I Have A Sword

Chapter 700: Beyond Divine

Chapter 700: Beyond Divine

Zhen Tian knew that Ye Guan had grand ambitions, so the Zhen Clan couldn’t afford to focus solely on the Old Era. They needed to look further ahead. Of course, it was somewhat frustrating because the Zhen Clan lacked outstanding young talents at the moment, which made him feel worried about the clan's future development.

Zhen Nanxue standing nearby chimed in, "Clan Leader, there’s no need to overthink it. The future of our Zhen Clan is looking very bright."

Zhen Tian snapped out of his thoughts and turned to Zhen Nanxue. "Why do you say that?"

"Because the God Clan and the Ancient Wilderness are no more."

"But the Guanxuan Academy is going to replace them..."

"Isn't the Guanxuan Academy our most steadfast ally?"

"Hahahaha! That's right!" Zhen Tian burst out into laughter. Indeed! If they viewed the Guanxuan Academy as an enemy, the Zhen Clan would certainly be under immense pressure. But if they regarded them as an ally, then the stronger the Guanxuan Academy became, the better things would become for the Zhen Clan.

In other words, the clan’s mindset needed to change.

Zhen Tian asked, "Nanxue, what do you think of Young Master Ye?"

"He’s very impressive."

Zhen Tian laughed. "Is that all?"

Zhen Nanxue looked into the distant horizon and smiled without saying anything. She knew what her clan leader was trying to say, but in her eyes, relationships had to be allowed to form naturally.

A relationship muddied by vested interests would no longer be wholesome.

Zhen Tian went silent as well, as he knew that he couldn't force her into doing anything. He also believed that relationships had to be allowed to form naturally.

Zhen Tian turned to look in the direction of the God Clan with a complex expression.

The formidable God Clan was obliterated with a single sword strike! A super clan with extremely deep foundations spanning countless years was wiped out by a single sword.

To be honest, Zhen Tian found it bittersweet. The God Clan's annihilation made him realize that even clans like theirs were like ants in the eyes of some individuals.

Sometimes, one wrong step could lead to eternal damnation.


The destruction of the God Clan and the Ancient Wilderness shocked the entire Old Era, and Ye Guan's name spread throughout the Old Era.

The successor of the First God was backed by an elite with ninety percent divinity.

Ye Guan was hailed as the most prodigious young talent of the Old Era.

In a distant part of the starry sky, Ye Guan was busy instructing An You and Mu Yuan on their tasks. Now, the only remaining enemy from the old era was the Temple of the Gods, and he intended to leave that for his mother, Qin Guan, to handle.

He had another task to do.

Mu Yuan asked, "Young Master Ye, are you heading to the Primordial Spirit Land?"

Ye Guan nodded. He had promised Qing Dai and said that he'd help her go back home.

Mu Yuan looked worried.

Ye Guan smiled at the sight and explained, "I'm just going to send her back, that's all."

He was curious about the Primordial Spirit Land, but it was just that—curiosity.

"Be careful. The inhabitants of the Primordial Spirit Land are known for their arrogance."

"I know. Even the First God apparently had a tough time there!"

"Yes, he did."

"I'm just dropping someone off. I'll leave immediately afterward. You stay here with the God Generals and An You. Wait for my mother to come here. When she arrives, follow her instructions."


Ye Guan said goodbye to them, but he didn’t head directly to the Primordial Spirit Land. Instead, he went to the Zhen Clan because he had no idea where the Primordial Spirit Land was located.

“You’re going to the Primordial Spirit Land?” Zhen Tian asked, sounding surprised.

Ye Guan nodded and explained, "I'm just dropping someone off."

“Young Master Ye, the people there are very arrogant. Given your temperament..." Zhen Tian trailed off, realizing that he said too much. Ye Guan appeared to be an easygoing individual, but he was actually extremely proud. His pride was reserved for those unkind to him. Simply put, if one were good to him, he’d be good to you. If one were arrogant to him, he’d outdo you in arrogance.

Ye Guan's temperament meant that he'd inevitably stumble upon trouble in the Primordial Spirit Land.

"I'm just going to drop someone off. I'll leave immediately afterward."

In truth, he wasn’t keen on this task. Qing Dai had nothing to do with him, but he decided to help with the First God in mind.

After all, the First God was the one who had Qing Dai inside that coffin and to protect her, to boot.

The First God was no more, so Ye Guan felt obligated to help her out.

After all, he had taken a lot from the First God. He'd always feel guilty for it unless he did something in return.

Seeing that Ye Guan had made up his mind, Zhen Tian didn't say more. He took out a scroll and handed it to Ye Guan, saying, "This is a map that will lead you to the Primordial Spirit Land."

"Thank you," Ye Guan said, accepting the scroll. He turned around to leave when Zhen Tian called out, "Young Master Ye."

Ye Guan turned to look at Zhen Tian.

Zhen Tian earnestly said, "Young Master Ye, I've decided to let the Zhen Clan join the Guanxuan Academy."

"Zhen Tian, I'm not going to force the Zhen Clan into joining the Guanxuan Academy. We will still be good friends even if the Zhen Clan decides against joining. I'm serious."

"I know. But I still want to let the Zhen Clan join the Guanxuan Academy."


"There are many reasons, which I believe you know. But the core reason is that we want to go even further beyond with the Guanxuan Academy."

Ye Guan nodded slightly and said, "I understand."

"Young Master Ye, you once told me about your ideal of establishing an order across the vast expanse. As for the Primordial Spirit Land..."

Ye Guan merely smiled at the remark before turning around to leave.

Zhen Tian seemed to have realized something, and his scalp tingled at the realization. Damn it! Young Master Ye is a real piece of work.

Ye Guan’s principle was simple—never start trouble, but never fear trouble.

Ye Guan was ruthless, but he'd always find a way to justify his actions.

Zhen Tian sighed. He couldn't quite figure out where Ye Guan had learned that kind of attitude.

Still, he knew that Ye Guan was a decent person. Ye Guan would rather have more friends than enemies, after all.

However, Zhen Tian still felt a bit worried—worried for the Primordial Spirit Land and for Ye Guan.

Ye Guan wasn’t like the First God, who held back even after getting provoked.

Ye Guan was different. Once he had decided to do something, he'd stubbornly stick to it and see it through to the end.

Zhen Tian was worried for Ye Guan, as the God Clan or the Ancient Wilderness could not be compared to the Primordial Spirit Land.

If Ye Guan clashed with the Primordial Spirit Land, who would come out on top?

Zhen Tian smiled wryly and shook his head. Then, he turned around and walked away.


After leaving the Zhen Clan, Ye Guan headed straight for the Black Death Realm instead of the Primordial Spirit Land. He could still remember how Ruo Ming had asked him to visit the realm once he was free.

Ye Guan heard footsteps behind him as soon as he entered the Black Death Realm.

Turning around, he saw Ruo Ming standing nearby. She was still wearing a loose black robe, and her face was as stunning as always.

Ruo Ming smiled. "You're here."


"That lady in the plain skirt... is she the aunt that you mentioned?"


"Ninety percent divinity... terrifying indeed."

Ye Guan hesitated.

Ruo Ming noticed that and said, "Just say whatever’s on your mind."

“Sister Ruo, honestly, I think my aunt has more than just ninety percent divinity."

Ruo Ming’s eyes narrowed as she asked, "A hundred percent?"

Ye Guan shook his head.

Ruo Ming looked bewildered as she asked, “Are you saying that she's beyond divine?"

Ye Guan smiled, “Sister Ruo, is there a realm beyond a hundred percent divinity?"

"I don’t know. Historically, the First God reached a hundred percent divinity, and we believe it's the highest realm a cultivator can reach, but..." Ruo Ming trailed off before continuing, "Apparently, the First God’s ultimate goal was to cultivate humanity."


"To become beyond divine..." Ruo Ming muttered with a frown. "It's an unconfirmed rumor."

Ye Guan had wanted to ask his aunt about it, but he decided against it in the end, thinking that he had to take things one step at a time and that the path would reveal itself as he became even stronger.

"Actually, ninety percent divinity is the highest accumulated divinity that everyone has actually encountered. As for a hundred percent divinity... the First God reached it, but I don't know what it means to become a hundred percent divine, as I've never really fought him. As for beyond that..." Ruo Ming shook her head with a smile and said, "I don't think we should think about it for now."

Ye Guan laughed. "True."

"Anyway, let's talk business. I need your help with something."


"You've agreed already?"

"If I can do it, I won’t refuse. If I can’t... you wouldn’t ask me to do it in the first place."

Ruo Ming smiled and then got serious, "Are you going to the Primordial Spirit Land?"

"How did you know?"

"You’re planning to take Qing Dai there, right?"

Ye Guan nodded.

"Do you know why I’m trapped here?" Ruo Ming asked.

"Is it connected to the Primordial Spirit Land?"

Ruo Ming nodded.

Ye Guan hesitated before saying, "You didn’t want me to rescue you because you didn’t want to burden me..."

"Saving me is easy for you, but the karmic burden is heavy. I feel guilty imposing that on you."

Ye Guan wanted to say something, but Ruo Ming added, "I want you to do me a favor in the Primordial Spirit Land. I want you to find a certain blind old man in the Primordial Spirit Temple."


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