, the Martial Art Civilizations out there are far less advanced than we were billions of years ago. Given this, it's quite merciful that we haven't enslaved them. Respect is based on power. We could easily destroy them all, so how could we possibly respect them?"

Ye Guan remained silent as Qing Zhi continued, "However, we do respect certain special civilizations. For instance, we highly regard that friend of mine from the Shen Zhi Civilization. Even our clan leader has personally visited her."

"I see."

"That's the reality. It's the same everywhere."

"Indeed, without power, there's no respect anywhere."

"Young Master Ye, do you know who your opponents are?"

"Not yet."

"There should be two of them—the Saint and Saintess."

Ye Guan asked, "Have they reached ninety percent divinity?"

"Of course not. Throughout history, our Primordial Spirit Clan has produced many geniuses and prodigies, all exceptional. Yet, very few have achieved ninety percent divinity. Often, someone might reach eighty percent divinity by the age of twenty, but even after millions of years, they may never reach ninety percent."

Ye Guan was puzzled, "Why is that?"

"I don't know. I only know that the path from eighty to ninety percent divinity is extremely difficult, beyond description."

Ye Guan fell silent. Until now, apart from his family, he had only seen two people with ninety percent divinity: First God and the clan leader of the Past Clan.

Thinking of her gave Ye Guan a headache. She was the only enemy who had remained overwhelmingly powerful from the start. The strongest opponents he had faced, like the Eternal Sovereign, had become as insignificant as ants compared to her. Even now, he couldn't match her strength. He even suspected that not even the Primordial Spirit Clan could defeat her.

At this moment, Qing Zhi said, "The Saint and Saintess should have reached eighty percent divinity, but I'm not sure since I haven't interacted much with them. Regardless, Young Master Ye, you must not underestimate them."

Ye Guan looked at Qing Zhi and smiled, "Lady Qing Zhi, do you want me to win?"

"Personally, I do."


"If you win, it might wake up some of our people. Of course, if you lose, they will become even more confident, which isn't necessarily a bad thing in the short term." She shook her head and smiled, "The wise always have their cunning ways."

Ye Guan couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Didn't you say you wanted to meet my friend? Shall we go now? I'll take you."


He was also curious to meet this mysterious lady from the Shen Zhi Civilization.

As Qing Zhi was about to put away the cosmic instrument, Ye Guan suddenly asked, "Lady Qing Zhi, can you give me this cosmic instrument?"

Qing Zhi smiled, "You're interested in it?"

Ye Guan nodded, "Yes."

He thought that if he gave this cosmic instrument to his mother, Qin Guan, she could do amazing things with it. Besides, this cosmic instrument would probably become part of the Guanxuan universe eventually.

Thinking of this, Ye Guan couldn't help but smile happily.

Qing Zhi handed the cosmic instrument to Ye Guan. "Here, it's yours."

"Thank you." Ye Guan put the cosmic instrument away.

The two of them left the hall, and with Qing Zhi leading the way, they soon arrived in a starry skies.

On the way, Qing Zhi suddenly asked, "Young Master Ye, does First God want you to establish a new order?"

"I was already planning to establish a new order."

"What kind of order?"

Ye Guan shared his thoughts with her. After listening, Qing Zhi shook her head slightly. "Young Master Ye, that's very difficult. What you're proposing goes against the existing rules of the universe. Unless you become as powerful as the First God, commanding respect through sheer strength. However, even if you reach the First God's level, truly changing this universe is challenging. You saw what happened—once the First God left, the Daoist temple he created became the greatest scourge of that universe."

"I still want to try."

"Indeed, many who achieved great things were initially doubted, their ambitions seen as delusional."

"Lady Qing Zhi, what about you? What are your aspirations?"

"To read and explore the universe."

As she spoke, she seemed to remember something. "Young Master Ye, are you interested in exploring the Shenxu Forest?"

"Explore the Shenxu Forest?"


"Do you allow outsiders to go there?"

"That place is very dangerous. Our clan has never stopped outsiders from going because almost no one ever does."

"Why are you inviting me?"Th.ê most uptod/at𝓮 n𝒐vels a/re published on n(0)velbj)n(.)c/o/m

"No particular reason. I just want to go there again, and I don't know many people, so I invited you."

"Once I take care of my current matters, let's go explore."

He was also interested in exploring it. After all, he had promised Erya and Little White that they would go on archaeological adventures. The Shenxu Forest seemed like the perfect place for that.

Dangerous?With Little White and Erya with me, I can just imagine the countless treasures coming my way...

Thinking of this, Ye Guan couldn't help but smile happily. Qing Zhi looked at him, puzzled. Why was he suddenly smiling like that?

About half an hour later, they arrived on a planet. Ye Guan glanced around and noticed that the planet had very few signs of life, but those few were incredibly powerful.

As soon as they arrived, several divine senses swept over them. Ye Guan noticed that these senses were wary of him, but because of Qing Zhi's presence, they didn't press further and withdrew.

Qing Zhi led Ye Guan to an ancient hall. In front of the hall stood a statue of a man holding a small black pagoda, one hand behind his back, looking dignified and solemn.

Qing Zhi suddenly called out excitedly, "Deyue, I brought you a handsome guy! I guarantee you've never seen anyone this handsome..."


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