I Have A Cultivation World

Chapter 35 - 35: 35 Jade Phoenix Theater Troupe l

Chapter 35 - 35: 35 Jade Phoenix Theater Troupe l

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Chen Mobai looked around and immediately understood the reason.

Many young male and female cultivators were holding up different styles of support signs. The names on the signs varied, but Chen Mobai saw two names he was familiar with: Meng Huang and Jiang Yuyuan.

“The Jade Phoenix Theater Troupe is here, they are the top troupe in the world of immortals.”

The world of immortals, inheriting the past civilization, naturally had many entertainment activities. With the addition of immortal cultivation, handsome men and beautiful women were in abundance. Among this civilization, those who became stars were the masters of opera.

Among them, the Jade Phoenix Theater Troupe was the best opera troupe in the world of immortals in the past ten years.

Meng Huang, the lead female role, and Jiang Yuyuan, the lead male actor, their opera “Stepping On The Moon” was a hit in the entire world of immortals as soon as it premiered on last year’s spring festival evening. With the two as the center, the Jade Phoenix Theater Troupe has been performing all over the country in recent years, harvesting waves of faith.

“Nephew, have you been waiting long?”

Just as Chen Mobai was considering whether to join the star-chasing crowd and watch the fun, a familiar and gentle voice sounded in his ear.

Turning his head, he saw a middle-aged man in a gray suit with graying temples, carrying two suitcases walking towards him from not far away.

It was his uncle, Chen Baolan.

“Uncle, we haven’t seen each other for two or three years, right?”

Chen Mobai immediately ran over to help with the luggage.

“Two years, three months and eighteen days. Your dad finally reached the ninth level of Qi Cultivation.”

Chen Baolan only let Chen Mobai carry one suitcase. The uncle and nephew had a good relationship. They chatted and laughed as they walked out of the airport.

“Their flight has arrived.”

“Quick, they’re at Terminal 2!”

“I can finally see my idol in person.”

“Meng Huan will always be my Moon Immortal.”

At this moment, the young men and women in the airport waiting for the Jade Phoenix Theater Troupe suddenly became active, rushing toward another terminal. If it weren’t for the prohibition on the use of spells in the airport, many cultivators would probably take off into the air.

“What, do you want to see them too?”

Chen Baolan saw Chen Mobai pause and couldn’t help but ask with a smile.

“Of course, who wouldn’t want to meet the male and female idols of the world of immortals.”

Chen Mobai didn’t hold back in front of his family, he admitted it honestly.

“Look at what this is?”

Chen Baolan took out a stack of things out from his suit pocket and handed them to Chen Mobai. The latter took it and was stunned.

“These are tickets to the Jade Phoenix Theater Troupe’s performance. They’re harder to get than the three treasures of Foundation Establishment, where did you get them from?”

“Boss Bian was on the same flight as me. We sat together, had a great chat, and he gave me these tickets.”

“Who is Boss Bian?”

“Bian Yiqing, the leader of the Jade Phoenix Theater Troupe, the top performer in the world of immortals thirty years ago, and also the master of Meng Huan and Jiang Yuyuan.”

With the end of Chen Baolan’s words, Chen Mobai remembered. Wasn’t Bian Yiqing the childhood idol of their parents’ generation? His song “Roaming Dragon’s Dream” even performed at the grand celebration of immortals. The video is still one of the top three most viewed on the entire network.

“Uncle, your luck is too good.”

Chen Mobai couldn’t help but exclaim. Bian Yiqing is a national genius, a master of opera in the national team, and also a teacher at the Dance Tool Dao Academy, recognized as a grandmaster in the world of immortals.

“It’s not really luck. Some time ago, our academy excavated an ancient relic. We needed an expert from the Dance Tool Dao Academy to come and identify some things. Coincidentally, Bian’s Jade Phoenix Theater Troupe was performing in nearby Taibai City, so he came over. We got to know each other.” “Then we met again on the plane today. We had a nice chat and he gave me ten tickets.”

Chen Mobai quickly checked the ticket sales platform and found out that the Jade Phoenix Theater Troupe will be performing in Red Sandstone City twenty times. The tickets he held could be used anytime. All he had to do was to register a seat online in advance.

“We have three in our family, three in my aunt’s family, and you have one. That’s seven tickets. Can I sell the other three?”

Chen Mobai immediately booked one show for tonight. It was perfect for their whole family. But he had too many tickets, so he decided to sell some on his personal shop.

“Up to you. Anyway, I’ve already given all ten tickets to you.”

Chen Baolan laughed and walked out of the airport first.

In the evening.

At the dinner table, Chen Xinglan and Chen Baolan had already started drinking. Tang Panchui was still cooking. When Chen Mobai heard the doorbell, he knew that his aunt’s family had arrived.

“Brother, I’ve reached the fourth level of Qi Cultivation.”

At the door, a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl saw Chen Mobai, her eyes lit up. She had a delicate face, white skin, and black hair tied into a bun on the top of her head. With a purple hairpin, she sported the latest and trendiest Spirit Serpent Bun in the world of immortals, looking lively and full of energy.

She was Chen Mobai’s younger cousin, Wang Xinying.

“Oh, that’s impressive. It won’t be long before you surpass your brother, right?”

Chen Mobai saw his sister standing before him with a triumphant look on her face. He couldn’t help but reach out and touch her Spirit Serpent Bun.

“Yes, it’s pretty, isn’t it? My mom made it for me.”

Wang Xinying was delighted with her brother’s praise.

“Uncle, Auntie, come on in.”

At the door were two more people, Wang Xin’s parents. The man had a fierce face and a sturdy build. The woman was in a purple-red cheongsam with a specially combed high bun, rich and exquisite. Both of them showed a smile when they saw Chen Mobai.

“Little Bai is so polite, completely different from your father.”

When Wang Jianyuan was courting Chen Yulan, Chen Xinglan thought he was a street thug because of his tough exterior. After school, he cornered him with a broom in an alley and gave him a good beating.

Naturally, with Wang Jianyuan’s personality, he would fight back. After the two had bruised faces and battered bodies, they started to trade insults.

While arguing, Chen Xinglan realized he had beaten up the wrong person. But since the deed had been done, Wang Jianyuan, who in turn realized that his opponent was his future brother-in-law, had no choice but to accept his misfortune.

“Alright, today is a happy occasion for my elder brother. When you get inside, keep your mouth shut.”

Chen Yulan looked at her husband with a complaining face.

Wang Jianyuan was good in all aspects, except he was petty. He still held a grudge for the beating Chen Xinglan gave him and would bring it up daily. He probably wouldn’t forget it until his dying day.

“Hmph, some people just can’t come to terms with their place. Instead of being a content Qi practitioner, they have to pursue Foundation Establishment.”

However, Wang Jianyuan completely ignored her and started with his sarcasm immediately after entering the door..


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