I Have A Sword

Chapter 690: How is This Possible?

Chapter 690: How is This Possible?

Ye Guan turned his head and saw twelve powerful figures rapidly approaching. Each presence was incredibly daunting and the skies shook as they travelled. Leading them was none other than Zhen Tian.

Ye Guan was taken aback; he hadn’t expected Zhen Tian to show up.

Soon, Zhen Tian arrived with the elite elites of the Zhen Clan.

Before Ye Guan could speak, Zhen Tian smiled slightly. “Young Master Ye, there’s no need for words. The urgent matter at hand is to join forces against the enemy.”

After a brief silence, Ye Guan nodded, “Alright.”

Mu Yuan glanced at the powerful elites behind Zhen Tian, his expression serious. These elites were all at least seventy percent divine. Moreover, Zhen Tian and an elderly man in red leading them had reached eighty percent divine.

What a terrifying lineup!

It was clear the Zhen Clan had brought out their best.

Ye Guan was slightly surprised, not expecting Zhen Tian to bring such strong support. This time, he didn’t refuse. Refusing now would be impolite.

He would remember this favor and repay it in the future.

Zhen Tian looked towards the distant horizon, his expression grave. “This time, Shen Qi is personally leading the team...”


As he spoke, the space before them suddenly trembled and a middle-aged man appeared. It was Shen Qi, the clan leader of the God Clan.

Behind Shen Qi were Shen Wu and a group of elite God Clan .

Ye Guan glanced at the God Clan elites. Clearly, they too had brought their best. The lowest strength among them was at least seventy percent divine.

The God Clan was powerful, with fifteen elites at seventy percent divine and two at eighty percent divine.

There were likely many other divine elites, but in battles of this level, ordinary divine elites were insignificant.

After Shen Qi appeared, he glanced coldly at Ye Guan, then turned to Zhen Tian. “Is it worth it?”

“And is it worth it for your God Clan?”

“Of course it is. After this battle, there will be no more Zhen Clan in this world.”

Zhen Tian laughed heartily, “Shen Qi, what arrogance.”

“Is that so?”

Enough talk. Let’s get to it!”

With that, he stepped forward, a terrifying aura swept out from him, ready to strike. But at that moment, a dozen powerful auras suddenly emerged from the other side.

Zhen Tian turned to look. From the horizon on the right, a dozen figures were slowly approaching.

Leading the group was Yuan Shi from the Temple of the Gods. Behind him were numerous Gods from the temple. Yuan Shi himself had seventy percent divinity and most of the elites he brought were at a similar level, though many were below that. The Temple of the Gods was clearly not as powerful as the God Clan or the Zhen Clan.

Under normal circumstances, the Zhen Clan wouldn’t be concerned, but Yuan Shi’s arrival now was disastrous for them.

Yuan Shi looked at Ye Guan and smiled slightly. “So, you are the one my teacher chose.”

Ye Guan glanced at Yuan Shi, “Temple of the Gods?”


Ye Guan nodded, not saying anything more. At this point, words were unnecessary—only action mattered.

“Technically, we are fellow disciples. You...”

Ye Guan interrupted, shaking his head, “If you want to fight, then fight. Spare me the talk.”

Yuan Shi’s smile faded. But then, sensing something, his expression changed, and a moment later, a sword light shot out towards him.


The area around Yuan Shi shattered instantly.

Everyone was stunned. Who had attacked?

Ye Guan stared at the shattered space. Soon, within the fragments of spacetime, golden sword light slowly dissipated, revealing Yuan Shi. His body was cracked, and blood flowed out.

Seeing this, Ye Guan’s face darkened. That attack had come from him and he had struck as soon as Yuan Shi appeared. Unfortunately, it hadn’t been enough to kill him, though it had inflicted serious damage.

Yuan Shi's expression was grave, he hadn’t detected who had attacked. He turned to Shen Qi, who also looked troubled. Was there a hidden elite?

Seeing Shen Qi's expression, Yuan Shi’s face grew darker. Even Shen Qi didn’t know?

How strong was this hidden figure?

Shen Qi found the attack strange as well. It was a mysterious force and although the attack wasn't terribly strong, it would be a hindrance to them.

Shen Qi closed his eyes, his divine sense swept the entire area, but he found nothing. How was that possible?

Meanwhile, Zhen Tian and his clan members were excited. They realized that the one who had attacked was likely backing Ye Guan. If the Zhen Clan had to face the God Clan and the Temple of the Gods alone, they would have been wary.

Suddenly, Shen Qi looked at Ye Guan, whose face remained calm.

Shen Qi stared intently at Ye Guan. He had an intuition that the strike just now was related to Ye Guan, but he had no proof.

At that moment, another sword strike suddenly appeared in front of Yuan Shi and before all the other Temple of the Gods elites. The sudden appearance shocked the Temple of the Gods elites. Though they were on guard after the previous attack, the sudden swords still caught them off guard.

Then, Shen Qi suddenly rushed towards Ye Guan from a distance, locking down the entire area with a terrifying power. Almost simultaneously, Zhen Tian stepped forward, punching towards Shen Qi to intercept the attack.

Zhen Tian knew Ye Guan wasn’t a match for Shen Qi. If he allowed Shen Qi to strike, Ye Guan wouldn’t stand a chance.


As Shen Qi and Zhen Tian clashed, their respective forces immediately engaged in fierce combat. In an instant, the entire area was shrouded in darkness. Ye Guan kept his focus on Yuan Shi and the Temple of the Gods elites. Though his earlier sword attacks hadn’t killed the powerful elites of the Temple of Gods, they had certainly unsettled them. He even managed to eliminate two of the weaker ones.

Just as Ye Guan was about to strike again, he sensed something and turned to see an elder in a black robe from the God Clan staring intently at him. This elder was an elite at eighty percent strength. Under his gaze, Ye Guan felt an overwhelming pressure. It was almost suffocating him and it sent chills down his spine.

At that moment, an elder in a red robe walked up beside Ye Guan, and the oppressive feeling lightened considerably. The black-robed elder from the God Clan looked at the red-robed elder next to Ye Guan. "Zhen Ju, it’s been many years."

The red-robed elder, Zhen Ju, responded coolly, "Shen Geng, you’re still alive."

"After all these years, let’s see if your strength has declined or improved."

As soon as he finished speaking, both elders vanished simultaneously.

Ye Guan turned his attention back to Yuan Shi and his group. Suddenly, Yuan Shi transformed into a streak of divine light.

Ye Guan remained calm. As Yuan Shi closed in, a terrifying sword light appeared in front of Ye Guan. Yuan Shi’s expression changed drastically.


As the divine light shattered, Yuan Shi was sent flying a few hundred meters away. As soon as he stopped, another mysterious sword light appeared, striking without warning.

Yuan Shi was horrified. He clenched his fists, and a divine light emerged from his body, forming a protective shield.


Yuan Shi was sent flying again. Before he could recover, another sword struck him.


Yuan Shi was thrown back once more, and this time, his protective shield was covered in cracks. When he stopped, a sword light appeared in front of him again but this time, it missed him by several feet.

Yuan Shi was momentarily stunned. What’s this, trying to scare me?

Frustration coursed through Ye Guan's veins. Damn it! I miscalculated the attack.

The biggest flaw of this sword technique was its reliance on precise calculations. If executed correctly, it left the opponent helpless. Otherwise, it missed, as it just had.

Realizing something, Yuan Shi looked towards Ye Guan. "It’s you!"

In that moment, Yuan Shi recognized that the sword intent in those mysterious attacks matched Ye Guan’s. The realization left him in disbelief. "You... how is this possible..."

Yuan Shi was stunned. He hadn’t expected those terrifying sword attacks to come from Ye Guan. When did Ye Guan become this powerful?

Ye Guan stared at Yuan Shi without a word, then suddenly swung his sword. But nothing happened—no sound, no sword energy.

Seeing this, Yuan Shi frowned. "What are you doing?"

Ye Guan sheathed his sword without answering.

Yuan Shi was about to speak when suddenly, a sword light appeared in front of him.

Yuan Shi’s expression changed dramatically. "Your sword can delay its strike?"


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